Any October starters?????

Well done Andy - I am well impressed with your weight loss. You look like a completely different person in you pictures.

I am quite tired in the mornings/afternoons at the moment and I am going a bike ride with a friend today! I think I will have a shake and a soup before I go to give me energy. I will have a coffee too - lol.

The diet is still going well and I am on day Friday - I must definately be in ketosis as my breath is like Darthvadar - seriously I keep brushing my teeth but am paranoid. Is this a lasting side effect? My poor husband will probably bare the bront of it - hehe.

I watched on iplayer the documentary about why people are getting fatter and who is to blame. It was quite interesting and I was surprised that we should only have 60g refined sugar/day and 30g unrefined. The girl on the show who ate well had about 160g a day - what with all the hidden sugars in our food.

Oh well - I'm not having any sugars I'm sure - I am surprised I'm not having the shakes lol.
Thanks folks.

I am finding this very tough but holding on. I've decided that I'll finish by dec 10th no matter what happens. I SHOULD finish earlier unless weight loss is very slow from here. I had forgotten how much of my life I'd wished away!

(my target is 168 but really I'm aiming for closer to 154 with 168 being the weight i want to be once I've done my version of rtm).

Anyway, those of old know how I feel about using the "passage of time" so I'll just have to "man up" and get this done.
Andy, thank you for being an inspiration. Where as you are nearing the end of your journey, i am just two (very long) weeks into mine. But i do want to thank you and others for your posting as they certainily help me. It is really much apprecitated.

I am just trying to work out how to get all of my data on each of my posts. I will get it eventually.

I have to admit that it has not been completely easy this diet. I have lost 2st 3Ibs in that 2 weeks, which i a lot to me and i do feel better for it. But it is just the thought of the same food every single day for the next 4 or 5 months. That does not inspire me.

As a new person if anybody can give any hint and tips of how to see through the darkest hours of hunger and temptation, please do tell.


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Hi Ralph, it reallllly does get easier, I promise. I abstained for about 33 weeks I think, and I was never that interested in variety once ketosis and my routine was in complete full pattern. Ketosis is a magical thing. And you will start feeling soooo much better physically and mentally over the coming weeks, you will soon forget you ever thught you might be bored.

I tried EVERY diet under the sun, some full of variety - and I can say hand on heart, this was the easiest one ever. Evidence purely by the fact I reached my goal, which for 25 years was an impossible event for me.

Dark days and down days = just try to keep yourself occupied with other things you enjoy Hobbies, friends, outings, etc. A lot of women take to bubble baths cause we like that kind of thing. If you do too, its a GREAT diversion.

Spend lots and lots of time imagining your 'new life' when you drop the weight and start dreaming of the things you cant do now, and will be able to do then. That really spurred me along.

WHen you are down, remmeber WHYyou are doing this - that you CHOSE to do it. To better your life.

And, very importantly, remember this is ONLY temporary. And it does go so fast - look at you 2 stone + already in such a short time!!

I found losing over 100 pounds alwasy such a daunting thing, but it went so fast. Nver in my life did I dream I could do ti.

So, if I can do it- so can you.

Use this forum a lot!!! If you ever fear a laps coming, get on here, we'll distract you!!!

That is the main thing - do not lapse for any reason. There is no reason to, and it iwll only start to mess with you and your journey - it is just not worth it. And the pride you will feel at the end is indescribable.

GO FOR IT!!!!! You will be so glad you did!!!

Thank you so much Blond Logic,
It is really much appreciated. It is a shame I cant have 4 bars a day instead of the soups and shakes as they are just the scrummiest.

I have also managed to get my Tickerfactory image sorted also. But my next challenge is to work out how to add information about my self on the left hand side of each post. The bit that says 'diet & start date, and start weight and current weight' i am sure you get the picture. How can I put my details in?

Take care

Andy, I am speechless! You are an inspiration. Well done.

Sunshine1, thank you! I had my initial meeting today and have now started the program. Day 1 for me! It is daunting to look at the entire massive amount of weight I have to lose, so I try not to do that. Rather look at it one day at a time.

BlondLogic, your tips are awesome! Thank you :)
Welcome all you October ites

Welcome to mimins
It is so nice ot see all of you with the same thoughts and fears that we had when we started LL. Wondering if you can do it. Well i've got news for you.
If I can do it so can you.
I was obese for 25 years until I started LL.
Don't worry about cheating. It's not cheating. The only person you would be letting down would be you.
Do it for YOU,not for anyone else.
YOU are important.
2 tips.
1. Don't think of the packs as food.
They are just a means of getting your nutrients and minerals. They are not food.

2. Make sure you drink enough water. Little and often. At least 4 litrs a day.
It's the key.

Good luck everyone. We'll be here to support you.

Andy. Well done you xxx
WOW ralph, 2st+ in 2 weeks is a fantastic achievment, well done you.
Go to the "userCP" in the blue header at top of page to put your information in.

I'm no expert ralph and am just about 3 weeks in.

I have been having a pretty rough few days, doubting myself, resenting thinner people, feeling pretty yuck tbh, no energy either.

I find that sitting here when i can reading others stories helps me immensly.

This is the hardest thing i think i have done in my life but i do keep trying to say to myself that it's not going to be forever.

Please tell me it does get better lol
I know people say that it does, but does it really??/?

Oh well, look forward to weigh in tomorrow night, hope it gives me a boost.
I have been having a pretty rough few days, doubting myself, resenting thinner people, feeling pretty yuck tbh, no energy either.

I find that sitting here when i can reading others stories helps me immensly.

This is the hardest thing i think i have done in my life but i do keep trying to say to myself that it's not going to be forever.

Please tell me it does get better lol
I know people say that it does, but does it really??/?

Oh well, look forward to weigh in tomorrow night, hope it gives me a boost.

