Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

I teach teenagers mainly year 10 n 11 (14-16) they really got to me today. Hence I haven't had a 100% day again. I had fish n chips for tea! Naughty naughty.
Went to bingo with my besti n my sister was fun but didn't win owt!
Morning all.100% yesterday green day with 10 syns and both he.
Plan was to not use many syns prior to wedding but the coleslaw with salad, the spread on toast, the sauces all add up. Not overly concerned.
Have good day everyone x
I teach teenagers mainly year 10 n 11 (14-16) they really got to me today. Hence I haven't had a 100% day again. I had fish n chips for tea! Naughty naughty.
Went to bingo with my besti n my sister was fun but didn't win owt!

I work with year 7's, yr 10's and yr 11's. Actually not looking forward to my yr 11's leaving as I'm going to start working with some year 8's and know they can be a nightmare. But it's all experience and hopefully will get a proper job out of it next year, if not at the school I volunteer at, at least its stuff I can write on applications.

Morning all.100% yesterday green day with 10 syns and both he.
Plan was to not use many syns prior to wedding but the coleslaw with salad, the spread on toast, the sauces all add up. Not overly concerned.
Have good day everyone x

Doesn't really matter, as long as your 100% the rest of the week and don't go over syns. When my friend got married the plan was to stay off the syns or not go over 5 each day, but cake and allsorts slipped in... whoops. I gained 1.5lbs that week, but I'm putting that all down to the wedding, as I drank a silly amount of champers and archers and the food was lovely, I did stay away from the buffet, but only because I was stuffed with everything else I'd eaten
Got a busy day today, have to go into town, little one has his filling (he's moaning to me now that he likes going to school and wants to go to school instead), I want to see if I can get a new zip put on a dress I bought (I bet it ends up costing more then the dress did lol) I want to find some new shorts as all the ones I had from last year are massive now!!!! and meeting a friend for lunch, annoying thing is most of those things are on opposite ends of town, so good for me getting loads of walking in, but will be dragging a 3 year old around with me..... just hope he's okay and the heat isn't too much for him on top of the walking
Yesterday was 100%, sf, 4 weeklies

Eek got myself all sunburnt sitting out yesterday, wierd was out all day the day before and fine. I hardly ever burn as got sallow skin but I am scarlet :-( was lying on my front reading so just arms, shoulders and back of legs looks so strange! Shame as its gorgeous again today but will need to stay out if it feel like I'm on fire! X
Morning girls

All cloudy here this morning but supposed to brighten up later.

Donna, hope you enjoy your day, sounds busy x

Laura, did you put some Aftersun on as that will help with the burning s

Deb, you should have some syns per day & like you say they do mount up.x

Vicky, were the fish & chips good? Am I putting you down as off plan for Tuesday & Wednesday then seeing as you had cake & fish & chips?! x
Week 3 100% Challenge

Kim 9st 6lbs ( -2lbs)
Tuesday - 100% EE 1Hexa 1HexB 7 Syns 40 min walk
Wednesday - 100% Green 2HexA 2HexB 10 Syns 28.3 mile ride 1114 cals
Thursday -

Nikki 9st 12.5lbs (-2lbs)
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -

Vicky 9st 12.5lbs (-1.5lbs)
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -

Debbie 8st 7.25lbs (-1.75lbs)
Tuesday - 100% EE 1HexA 1HexB 7 Syns
Wednesday - 100% red 2HexA 2HexB 10 Syns
Thursday -

Lynica 9st 8lbs (-1lb)
Tuesday - 100% EE 1HexA 1HexB 14 Syns 1.5h walk
Wednesday -
Thursday -

Donna 9st 2.5lbs (+2.5lbs)

Tuesday - 100% EE 1HexA 31/105 Syns
Wednesday -100% EE 1HexA 1Hexb 0 Syns
Thursday -

Laura 9st 12.5lbs (+3.5lbs)
Tuesday - 100% SF 10 Wkls
Wednesday - 100% SF 4 Wkls
Last edited:
Yup aftersun is in the fridge do feels lovely putting it on :-D just staying out of the sun today hope everyone else gets to enjoy it though! How can you cycle in this heat Kim I would melt?! X
Yesterday was 100%, sf, 4 weeklies

Eek got myself all sunburnt sitting out yesterday, wierd was out all day the day before and fine. I hardly ever burn as got sallow skin but I am scarlet :-( was lying on my front reading so just arms, shoulders and back of legs looks so strange! Shame as its gorgeous again today but will need to stay out if it feel like I'm on fire! X

My brother got sunburnt yesterday but he was out painting a fence and didn't put any cream on, he's ginger so it was rather silly of him. I think he was trying to get used to it as he's off on his holidays in a few weeks!

