anyone else got a rubbish/indifferent consultant?

My consultant is an area manager and she's the best I've ever had. The only issue is when she's away covering another group. The woman who covers her isn't quite so good but it's made up for when she is there. Even if she can never remember my name!

I'd definitely report a consultant if he/she was as awful as some of the stories on here!
I totally regret saying I wasn't happy with my leader. I've been going 19 weeks now and my opinion has totally changed.
She is very supportive and encouraging, and makes us all feel like actual individuals who are listened to. When I need support and send a text she always replies and is always happy to answer any questions.
She does fantastic raffle prizes and encourages taster sessions to share recipes.
Here's to my fantastic leader who prematurely judged :)
Interesting to see such mixed opinions. My consultant was a nice lady but fairly useless at the job. She never gave out recipes, tips or anything of much use. She'd do something like tell us the new magazine was out and then flick through to a male slimmer story and giggle about whether he was handsome or not. Any talk of body magic was just loud cheeky suggestions about getting our other halves to indulge in more bedroom activities. Maybe I'm just boring, but I found it all a bit immature and tiresome. I went along hoping for real advice and support and just found the whole thing a bit pointless. I once stayed behind with a few questions but she was so busy gossiping with all the favourites that I went home. She called after me that she'd email me - she could clearly see I was getting fed up - but never did. I emailed and text her a few times for help but she didn't reply. It's nice so many people have great consultants but I was left very disappointed.
I think finding a class that you connect with is a vital component in succeeding in your own weight loss journey.

I joined last year and went along to a class with a friend who'd been doing very well there. It was great, supportive and fun even if they did sometimes focus on how to save your syns so you could have your wine at the weekend (I'm not a big drinker). The main problem was it was on the other side of town and I needed to wait for my husband to come home with the car so I could drive for 25 minutes to get there. If I didn't drive it would have been 2 buses to get there and 2 buses home.

Anyway, I went to another class that was close to work and that was handy, but the C wasn't as focused as the first one. The room was not laid out well, the queue formed across the entrance and when people were coming in they had to squeeze past you. Now, I'm not sure about everyone else, but I found that most of us going to SW don't feel particularly slim at the best of times. Having to squeeze past people to get into the class didn't help my self esteem. If I did stay to class then a lot of time was spent talking to others who'd been bad "again" and then on those people who'd had tremendous weight losses. They also focussed a lot on how to save your syns to go on some big drinking nights at the weekend. It started to leave after I'd been weighed, then after a few months I stopped going completely as I didn't feel I could justify £4.95 a week just for a weigh in.

When I was ready to rejoin and recommit I found a class closer to home in the evenings and popped along. Wow!!! The C is great, the group are great. It's fun, friendly and best of all motivational. This group have quite a few target members who stay to class, which is good to see. I've managed to lose nearly a stone in 9 weeks, and I'm much happier. I always stay to class and there's always something new to learn.
I also think finding the right group and consultant for you is vital. My consultant made me feel welcome from the start with a brew and friendly "come over here and join us, we wont bite," followed by a laugh! I have been going to group now since Jan 2011, am a member of the social team and got to target last year. She is friendly,informative,commited to the job, and above all her groups are fun! She has been on holiday for quite a while (USA) but has still posted on our fbook page little snippets for us all. Her help has been invaluable and I feel proud to have been asked to help her in group and to be associated with S W. I sit with new members to help make them feel at ease, its not easy walking into a room of strangers, but as S W says "you enter as strangers and leave as friends":) :)