Hey hon,

It is definately going to get easier, and you will be so highly rewarded for your efforts - mentally, physicially, spiritually - just ion every possible way possible.

When I started LL, I felt too it was the hardest thing I ever did. ANd I suppose it was - thought it was also the easiest thing to do. Hard to explain but I think youw illu understand later down the road. And at the end, after actually doing it, I feel now there is NOTHING I could not do if I wanted to and if I put my mind to it. Learning that about ourselves is very powerful!! And you will just feel such an immense amount of pride, and true love for yourself - it is worth every bit of "pain" you go through now. Honest!!

Hang in there - it will be over before you know it.

I once worked out the percentage of my life spent fat, and the percentage of my life spent abstianing. It truly is a blink of an eye.

Go on - you can do it and we are all here to help you along the way!! You are doing GREAT so far!!! Just keep rockin it!!!!

Thank you so much BL.
I am just having a self pity moment.
I have been fat for 24 yrs and i know it isn't going to shift overnight, wish it would lol.
Think i am struggling most when the OH is here, if we have days off together. I just turn into a sulky biatch!
Hate myself for it becasue he is so kind and supportive.

On a lighter note, i went to a birthday party yesterday and was soooo tempted by all the lovely stuff that was right under my nose.....i resisted:D

Thanks again, your words are very much appreciated.

Off to work, shake off all these negative feelings.
Hey everyone!!!
Been away for a few days, so just catching up.... hope everyones doing okay!!!

First things first with me ... I 'cheated'... exept I'm looking at it not as a cheat but a learning curve... I've found a new 'binge trigger' and thats being cold! lol!

Exept for that one mishap, I did good! I was bombarded with meal offers ('I just ate/ I'm going out for dinner later') ... a movie night (with movie foods)... plus a 12 hour day at alton towers (for the halloween special). I misjudged it though... I brought a bar... and used the excuse of not wanting to pay the prices over lunch... not thinking we would be staying for dinner too! Luckily a friend ate something that didnt agree with him... so got let off that one... and took a few offered pieces of popcorn chicken (chucking them away) to avoid the not eating comments!... but then, getting home at 1am tired and cold *somehow* (lol) I found myself in the kitchen with leftovers .... bad random! :D

Exept for that blip, the dieting things still fine.... good actually, I've been so busy that its convinient. Plus the amount of crud thats been placed in front of me at work and I've been quite happy turning them down.

hope everyones okay - rg x
Morning All,

Sorry I ahvent posted for a few days - not been able to get to PC.

Welcome to the new folk! Andy - Wow, you loss is amazing! BlueEyes - you will be into the swing of things in no time!

My LLC is away for this Tuesday's weigh-in, so she did a session yesterday instead. I was doing my usualy thinking I wouldnt have lost anything (despite sticking to the plan!) and closed my eyes when I got on the scales. LLC told me off! She told me there is definite evidence that I can lose weight, and that this week (well, 5 days) I had lost another 4.4lbs! Thats better than my 3.3 lost in the whole of the week before.

This diet amazes me!

Despite that, I had a bit of a stroppy day yesterday. I was bored, and didnt know quite where to put myself. OH was getting on my nerves cos all he wanted to do was snooze all day. I ended up having a long soak in the tub to try to distract myself. But I made it through the day without eating anything!

Best get to work...
Sunshine1, I hope you feel better now? You can definitely do this. You're already in week 3 :) And good for you for resisting the party food!

It is day 3 for me! I started on Saturday and I am so glad I finally started! I've been interested in doing LL since August but had to get some holidays and other events out of the way first.

I feel quite good about it. I have not been very hungry. I haven't had any headaches either. I was expecting both of these things! I have tried a few packs, love some (banana!) hate others (mushroom), but overall I'm quite happy with what I am consuming. I find that it is key to keep myself busy. I have already cleaned & sorted out a set of drawers, some books/newspapers.. anything to keep me busy :) Workdays should be considerably easier for me than weekends.

I have felt a little more tired than usual, but I guess that is to be expected. Overall I am doing A-okay and I hope this feeling lasts!

Goal one is to make it to week one (Saturday).

Hi Everyone,

Glad to hear how everyone is doing. My first week and I lost 12.5lbs! I was so estatic when I heard but now it has freaked me out.

I did come into this diet as I wanted to lose weight quickly but I also really want to educate myself on what a good healthy diet is for myself and for my family.

I think it sounds absolutely crazy that I have lost so much weight in a week - I can't really even see it yet. I am determined to stick to it and get to maintenance - this is me for life!
Well done Tracy!! You can do it!

Kat xx
Well done RG for getting back on the wagon!!!

Fantastic losses drop and tracy, keep it up.

Thanx blueyes, feeling a bit more positive today.....onwards and downwards lol

4lb loss last night so really pleased with that. Gave me the little boost i needed.

Brilliant losses Tracy13 & Sunshine! Keep up the good work. It amazes me how we can still lose 3-4lbs even a few weeks into the diet.

BlueEyes, keep it up, the time begins to fly by, honestly!

I was still an a bit of a stroppy mood yesterday, but seem to be a bit cheerier today. Lots going on in life at the moment, and sticking to LL through it all is challenging me, but strangely helping me to feel in control despite everything around me seeming to fall to bits.

Anyway, just finished OH's tax return.... another stress out of the way. Why he cant do it himself??

No laspes yet, and i dont intend to cheat, although I was looking longingly in the fridge last night, but since OH is now on food shopping duty, there wasnt actually much to look at!

This is day 20. It has flown by, but I am beginning to think of how much further I have to go. I think the best trick is to just do one day at a time, and eventually they will add up to being slim!

Onwards and downwards girls and boys...
Well done on that 4lb Sunshine! Brilliant!

Kat xx