Well I would need to lose 3lb a week every week to get to target by Xmas so I'm not holding my breath but would like to average 2lb a week if I can. I'm not losing my motivation though, which is a good, thing - usually I've given up on diets well before now.
well hopefully if i keep going i worked out that i could lose 2llb a week (incudling my birthday i be saving my points lol) 38llb but cut that down to 32llb would make me 9stone and should be at my target!

if not i want to be close enough! - then after that my target will be 8 stone!

keep up the work and we will get closer and closer!

*to everyone * I am on my 2nd day on core and it has gone quite well so far and i have i had two snacks but no chocolate which is a amazing for me! - and i have also cooked instead of eating out which is great!
Well i am on my 4th day core and i would never go back to points again! - well i have not had my w-i yet, Thats monday so i will tell you all then!

I brought a new slow cooker and god i love it - i can cook so much in it and it all core - I made a best stew ever today (if u want recipe let me know) -

Yeah i going to have to find ways for my chocolate moments - but i will look into what i can make!
I got a great cheesecake for one point per a slice on my website, so i going to do a core one too!

I am so excited!
sorry i did not mean to be rude! - Thanks guys for asking!! -- How are you all ? x