Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

lilprincessvic said:
Afternoon ladies. Car is all packed up to go camping! Walking boots at the ready! I made the other half buy a camping stove so we wouldn't be eating out all the time. Gunna get some reduced fat sausages and beans and bacon and some brown bread! And fingers crossed. I don't wanna go back up to the tens again. We r back Friday so I can be extra good from then!
Haven't decided whether i'm gunna try find a local sw or not. Don't think the other half will be too please if I do. He said this morning once you lose this 1/2lb are you stopping going. I said no cos i'm not happy yet plus I wouldn't anyway because I go for free so might as well go! He really doesn't understand at all :-(

Sounds fantastic, where are you going camping? The only negative is being out in the fresh air can give you a huge appetite! X
Sounds fantastic Vicky :) hope you have a good time! X
My evil plan of doing zumba to get my oh n his mate out of the house just back fired on me as while I was doing zumba just now they all came sat n watched me! Very awkward so I turned it off :-(
Desperate for some exercise and to be back on plan tomorrow!! For now a cup of tea....

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kim63 said:
Cuppa tea, are you a crazy lady! Thought you were off out for eats & drinkies?! x

Haha the eats and drinks have been and gone... The chocolate feast continues with tea :-D just reading my health and fitness mags ready for the start of my new training regime from tomorrow x

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ITS THE SUPERMARKETS FAULT!!!! LOL Had nothing in the house so gave in and had a naughty chicken korma, does the chicken and boiled rice count as free on EE?
Hope you have all had a fab easter sunday :) what have we all been up too? I was thinking as well, we all seem to be little book worms, so how about when we all finish our current book we all try and read the same one? If anyone has any suggestions? If its a rubbish idea just say lol

Well today I was sooooo looking forward to my sweet chilli sensation crisps and final chocolate bar.... So my nan save me half a bigggg bag of crisps and I sat and began munching away, I thought they didn't taste like I remember :( then.... I turn over the packet (id finished them by now) to find they were 1 month out of date :O well I think calma bit me on the a** just there because I wasnt going to eat them at first and then something changed my mind.

So, i've done it once and now its 8 weeks until I go to France so out goes the chocolate, crisps & midweek alcohol :) feeling goooooood. I have checked all my dates on choccie to make sure nothing is going to go out of date!

Hope you have all had a fab easter sunday :) what have we all been up too? I was thinking as well, we all seem to be little book worms, so how about when we all finish our current book we all try and read the same one? If anyone has any suggestions? If its a rubbish idea just say lol

Well today I was sooooo looking forward to my sweet chilli sensation crisps and final chocolate bar.... So my nan save me half a bigggg bag of crisps and I sat and began munching away, I thought they didn't taste like I remember :( then.... I turn over the packet (id finished them by now) to find they were 1 month out of date :O well I think calma bit me on the a** just there because I wasnt going to eat them at first and then something changed my mind.

So, i've done it once and now its 8 weeks until I go to France so out goes the chocolate, crisps & midweek alcohol :) feeling goooooood. I have checked all my dates on choccie to make sure nothing is going to go out of date!


Sounds fun :)
Just managed 40 mins of Zumba and 20 mins of yoga woop!
Sounds fun :)
Just managed 40 mins of Zumba and 20 mins of yoga woop!

Yay go you!! I've promised mum i'll go for a job in the morning with her :character00115:
Busy on here as always :) hope you all had lovely Easter and enjoyed some choc! I had a planned 3 days of eating junk, feel rubbish for it now though - not guilty just sore tummy and face is all spotty clearly my body isn't enjoying it!

Ooh yes hunger games are ace - I read all 3 books within 24 hours of starting them lol! True blood books are also good - if anyone's looking for them can get the 3 hunger games books for £5 Instore at the works or from the book people website (just google for a free delivery code) also my true blood books were very cheap from there think it was a tenner for 8 of them!

Know I will definitely gain this week (ate so much it's rediculous) but looking forward to getting back on plan tomorrow :) x
icklerockchick said:
Busy on here as always :) hope you all had lovely Easter and enjoyed some choc! I had a planned 3 days of eating junk, feel rubbish for it now though - not guilty just sore tummy and face is all spotty clearly my body isn't enjoying it!

Ooh yes hunger games are ace - I read all 3 books within 24 hours of starting them lol! True blood books are also good - if anyone's looking for them can get the 3 hunger games books for £5 Instore at the works or from the book people website (just google for a free delivery code) also my true blood books were very cheap from there think it was a tenner for 8 of them!

Know I will definitely gain this week (ate so much it's rediculous) but looking forward to getting back on plan tomorrow :) x

Oooo I think I will defo look for the true blood ones!
Nikki<3 said:
Hope you have all had a fab easter sunday :) what have we all been up too? I was thinking as well, we all seem to be little book worms, so how about when we all finish our current book we all try and read the same one? If anyone has any suggestions? If its a rubbish idea just say lol

Well today I was sooooo looking forward to my sweet chilli sensation crisps and final chocolate bar.... So my nan save me half a bigggg bag of crisps and I sat and began munching away, I thought they didn't taste like I remember :( then.... I turn over the packet (id finished them by now) to find they were 1 month out of date :O well I think calma bit me on the a** just there because I wasnt going to eat them at first and then something changed my mind.

So, i've done it once and now its 8 weeks until I go to France so out goes the chocolate, crisps & midweek alcohol :) feeling goooooood. I have checked all my dates on choccie to make sure nothing is going to go out of date!


I love the idea of a lil book club! Haha x
lilprincessvic said:
Read this again n not sure if u mean job or maybe mean jog lol x

Haha jog... Silly predictive iPhone!
Love the idea of a book club but you gals are a bit younger than me so we may have slightly different tastes! Already the idea of the hunger games makes me go eeeek so not sure how we can manage this.....over to you Nikki as its your idea!!! X
kim63 said:
Love the idea of a book club but you gals are a bit younger than me so we may have slightly different tastes! Already the idea of the hunger games makes me go eeeek so not sure how we can manage this.....over to you Nikki as its your idea!!! X

I can't say i've been interested in the likes of Twilight or Hunger Games so you're alright haha
charliemm said:
The spinach and mushroom cannelloni sounds fantastic, please let us know how it tastes! :)

I've woken up at silly o'clock, so having a quick catch up on here.
The cannelloni was wonderful! I was completely stuffed after eating it!!
I got the recipe from '50 free green recipes'. Happy to share if anyone is interested.

Looks as though you were all busy yesterday!! I didn't eat any chocolate although I did have 3 large glasses of wine :-(. Must try harder!!!

I'm having another green day today with roasted vegetable couscous. Then off to the theatre to watch Dirty Dancing with my mum - apparently it is amazing, so very excited! X