Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Hi, I am going to start Slimming World as of Monday. I bought the pack from the official Slimming World ebay seller and am going to do it from home :) I don't know how much I weigh at the moment but I think it will be in the high nines or maybe 10s! Eek! I am going to set my first goal weight at 9 stone and see how I feel then :) I am also thinking of starting an in sta gram slimming diary so I can post the recipes I try and also for support! I've already pinned lots of lovely recipes to try. I have half-heartedly done Slimming World in the past but found it hard as I was living with my parents still and didn't always have access to the kitchen to my cooking! Now me and my husband have our own house and I am free to roam in my own lovely kitchen! I am feeling positive :) I will post my in sta gram username if anyone is interested in following my journey and I will follow yours if you are an avid in sta gramer like me! X

Hello Hare & welcome to the group. Just shout if you need any advice as most of us have been here a while, on & off!
I'd like to be 8.10 (last time 15 yrs and 3 kids ago) then I'll see how I feel. The guides suggest the 7s but I don't think that's achievable - a healthy size 8/10 good enough I think. I'm 5.1 and 42
The scales won't budge from 9st 9 this week. I honestly don't know what I am doing wrong. I have a friend who's staying over for a few days and himself and the other half had fish and chips today, which I know they're perfectly entitled to do, but oh my goodness, the smell! I felt somewhat fed up as I tucked into my tuna salad. To make matters worse, we are probably going to the seaside in a couple of days! I really want to just say 'sod it', but I know if I go back to 10st, I will probably go all the way back to 11 and a half! It's kind of a crucial point for me, but I'm fed up that I seem to have slowed down again after breaking through the last brick wall. I blame the Pregabalin also, Kim - I've never struggled with my weight like this before. Could well be my first week since starting without a loss, but as long as I only maintain, I'll be happy. It's just how everyone else who doesn't have a loss in my group usually has a reason (last week, it was the Easter choccy!). I'm brutal to the point that my partner keeps accusing me of having an eating disorder, and it's really getting me down.
I often have no loss - there are so many reasons that they'd drive you mad - it's perfectly normal - particularly when you have less to loose as your metabolism is probably slower. I remember deciding I'd never be 10 again and whilst I've been close - I never have. So keep the faith and aim to maintain. Don't say sod it!
That's fab news that your dress still looks good Nikki

I tried mine on before Easter and it looked great as well, even though I've gained, I spoke to her about weight loss and she suggested no more then 7lbs, which would take me to 9 stone 7 (from the point when I tried my dress on) so I'm going to focus on that and then toning so I still look good on honeymoon. I have however gone a bit mental over Easter, I don't feel much heavier, but not sure what I weigh as haven't weighed myself for a while. I'm starting slim fast for a week or two just to give me a bit of a kick start.... hating it already-having a shake for breakfast just seemed bleugh, and it's sad seeing my banana and shake packed up for work. I'll get used to it though, I used to do slim fast years ago so have done it before. If anything at least I'll really appreciate slimming world when I get back on it ;) less then 5 weeks until my hen now, I want to be looking fab for that
I actually love slim fast Donna and I've just restarted it today! I have just over 5 weeks until my hen and I have a wedding to go to a week on Saturday so want to lose some weight for that!

I really feel quite upset at myself and wish the wedding was next year so I could refocus and get myself out of the depression I seem to be wallowing in.
I've had enough of messing about too. 2.5 week VLCD for me.
I'll be honest, not struggling with slim fast at all today (I know it's only the first day) but I feel like I'm doing okay. Tonight will be the test though. I'm feeling positive though.
Feeling good today - had greek yogurt and banana for breakfast, and a ginger shot (juiced apple and ginger) walked the kids to school, had a meeting locally so walked to that - managed to avoid all the lovely pudding and chips and had jkt potato and salad. Walked home, got 1/2 workout in - picked up kids - came back and made a green juice. Not sure what I'm having for tea - maybe chicken salad. The only processed food in a week has been 1 cadbury creme egg. Feeling positive - just need to remember to pace and rest so I don't get pain flare ups.
Never been so happy with a 1lb loss as I was tonight! I'm going to take your advice and just keep plodding along. It will stay off more easily if it doesn't come off too quickly, after all :).
Well done wendolene. I too am generally cross at 1lb but then 6 weeks passes and I've lost nothing because I set my sights to high and starve and binge whereas I could have had an easy time and lost around half a stone.
Well done wendolene. I too am generally cross at 1lb but then 6 weeks passes and I've lost nothing because I set my sights to high and starve and binge whereas I could have had an easy time and lost around half a stone.

You my dear have just hit the nail on the head. I am exactly the same! Starve all week, binge on a weekend and end up the same weight the following week. Frustrating.

I am however giving myself until May 2nd on slim fast to try and shift a couple of pound and then it's 12 weeks until the dress fitting and serious plan following time.
I did my first day yesterday, had porridge oats (HEX B) and a banana for breakfast, carrot sticks, jacket potato, grapes and a muller light for lunch, slimming world burgers and slimming world chips and a huge salad for dinner, 250ml alpro dark choc milk for HEX A and used my syns on a magnum, some ketchup and very tiny sprinkling of parmesan. Was a yummy day! X
When did you start slimfast Nikki? I'll be beginning of May when I finish mine as well. As long we have no weekend plans that is. It's my brothers Birthday this weekend and we're going out for a meal for him, hoping my mum doesn't bring cake and then I can just avoid the cake there and say I don't fancy any (no way I'm telling her I'm on slim fast she'd freak out) The other option is to just do the slimfast on the days we don't have plans, but that seems a bit silly really and probably wouldn't work and I'd just undo all the work I've done during the week
Donna I tend to do slim fast if I need to rectify some damage lol I've done just 1 day this week and then I had it for breakfast this morning but not for lunch because I have a spin class tonight.

Well that's it, bikini body needs to be in full swing now because we have changed the honeymoon and it's going to be full on 2 weeks of bikinis in Mexico!! We were going a cruise which was more sightseeing so no bikinis so now I need to shape up! 19 weeks until the honeymoon!