Doesn't sound as if he's as bad as you though, I've not been putting cream on :/ I should do really, might have a nose see if I have any dry oil spray in the house

Morning girls

All cloudy here this morning but supposed to brighten up later.

Donna, hope you enjoy your day, sounds busy x

Laura, did you put some Aftersun on as that will help with the burning s

Deb, you should have some syns per day & like you say they do mount up.x

Vicky, were the fish & chips good? Am I putting you down as off plan for Tuesday & Wednesday then seeing as you had cake & fish & chips?! x

Very busy, just hope its a nice busy day and doesn't turn into one of those stressful busy days....

Yup aftersun is in the fridge do feels lovely putting it on :-D just staying out of the sun today hope everyone else gets to enjoy it though! How can you cycle in this heat Kim I would melt?! X

I know, I just want to relax in my garden. Can't wait for the weekend will be the first chance I get to just lay out in the sun....well Sunday and possibly Saturday afternoon as I'm busy Saturday morning as well!!!
Yup aftersun is in the fridge do feels lovely putting it on :-D just staying out of the sun today hope everyone else gets to enjoy it though! How can you cycle in this heat Kim I would melt?! X

It wasn't too hot yesterday when I went, well it probably was if I was sitting still, but it was quite windy & it helps to keep you cool! x
Looks like pink leggings lol! :-(


Wierd only burnt a handful of times in my life including lots of summer holidays so I hardly ever wear sun cream here, must remedy that! X
Looks like pink leggings lol! :-(

View attachment 50433

Wierd only burnt a handful of times in my life including lots of summer holidays so I hardly ever wear sun cream here, must remedy that! X

Sorry Laura but I LOL! I know its not funny & with me being a Nurse, Im a bit strict where it comes to sunscreen! You wont not wear sunscreen now tho will you!!! It was the very vivid demarkation line that made me chuckle as its so noticable where you had some little socks on.....why didnt you take them off lol?! xx
Looks like pink leggings lol! :-(

View attachment 50433

Wierd only burnt a handful of times in my life including lots of summer holidays so I hardly ever wear sun cream here, must remedy that! X

Laura that looks sore, I always wear suncream, got burnt legs once and never forgot the pain, apply lots of aftersun and like you say stay out of it today, hope it gets better soon :) and like Kim said why didnt you take your socks off ha ha
kim63 said:
Sorry Laura but I LOL! I know its not funny & with me being a Nurse, Im a bit strict where it comes to sunscreen! You wont not wear sunscreen now tho will you!!! It was the very vivid demarkation line that made me chuckle as its so noticable where you had some little socks on.....why didnt you take them off lol?! xx

Yup lesson learnt! Haha I had socks and high top trainers on wasn't rocking a socks and sandals combo or anything ;-) kept them on to hide my ankle scar from the op but on the plus side I dont have burnt feet lol!

Also got a really tanned nose then big white line across the bridge from my sunnies so that Looks funny too! X
Morning girls
working from home today, so busy, need to get some work done, but hopefully if the sun comes out later i will see some of it :D going put some washing on the line first time this year yeah!!!
Well last night wasnt too bad and i was very good, made very good choices and enjoyed what i ate, I had salad, potatoes, humous, small piece of quiche left the pastry end, small onion barjii ( spelling ) 3 crackers and cheese, a larger shandy and a piece of birthday cake. I think that is very good cause there were sandwiches, pizza and little puddings so couldve been a lot worse.

Anyway decieded to wi this morning to keep a check on things and only gone and lost 1lb woohoo !!!!! so back at 9.7 yippee!!!! feeling good so this 100% challenge we are all doing is having great results. Thanks everyone for all the support it makes it all so much easier.

At the party last night my friends sister in law was there, she commented on my weight loss (not seen her in ages) and then asked how id done it, and told her all about sw. As I was tucking into my plate of salad, she told me she was doing a diet and wouldnt be having anything to eat :( She is taking meal replacement shakes.... 3 a day and the total calories is 425 per day......omg that is so little, not sure I would survive on that amount :(
dont know how she sat there and watch everyone else eat yummy food and had nothing, then at precisly 7pm she made up her shake and had that. The thing is she has a lovely figure, she said she is 5'6" and was 11 stone, she has lost a stone in 2 weeks and wants to get to 8.7. I asked her what her bmi would be then and she said she wants it to be 19, she is in her early 50's and has had 5 kids and i think looks great and im sure with healthy eating she would get to a healthy bmi which she cant be far from now. I came home very worried about her, as she said she will continue doing it for about 6 weeks. Surely its not good not eating any food what so ever only these shakes and water. So glad ive found sw where you can have lovely healthy food and still lose weight, hope she doesnt get ill. x
Lynica well done on doing as well as you could with food choices.

