Another piece of the puzzle

A 350ml sk milk
B 2 slices wmeal bread eggs, wafer thin ham, mushrooms, tinned spaghetti half tblspoon bbq sauce (1/2 syn)
mandarin carrot

lasagne, jacket pot and frozen veggies.

Not had much today as been asleep for 4 hours because of headache.
Thanks Texty, all better today!
A 350ml skimmed milk
B hifi bar

stew (lean casserole steak, tomatoes, onion, carrot, celery, turnip, stock)
jacket pot cottage pie

hifi light (3syns)
chocolate biscuit (no idea of syns)
2 coffees with sugar, not sure what kind of milk.
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Right! I saw my health advisor this evening who was a liitle shocked when I told her what my diet consisted or before slimming world compared to now. I was having a couple of large chocolate bars a day and a huge bag of kettle crisps and high fat ready meals. She thinks my body has gone into shock because I have cut so much out. Her advice? More chocolate lol, within my syns of course. So next week I'll be having a little more.
So tonight when I was out I had a chocolate biccie and 2 coffees with sugar and didn't feel a slight bit of guilt.
Id never manage on 59 lol - and your right not to feel guilt chick as long as your following the plan you can have that choccy if you want it
well as my Consultant always says they are not "sins" sins are for sinners who do wrong - "syns" are for the whole synergy of the plan for people that do right :D
Thankyou :D
A 350ml skimmed milk
B 2 slices whmeal bread
taster session, C says don't worry about counting.
egg, chips, mushrooms, 2 xtra lean sausages (1 syn) bb sauce (1/2 syn)
loads of carrot sticks and apple (felt hungry in the evening as didn't have much lunch)

mini malteaster bunny (3syns)
2 mini eggs (1 1/2 syns)
milkybar 12.5g (3 1/2 syns)

Bought some mini malteaster bunnies and mini lindt bunnies. Felt so odd buying chocolate again! Mum and sis asked what I wanted for Easter. I asked sis for money towards having my hair done and Mum for some more lindt bunnies. Much better than a huge egg!
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I love the malteser bunnies yum yum. I dont usually get anything for Easter thank goodness so no temptation there. Im quite fragile today after being out last night and would normally reach for rubbish to eat. I wont do that today I will be careful as I want a loss at WI on wednesday :D
Hope you had a great night out Texty.

A 350ml sk milk
pot shot, mandarin and apple.

mini malteaster bunny (3syns)
egg fried rice (mushrooms, sweetcorn egg)
low syn korma (chicken, onion, garlic, red thai paste (1syn) and coconut muller.
2 mini egss (1 1/2 syns)
milkybar (3 1/2 syns)
jelly+muller (1sysn)

Whoops, skipped breakfast so I've only had one proper meal and that didn't include enough superfree. Will have my healthy extra later.
Note to self.. do not bring the chocolate through to put on the table to eat later in the evening for syns, get it from the cupboard as I need it. Otherwise it's all gone in ten minutes!
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I did thanks :D ive not had my healthy x's today either yet might have some bread with my tea and an options drink later
Finally worked out a pattern for my headaches. Had one yesterday and last Thursday. They were days I had a lay in and skipped a meal and didn't drink much. So fingers crossed I can should be able to prevent them from now on.

A 350ml sk milk
B 35g porridge with muller coffee and squash

stew+ jacket pot
choc scan bran cake (6 1/2 syns)
2 mini eggs (1 1/2 syns)
toffee scan bran cake (2 1/2 syns)
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A 350ml sk milk
B 2 slices wmeal bread. 2 xtra lean sausages (1syn) bbq sauce (1/2 syn)

stew with lean casserole steak and loads of veggies. (Played badminton and won!)

lasagne, potato and veg

scan bran toffee cake (2 1/2 syns)
malteaster bunny (3syns)
milky way bar (3 1/2 syns)
lindt mini bunny at 11:55 pm! 3syns
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Been to hairdressers and took my measured milk in a bottle for coffee, two hifi lights and two apples :)
A 350ml sk milk
B 2 hifi lights
spaghetti mushrooms and egg
apples muller
lasagne and veggies
scan bran cake 6 1/2 syns
lindt mini bunny 3syns
malteaster bunny 3syns
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