Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

kim63 said:
Cant you get a referall from your GP to an NHS physio? I got seen within 2 weeks from mine! I've seen private physio's before & like you said, very expensive. 4 weeks isn't a long time to heal, maybe rest up for a while longer. Do you take anti inflammatories or use a heat pack? Thats why I gave up running, a poorly knee & ended up having 2 surgeries on it! x

The physio I saw before the race said it was how I ran, making the area around the tendon swell with the impact, think its a common injury in runners. He suggested getting an assessment for trainers, might go down that route first. Think it was just upping the mileage, should be ok if I stick at 10k hopefully. It's ok really just feels like it locks if I sit too long or like yesterday walked into town. Not taking any meds, do you think it would make a difference??
Poor you knees and neck operations :-( you've been through the mill there Kim. Don't fancy that so may give it to 6 weeks (that always seems to be a magic number for breaks etc) and then look at options then x

What you up to today?? What's on your yummy menu I'm doing veggie burgers x
lilprincessvic said:
Omg yes! There's a club in Huddersfield that does 90s nights. 90p in, 90p a drink and 90s music. Amazing nights, dancing around to bewitched and five!

:-o I need to go here!!!

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lilprincessvic said:
Omg yes! There's a club in Huddersfield that does 90s nights. 90p in, 90p a drink and 90s music. Amazing nights, dancing around to bewitched and five!

Will they let over 40's in !!!! ;-) he he
The physio I saw before the race said it was how I ran, making the area around the tendon swell with the impact, think its a common injury in runners. He suggested getting an assessment for trainers, might go down that route first. Think it was just upping the mileage, should be ok if I stick at 10k hopefully. It's ok really just feels like it locks if I sit too long or like yesterday walked into town. Not taking any meds, do you think it would make a difference??
Poor you knees and neck operations :-( you've been through the mill there Kim. Don't fancy that so may give it to 6 weeks (that always seems to be a magic number for breaks etc) and then look at options then x

What you up to today?? What's on your yummy menu I'm doing veggie burgers x

Its sounds as tho you over pronate? Going to a specialist running shop is a very sensible idea as they watch you run/gait etc & then recommend a certain shoe. We have Running Free down here, but Im sure if you google specialist running shops it will find some in your area. Top tip.....if you go & they recommend a shoe, have a look on the internet as you will be able to get them a lot cheaper than the prices the specialit shop sell!
You can take Ibuprofen, over the counter drug, or Diclofenac from your GP which are good anti inflammatory drugs, but need to be taken with food. If you have any sort of tummy trouble or asthma they wont be a good idea! But please check with your GP/pharmacist first as I obviously dont know your medical history & would hate to recommend something that later has an adverse affect on you & I get sued!!! A heat pack is a good idea.....when your sat resting in the evening elevate your leg & pop on the pack for 15 mins. Tubigrip may help to support the knee when actually running & obviously rest for about 6 weeks. By the way I charge by the hour lol!!!

Im off to physio funny enough this afternoon, cant say its doing any good as the exercises seem to aggravate the pain! Then Im going to see Dirty Dancing with my Mum....all time favourite film, so hope the stage show lives up to it!
Left over Quorn & veggie curry for a late lunch. Are you doing the veggie burgers from this months magazine, if you are they are delish x
Will they let over 40's in !!!! ;-) he he

LOL! HAHA! TEE HEE! We could go in with our zimmers!!! Mind you, Im sure we could show these young chicks a thing or two about dancing! We could do our Saturday Night Fever dance moves lol! x
kim63 said:
Its sounds as tho you over pronate? Going to a specialist running shop is a very sensible idea as they watch you run/gait etc & then recommend a certain shoe. We have Running Free down here, but Im sure if you google specialist running shops it will find some in your area. Top tip.....if you go & they recommend a shoe, have a look on the internet as you will be able to get them a lot cheaper than the prices the specialit shop sell!
You can take Ibuprofen, over the counter drug, or Diclofenac from your GP which are good anti inflammatory drugs, but need to be taken with food. If you have any sort of tummy trouble or asthma they wont be a good idea! But please check with your GP/pharmacist first as I obviously dont know your medical history & would hate to recommend something that later has an adverse affect on you & I get sued!!! A heat pack is a good idea.....when your sat resting in the evening elevate your leg & pop on the pack for 15 mins. Tubigrip may help to support the knee when actually running & obviously rest for about 6 weeks. By the way I charge by the hour lol!!!