Try not to worry too much about her I didn't know anything really about vlcd but do a little now as some friends on here have changed to them.

Basically it will put you into ketosis so you are not hungry after the first few days. A lot of people use them to try and help them get over any food issues they have such as binging and comfort eating as removing food from the equation means that your brain realises that it only wants the food but you aren't actually hungry and don't need it of that makes any sense?

The shakes/bars are meant to contain everything you need so that you don't get ill whereas to et that little food calorie wise wouldn't be possible or safe.

The difficulty is coming off them and not putting all the weight back on, people often lose a stone or more the first week doing it and the losses are huge! However once you reintroduce food that's where the problems start and some people gain it all again! However something like sw would be perfect for her then as a healthy eating plan. X
Morning girls
working from home today, so busy, need to get some work done, but hopefully if the sun comes out later i will see some of it :D going put some washing on the line first time this year yeah!!!
Well last night wasnt too bad and i was very good, made very good choices and enjoyed what i ate, I had salad, potatoes, humous, small piece of quiche left the pastry end, small onion barjii ( spelling ) 3 crackers and cheese, a larger shandy and a piece of birthday cake. I think that is very good cause there were sandwiches, pizza and little puddings so couldve been a lot worse.

Anyway decieded to wi this morning to keep a check on things and only gone and lost 1lb woohoo !!!!! so back at 9.7 yippee!!!! feeling good so this 100% challenge we are all doing is having great results. Thanks everyone for all the support it makes it all so much easier.

At the party last night my friends sister in law was there, she commented on my weight loss (not seen her in ages) and then asked how id done it, and told her all about sw. As I was tucking into my plate of salad, she told me she was doing a diet and wouldnt be having anything to eat :( She is taking meal replacement shakes.... 3 a day and the total calories is 425 per day......omg that is so little, not sure I would survive on that amount :(
dont know how she sat there and watch everyone else eat yummy food and had nothing, then at precisly 7pm she made up her shake and had that. The thing is she has a lovely figure, she said she is 5'6" and was 11 stone, she has lost a stone in 2 weeks and wants to get to 8.7. I asked her what her bmi would be then and she said she wants it to be 19, she is in her early 50's and has had 5 kids and i think looks great and im sure with healthy eating she would get to a healthy bmi which she cant be far from now. I came home very worried about her, as she said she will continue doing it for about 6 weeks. Surely its not good not eating any food what so ever only these shakes and water. So glad ive found sw where you can have lovely healthy food and still lose weight, hope she doesnt get ill. x

Wow Ronnie thats brilliant news on the pound loss & yes I do think the 100% Challenge is working really well for us all. Its all about 'ownership' & our 'group therapy' is a little bit cheaper than going to class, not that Im knocking going to class, its just not for me!
Good choices made on the buffet front, but it all did sound a bit tempting, so well done on resisting.
VCLD's/shakes do work, but I do wander about keeping the weight off afterwards when food is introduced & also the health risks. We are human beings & need to eat & SW in my view is the best diet around & I've tried them all! Its a shame this lady who sounds as tho has a lovely figure already feels the need to lose weight that way.....but we dont know the whole story.
Shall I put you down as an off plan day for yesterday? What weight would you like to get down to? xx
Yup lesson learnt! Haha I had socks and high top trainers on wasn't rocking a socks and sandals combo or anything ;-) kept them on to hide my ankle scar from the op but on the plus side I dont have burnt feet lol!

Also got a really tanned nose then big white line across the bridge from my sunnies so that Looks funny too! X

Not a good look girlfriend lol! :eek: xx
Morning girls

All cloudy here this morning but supposed to brighten up later.

Donna, hope you enjoy your day, sounds busy x

Laura, did you put some Aftersun on as that will help with the burning s

Deb, you should have some syns per day & like you say they do mount up.x

Vicky, were the fish & chips good? Am I putting you down as off plan for Tuesday & Wednesday then seeing as you had cake & fish & chips?! x

I have definetly been off plan!!! Back on it today though, me and the oh are going for a walk tonight and im going to make a chicken and bacon salad in a big tuppawear and we can have a picnic. Might take some strawberries n stuff too.

I did day 1 of week 4 today. I didnt have time to do any yesterday so decided im going to do 2 workouts tomorrow instead of one on saturday.

BTW yes the fish and chips were amazing lol, we sat on the canal in the sun and ate them.