Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

I'm using weekly syns this week so that I can be 100% everyday but Saturday, when I'll use flexi syns, so........

100% ee yesterday for me, 1 hea 31 syns

Well hello you stranger! Sounds as tho you've been having fun & well done on STS!
Do not take your scales on holiday! If you can't let loose on your jolly hols when can you! If you don't put on at least 7lbs, I shall inform Customs & Passport Control not to let you back into the country lol! Xx

Good advice :)
I know I weigh at my mums, but it never means anything as I don't know what her scales are like compared to slimming world ones (plus I usually go to hers on a Weds which is only a day after WI lol) so glad I don't have scales at home as I'd get obsessed, although tempted to buy some for my boyfriend....

Just enjoy your birthday week & forget about the scales! X

I'm trying to, if I really want something I'm not going to hold back and on Saturday I will be having EVERYTHING. but I can't help but worry a bit, when I get weighed I won't be able to make the following WI as we're away...expecting a gain that week as well as for the two days we're away we get breakfast and a 4 course evening meal! yum, but I'm not worrying about that I'm just going to eat whatever it is because that's my Birthday treat from my boyfriend. My only worry is that if I go out of target range this week, I'm going to have to pay for the week I'm away.... but I suppose that's not the end of the world, I haven't been paying most weeks since Christmas, so £10 + however long it takes me to get back in isn't much really

Thanks for all the rice pud recipes girls, I'll have a go but will any of them taste like tinned Ambrosia Creamed Rice?! X

I'm not sure to be honest as I hadn't had proper rice pud for AGES before trying the slimming world one, like years seriously, it is very nice and is creamy though, probably not as creamy as the tinned stuff but worth a try :)

Morning everyone hope you all enjoyed the sunshine yesterday :)
100% for me EE 1x hexa 1xhexb 14.5 syns
Think I have 6 syns left for today from my weekly allowance, but will double check.
Me and the girls have been asked for tea to my best friends house, her son is 11 today, so not sure 6 syns will be enough to enjoy a few nibbles, as I'm not wi weekly should I pinch a few from next weeks allowance????
What do you all suggest??

Didn't manage the shred :-( but after work we went as a family for a 1 1/2hour walk at a local woods it's was gorgeous, a really beautiful place, much more enjoyable than 20 mins with jillian ha ha
My legs are so sore today too lol ;-) need to haul my lazy butt out of bed......
Have a good day everyone xx

Hmmm, it's up to you, I'd say either try to have as few syns as possible but still enjoy yourself and call it flexi then forget about it for next week.... or if your really not comfortable with that then yeah borrow some from next week

I really want to get a load in the washer but don't quite have enough in my colours or whites :( hopefully the weather will hold out until I do have enough lol
I have to confess...............................I was naughty last night!!!! We went out for tea and I had every intention of been good as we went to a cavery BUT they had the most amazing cake cabinet in the world. I have the biggest piece of chocolate gatuex you have ever seen in your life. The website says 3 1/2 syns per 25g but I have no idea how much it weighed. What do you reckon I should syn it as? It was about 10cm tall????
Morning ladies.

Bit cloudy here this morning, but think its going to brighten up for my 2 hour ride today. Im still a bit sore *down there lol*, now dont laugh.....DH had lent me a pair of his padded undershorts that you wear under your padded shorts......he's 6 foot! I bought a ladies pair yesterday, so just waiting for them to arrive.

Another good day for us yesterday, looks as tho we all had a EE day.

Ronnie, dont think you're supposed to pinch Syns from the following week lol! So, as Donna said either flexi syns, or count them up & ignore them, or dont just bother counting them, or eat before you go & dont have any nibbles, or.............have an off plan day!!!! The possibilities are endless, sorry not much help there lol! Just see how you feel on the day, as thats SW for you, we adapt to every situation thrown at us!

