Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

Thanks Wendy... The mcdonalds folk looked at me like I was mental yesterday when i asked for burger with cheese and no bun! Lol
Lol Di - havent tried md yet - gourmet burger did check twice when i said no bun!
Morning all... Back to the routine and drudge again... :-(

Hard getting back to it...

I made a lovely chicken parcel last night - breast of chicken marinaded in red wine and garlic and herbs... Then cooked in foil in the oven with cabbage leek celery cheese and a bit of butter ... Very yum

Today not sure... Think an Atkins shake for brekkie but not thought beyond ... Might be Nandos for later :)
Morning Di:)
Have a good day and hopefully see you later - ph in bag:)
Note to self: I really should NOT have anything to eat while working ... I've just gulped down an Atkins shake - it almost didn't touch the sides - and I didn't savour it and don't feel any benefit from having it! It's such an issue of mine - eating mindlessly and just for the sake of it! lol :)
Hey babes - am feeling a lot better, so definitely up for a meet (texted you and Katie to say yes earlier). Let me know what time.

And I so get you on the mindless eating thing - I do that all the time, eating in front of the computer while also watching tellie...
Had a lovely evening at Nando's with Susie and Ka1e ... They are really brilliant :)

Today the menu will be
B - Atkins shake
L - sliced chicken from m&s coffee & cream
D - not sure yet
E - hardly any
Ha ha... Yes I usually get to the office by about 7 lol :)
Morning lovie - omg I don't even get up until 7am! But I do live much closer to work, which helps. No one gets here before 9am, and I'm sitting in the office on my own as I type!

Trip home was lovely, actually, I love seeing London at night from the top of a bus :)

Hope you can fit the frying pan in ok lol :D
I didn't notice that you'd gone on the top deck Susie! lol - I just thought you'd vanished! :)

Having done some research this morning - thanks to Katie! I am now going to switch from double to single cream! (roll of drums and fanfare!) ... the carbs aren't hugely different but the calories are! And I would think that the coffee will be just as lish!
Hi Delly... well, I'm experimenting at the moment and just trying to have a few less calories, just to see if it affects weight loss. So, for the next couple of weeks I'll see and take a view. Single cream has less calories. If there's no difference I'll go back to double! :)
It was brilliant Bren - it's so lovely to put faces to names! Hope you're having a good day?

I'm munching through some lean sliced chicken from m&s at the moment with a coffee.
I've had far too many Atkins shakes today. But, I think that's fine. Maybe I can get away with it! lol :)