Total Solution And it's into Week #4!

rainbow brite

Phew! Tell ya what, easy though I've found it this time around time doesn't half seem to be dragging!

I think it's because I keep looking at how long I've got left to go and it seems to stretch on foreeeeeever but I'm finally heading into week 4 which is a small milestone for me as I lasted 12 weeks on LT 100% a few years ago and I'm now 1/3 of the distance to beat that stretch now!

Also, not gonna lie, sitting here and thinking 'Wow, I'm heading into week four and I haven't cheated once' is pretty darned epic.

WI tomorrow though I'm not holding out too much hope tbh, TOTM and all that jazz... fingers crossed anyways! :D

Anyone heading into week four with me? :D

Hey RB - best of luck for you weigh in tomorrow! Mine is tomorrow too! Im also going to have my weigh-in in the morning. Im not really holding out much hope either, TOTM kicked in...gaahh!
This is second time round for me too, I wander why it is easier second time round? I'll be on week3 from tomorrow and I've had 3 WS days - I had a small carb-free dinner on each of those days :) ..I have to say well done to you though for staying on TS and no WS days! :)
Hey sweets! How did you get on with your WI then?

I lost 2lb which I'm not surprised with - TOTM and all so I'm really really hoping for at least a little whooshie this week!

Was considering skipping the AAM week which for me will be next week but today I had one of my little 'wobblies' meaning a dip in blood pressure so I think it's actually in my best interests to do it, worst luck! Ahh well, maybe I'll be one of the lucky ones and actually lose on AAMW xD
Wow rainbow you have done great :)
I on day 27 today
This is the best decision I've made for a long time being on Exante. This summer I can actually visualise my self slim for summer, and just the thought of it is giving me a buzz :)
We are all doing so well! Here's to us :) cheers* drinking a glass of water* :D
I am only on week three and feel very strong, most of all I appreciate the support on this forum. If I feel weak at all then I come on here and read.....well done girls keep this up. The world will be a lighter place because of us.xx
I'm heading into week 4 too on Thursday 2nd Feb. Started 12th Jan and been 100% apart from a planned meal of fish and salad on Saturday night. Not finding it too hard at the moment to be honest so fingers crossed for 3rd WI on Thursday morning. I am a very slow loser and have been exercising so don't expect a hugh loss (and dont feel like I've lost anything). As long as I lose at least a stone my first month I'll be ok about it.
well done so far rainbow, keep it up! With such a positive attitude you will defo beat the 12 weeks 100% that you did on LT. :)

I have just started into week5, been 100% TS so far and plan on doing so for quite a while yet, I seem to be doing just fine, I just take each day has it comes.

keep up the good work everyone! x
Go Rainbow!!! Your doing fantastic. Im also in week four!! Sticking at it 100%, reaping the benefits too!!

We will get there!
You go girl :D