Donna, try not to fret too much as in theory you're supposed to be maintaining & thats life, we have Birthdays & lots of other events that make doing SW challenging to say the least. Just enjoy yourself, stay on plan when you can & at the weekend just go & enjoy yourself. You will have plenty of time to repair any damage when you get back........I wished I listened to my own advice sometimes lol!!!
I have to confess...............................I was naughty last night!!!! We went out for tea and I had every intention of been good as we went to a cavery BUT they had the most amazing cake cabinet in the world. I have the biggest piece of chocolate gatuex you have ever seen in your life. The website says 3 1/2 syns per 25g but I have no idea how much it weighed. What do you reckon I should syn it as? It was about 10cm tall????

Ooh not like you Vicky! Sounds a bit good tho! Goodness, no idea how you would Syn that as 25g is a tiny weight & how does the website know what was in the gateaux? I would say 30 to be on the safe side, but you're always have under your 15 a day & you're an exercise monster, I wouldn't worry about it. Itmay even boost your metabolism! x
Week 3 100% Challenge

Kim 9st 6lbs ( -2lbs)
Tuesday - 100% EE 1Hexa 1HexB 7 Syns 40 min walk
Wednesday - 28.3 mile ride 1114 cals

Nikki 9st 12.5lbs (-2lbs)
Tuesday -
Wednesday -

Vicky 9st 12.5lbs (-1.5lbs)
Tuesday -

Debbie 8st 7.25lbs (-1.75lbs)
Tuesday - 100% EE 1HexA 1HexB 7 Syns
Wednesday -

Lynica 9st 8lbs (STS)
Tuesday - 100% EE 1HexA 1HexB 14 Syns 1.5h walk
Wednesday -

Donna 9st 2.5lbs (+2.5lbs)

Tuesday - 100% EE 1HexA 31/105 Syns
Wednesday -

Laura 9st 12.5lbs (+3.5lbs)
Tuesday - 100% SF 10 Wkls
Wednesday -
Last edited:
Morning everyone :) how are we today?

Glorious weather here! Quite excited for my home made Chinese tonight :)

Need something to boost my weight loss this week, would love to lose 3lb before holiday. I'm going to go to a thursday/ Friday WI next week so gives me over a week now but I need to be focused at both hen dos at the weekend. I don't think the Saturday night one will be a problem because I might still be hungover from the Friday one! Hehe! Must check out the menu for friday actually...

Sorry not had chance to catch up properly, just not been on laptop so use my phone 90% of the time xxx
Morning everyone :) how are we today?

Glorious weather here! Quite excited for my home made Chinese tonight :)

Need something to boost my weight loss this week, would love to lose 3lb before holiday. I'm going to go to a thursday/ Friday WI next week so gives me over a week now but I need to be focused at both hen dos at the weekend. I don't think the Saturday night one will be a problem because I might still be hungover from the Friday one! Hehe! Must check out the menu for friday actually...

Sorry not had chance to catch up properly, just not been on laptop so use my phone 90% of the time xxx

Afternoon Nikki

Glorious here as well & its meant to last all week.....goody gum drops :)
What are you making for your homemade Chinese?
Are you going out to restaurants on both nights? The only way I think you'll be able to manage not eating naughty food is to eat before you go & then maybe just have a starter.....just a thought!
2 hen nights in a row, blimey I can just manage 1 night on the pop as Im such a lightweight now & have little tolerance for alcohol! Look forward to you posting your outfits so we can all see what your wearing, you party animal you! xx
kim63 said:
Afternoon Nikki

Glorious here as well & its meant to last all week.....goody gum drops :)
What are you making for your homemade Chinese?
Are you going out to restaurants on both nights? The only way I think you'll be able to manage not eating naughty food is to eat before you go & then maybe just have a starter.....just a thought!
2 hen nights in a row, blimey I can just manage 1 night on the pop as Im such a lightweight now & have little tolerance for alcohol! Look forward to you posting your outfits so we can all see what your wearing, you party animal you! xx

Well the first night is at bistro live, have a look online it's soooo much fun!! Dancing on tables and everything! That's the bridesmaid hen do and then on the Saturday night it's all the other ladies, mum, nan, aunties, mammar, brides mum etc but she has invited all the younger ones too. Which I think is just drinks but not 100% sure, if it's food it will be pub food so I can have a jacket pot or something.

