Anyone in 13s and wana get down to 12s?

lostkelly said:
Hi, I am back on ww and hoping to lose 3 and a half stone. Hoping to get to 12st by Xmas. My current weight is 13st 9lbs. Hoping to get to the 12's soon.
Kelly x

You can do it!! Nice sensible target :) Good luck

Charli XxX
Hi everyone - i'm starting week 3 from today and i'm down 3 pounds since i started. I'm at 13st 10lb and can't wait to get to the 12's!
Good luck to one and all! Sx
Xcharlibobx said:
Yay another 1lb off!! 13st 12.5 :)

Charli XxX

Yay, we'll done. :)
Staying the same is definitely something to be proud of - well done :D
Down 3.5 this week but the weekend brought a lot of yummy food so not sure for next week ;)