Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

Hello Susie ... Alpa :)

Been working on that case and then the beep beep carpal tunnel thing has been playing up so had to stop... SO annoying!

Hope you're having a lovely Sunday :)
Morning:) am out and about today - Physio and hydro this morning then meeting a friend for lunch then continuing with paperwork!

B - one medium egg, 3 medium mushrooms, 3 thin slices pancetta, teaspoon of coconut oil, coffee with tail end of cream

L & D - no idea yet

I love Movicol! It's just perfect for me at the moment! Lol

I think my body needs a shock treatment as it's not budged for a while... Not sure what to do - but any suggestions grateful :)
Afternoon hun

Not sure what to suggest, I am having the same "what do I do?" dilemma. Let's chat through on Wednesday - want to meet at St Paul's somewhere?
Hiya Di:)
Hope you managed to get everything finished over the weekend! Sorry to hear your frustration with a stall/slow loss. The only thought i would add is to go back and use dr atkins advice in book re the stall. If you reread - then he is pretty specific about what is a stall and suggestions on how to break including looking at all the things not helping. That way you can stick with the overall lo carb plan if you like it.

Ref wed - unfortunately i can't manage that this week as got my parents over to tea with some house guests they are trying to amuse! Hopefully next time - what sort of times/days normally suit and i can be a bit more organised:)
Hi Susie... I can do Cannon St or the place where your yacht sails into? I've got an appraisal which should be over by 5.30 so can make my way then :)
Hi Katie... I think most days work for me with some notice except for Thursdays as I'm usually in Hammersmith ... I'm sorry to can't make it this week :)
I certainly shall Bren ... :)
Well, I've been up a pound since I last posted my weight and have been trying to get back down to it... I ate quite a lot over the weekend - about 1300 or so calories each day which is more than I usually do - and the weight just stuck to extra pound.

Yesterday, I took the calories down to about 800 and this morning I'm pretty much back to what I was when I posted the weight over a week ago. So, maybe it's calories that I need to monitor? Who knows...

I think today I've got shakes for breakfast and lunch - just because I've got a busy day and can't be bothered to forage for food... and then will probably have salmon and salad - or broccoli - when I get home.

Have taken 2 paracetamols and 2 neurofen melts this morning to try and stop the old lady hobble routine. Its so boring and I'm mighty sick of it. I don't think the rain helps...

But, it's encouraging me to keep on track with the diet - and ever the optimist, I fully expect to feel tonnes better once I've dropped a few more stone!

sorry to feel a bit whingey today - xx :)
aww hope you feel ok love. Do you mean totm? with lady wobbles? I was just thinking that since i stopped low low carb and got my coil out for the first time in 2 years ive only had periods once every four weeks instead of every 2!
aww hope you feel ok love. Do you mean totm? with lady wobbles? I was just thinking that since i stopped low low carb and got my coil out for the first time in 2 years ive only had periods once every four weeks instead of every 2!

Hi Vicky ... Nope, not TOTM - I'm not a TOTM person any more, just arthritis and boring old age pain! lol But thank you for your comment:)
Hello Jim ... Lainey :)