So unsure what I can wear though because I'm feeling a tab self conscious with my body at the moment. I'll dig something out :)

OH has just been paid today and he said he was going to take me out but nothing else has been said about it so my plan is to do diet coke chicken, noodles with lots of bean sprouts etc, egg fried rice and might try the crispy kale if I can find the recipe!

I'll be totally back on plan when I'm back from the hen parties, which will give me 1 week to look body fabulous. Might do my quick fix juice diet next week to prepare me alcohol lol

If we decide to go out tonight it could be curry but I'm not sure until I speak with oh xxx
Well, the under padded shorts certainly helped in the 'undercarriage department', as didn't feel so sore today. Have just done a 28.3 mile ride, first time I did that route & it was bloomin' hilly. Didn't realise it was that hilly & I've driven it numerous times, but there again you dont really notice in a car! I shouldn't complain, as 'hills are your friend' as DH would say......stupid man course they're not! They may be my quads & gluteus of the maximus friend, but they're certainly not mine lol!

Think I may take a dander over to Tesco's & get some more growing herbs for my herb garden......have rosemary, oregano, parsley & basil already, so may get some coriander & chives.

Hope you all having a lovely sunny day xx
Well the first night is at bistro live, have a look online it's soooo much fun!! Dancing on tables and everything! That's the bridesmaid hen do and then on the Saturday night it's all the other ladies, mum, nan, aunties, mammar, brides mum etc but she has invited all the younger ones too. Which I think is just drinks but not 100% sure, if it's food it will be pub food so I can have a jacket pot or something.

So unsure what I can wear though because I'm feeling a tab self conscious with my body at the moment. I'll dig something out :)

OH has just been paid today and he said he was going to take me out but nothing else has been said about it so my plan is to do diet coke chicken, noodles with lots of bean sprouts etc, egg fried rice and might try the crispy kale if I can find the recipe!

I'll be totally back on plan when I'm back from the hen parties, which will give me 1 week to look body fabulous. Might do my quick fix juice diet next week to prepare me alcohol lol

If we decide to go out tonight it could be curry but I'm not sure until I speak with oh xxx

Oooh sounds a lot of fun. Dancing on tables...........memories for me from way back in my Plymouth days lol!
Chinese sounds lush.
Mmm, veggie juices are fab. Do you have a juicer, coz if you have a scrummy one is...........carrots, celery, tomatoes & a dash of Worcester sauce xx
kim63 said:
Oooh sounds a lot of fun. Dancing on tables...........memories for me from way back in my Plymouth days lol!
Chinese sounds lush.
Mmm, veggie juices are fab. Do you have a juicer, coz if you have a scrummy one is...........carrots, celery, tomatoes & a dash of Worcester sauce xx

Yeh I have a juicer and love trying different flavours! Might have to give that veggie one a go. I love a sherbet Lemon one, which is apple, lemon and ice it's sooooo nice.

Yeh I have a juicer and love trying different flavours! Might have to give that veggie one a go. I love a sherbet Lemon one, which is apple, lemon and ice it's sooooo nice.


Dont you have to Syn the fruit if its juiced tho, but dont Syn it with veggies???? xx
kim63 said:
Dont you have to Syn the fruit if its juiced tho, but dont Syn it with veggies???? xx

I think I'd have to syn The fruit juice. Not sure how id syn it though. I'll hve to look into it over the weekend. Xx
I want this weather to stay forever! Braved some short shorts, bikini top and vest over it and came to the park. Had leftover veg couscous for lunch it was even better today and i started and finished an entire book lol! :-D LOVE IT! X
Morning everyone :) how are we today?

Glorious weather here! Quite excited for my home made Chinese tonight :)

Need something to boost my weight loss this week, would love to lose 3lb before holiday. I'm going to go to a thursday/ Friday WI next week so gives me over a week now but I need to be focused at both hen dos at the weekend. I don't think the Saturday night one will be a problem because I might still be hungover from the Friday one! Hehe! Must check out the menu for friday actually...