Im off to physio funny enough this afternoon, cant say its doing any good as the exercises seem to aggravate the pain! Then Im going to see Dirty Dancing with my Mum....all time favourite film, so hope the stage show lives up to it!
Left over Quorn & veggie curry for a late lunch. Are you doing the veggie burgers from this months magazine, if you are they are delish x

Thanks Kim cheques in the post ;-)

Sounds like a great day hope the show is good I'm sure it will be love the theatre x
I found a recipe in an older mag but will look at the latest and see which I fancy the one I've found is just pots carrots peas and spring onions so sounded easy.

Used to love a good rave in my hay day ha ha but I'm sure we could still give these young chicks a run for their money he he ;-) and i am the one going to Ibiza in the summer.... xx
lynica said:
Will they let over 40's in !!!! ;-) he he

You would be welcomed with open arms! I think my age r the youngest to go in really as the young ones don't really appreciate 90s music.

We took my cousin on his 18th last year and he left to go to some dubstep rave or something lol
I'll be 'swinging a mean hoof' at Dirty Dancing tonight! 60's music is fantastic & beats most of todays music! x
kim63 said:
I'll be 'swinging a mean hoof' at Dirty Dancing tonight! 60's music is fantastic & beats most of todays music! x

Enjoy it will be fab, my mum and sister loved it! X
kim63 said:
Ooh, its WI day for Emma & are you feeling girls? x

Usual pre weigh in nerves have started. Am keeping myself very busy today!
Enjoy DD tonight! Look forward to hearing about it tomorrow.
90's disco sounds great! That's good that over 40's are allowed in!!
Have walked 6.5 miles before lunch. Once, just me and the dog and the other with the children. Sun was beautiful this morning. Having a quick sun soak at the moment before the next shower starts.
Didn't make Bournemouth :-(.
I'll let you know how tonight goes, please keep everything crossed for a loss!! X
Hi skinny minnies :) I've just spent best part of an hour reading back!
Charlie WOW you look fantastic, you are my inspiration,we are similar height (im 5ft4.75 on boots scales) but if I ever get to your weight I'd never in a million years have a stomach like yours (had 3 kids!) I'm sooo jel!! Also I'm interested to know if you think them high 5 things (was it high 5?!) contributed to your recent fab loss? I run alot too and would LOVE to know if theres any supplements I could take to ensure all my efforts are burning as much fat off as possible!!

Well..I think getting my 2 stone shiney went to my head abit last week as I went off plan abit over easter. I'd booked this Tuesdays weigh in off cos it was my oldest sons birthday but I weighed in at home (my scales are pretty much same as group) and 2lb on :( argggghhhhhhh! Like I said,Tuesday was my sons birthday so was off plan eating cake and pizza and chips but yesterday I was back 100% on it. Got my weeks meals planned-Asda delivery due anytime now with lots of fruit,veg and quorn, so hopefully come Tuesday that 2lb will have come off again. I've been doing the bridge to 10k running plan-going really well, I've just done week 3..5min brisk warm followed by 15min run then a 1min walk x3 then a 5 min cool down. This has me reaching 10k in 56mins,I'm pleased with that! Hoping that doing this 3 times a week and sticking to plan will lose me 2lb a week. Hmmmmmmmm do I join the 119ers or not?? Decisions decisions....
Can anyone guess my age? I'm the blonde one in my avvie xx
Going2be*fab*at40 said:
Usual pre weigh in nerves have started. Am keeping myself very busy today!
Enjoy DD tonight! Look forward to hearing about it tomorrow.
90's disco sounds great! That's good that over 40's are allowed in!!
Have walked 6.5 miles before lunch. Once, just me and the dog and the other with the children. Sun was beautiful this morning. Having a quick sun soak at the moment before the next shower starts.
Didn't make Bournemouth :-(.
I'll let you know how tonight goes, please keep everything crossed for a loss!! X

Good luck today.... I've got my fingers crossed for u which is making typing difficult ;)
Afternoon ladies :)

Hope we are all well? Really loving the idea of a 119s trip to Huddersfield for a 90s weekend hehe!

So I have a feeling I might be going out tonight for dinner, I'm not too worried because I am kind of expecting a gain on Saturday and have done this week as a 1/2 week trial run of ww so Saturday I'll get my full weeklies allowance and can see exactly how ww will fit in with life, especially since we are off to see grease at the theatre on Saturday evening. Anything lower than the 5.5lb gain I was showing on Tuesday will technically be a bonus!


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Charlie I have taken inspiration and taken a pics in my 'fat' pants. Can't wait to get to 119 n take another!


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