Sorry not had chance to catch up properly, just not been on laptop so use my phone 90% of the time xxx

The weather has been lovely here too :) it's great isn't it

Hope you enjoy the hen do's and stay on plan as much as possible, but don't beat yourself up if you don't

Afternoon Nikki

Glorious here as well & its meant to last all week.....goody gum drops :)
What are you making for your homemade Chinese?
Are you going out to restaurants on both nights? The only way I think you'll be able to manage not eating naughty food is to eat before you go & then maybe just have a starter.....just a thought!
2 hen nights in a row, blimey I can just manage 1 night on the pop as Im such a lightweight now & have little tolerance for alcohol! Look forward to you posting your outfits so we can all see what your wearing, you party animal you! xx

When I went on my friends hen do, the following day was my boyfriends Birthday so we had another night of drinking, didn't think I'd drink the second night but I ended up doing so...whoops :p

Well the first night is at bistro live, have a look online it's soooo much fun!! Dancing on tables and everything! That's the bridesmaid hen do and then on the Saturday night it's all the other ladies, mum, nan, aunties, mammar, brides mum etc but she has invited all the younger ones too. Which I think is just drinks but not 100% sure, if it's food it will be pub food so I can have a jacket pot or something.

So unsure what I can wear though because I'm feeling a tab self conscious with my body at the moment. I'll dig something out :)

OH has just been paid today and he said he was going to take me out but nothing else has been said about it so my plan is to do diet coke chicken, noodles with lots of bean sprouts etc, egg fried rice and might try the crispy kale if I can find the recipe!

I'll be totally back on plan when I'm back from the hen parties, which will give me 1 week to look body fabulous. Might do my quick fix juice diet next week to prepare me alcohol lol

If we decide to go out tonight it could be curry but I'm not sure until I speak with oh xxx

I'm sure you'll look great whatever you decide to wear, both sound lovely though. I'm sure you'll have a blast

Well, the under padded shorts certainly helped in the 'undercarriage department', as didn't feel so sore today. Have just done a 28.3 mile ride, first time I did that route & it was bloomin' hilly. Didn't realise it was that hilly & I've driven it numerous times, but there again you dont really notice in a car! I shouldn't complain, as 'hills are your friend' as DH would say......stupid man course they're not! They may be my quads & gluteus of the maximus friend, but they're certainly not mine lol!

Think I may take a dander over to Tesco's & get some more growing herbs for my herb garden......have rosemary, oregano, parsley & basil already, so may get some coriander & chives.

Hope you all having a lovely sunny day xx

Sounds like a good ride. I hate when my boyfriend comments on my exercise lol, but thats partly because he does nothing himself so I get really frustrated if he says something about what I'm doing

I'm so jealous of your herb garden, I want to come and pick at it

How long do you get in jail for punching a child?
Ive had enough, dont wanna work in a school anymore

What age do you work with?
I think you'd get away without a jail sentence but wouldn't look pretty on your record :p

I want this weather to stay forever! Braved some short shorts, bikini top and vest over it and came to the park. Had leftover veg couscous for lunch it was even better today and i started and finished an entire book lol! :-D LOVE IT! X

I'm loving this weather, wore short shorts myself today as well, only problem with the weather at the moment I have is that I'm busy at other peoples ect. so haven't had chance to just relax in my garden, been at my mums today and yesterday which has been lovely but she doesn't get as much sun as me and she has no grass and in town tomorrow, on Friday I'm going to my nanna's (although she has a lovely garden so that's okay :p)
All very quiet here today must be the sun keeping us all outdoors.
I'm in bed early again as this cycling is rather tiring, but I'm sure I'll get used to it soon.
Another 100% green day for me today & am WI on Friday to see if the cycling is having any effect on the weight loss x
How long do you get in jail for punching a child?
Ive had enough, dont wanna work in a school anymore

My sis is a teacher in the school a lot of my younger cousins go to - a teacher came up to her one day and said you could prob get away with giving him (my cousin) a slap a lot easier than me lol. Apparently he is a joy to teach - NOT!
All very quiet here today must be the sun keeping us all outdoors.
I'm in bed early again as this cycling is rather tiring, but I'm sure I'll get used to it soon.
Another 100% green day for me today & am WI on Friday to see if the cycling is having any effect on the weight loss x

Well done on another 100% day and good luck with WI

My sis is a teacher in the school a lot of my younger cousins go to - a teacher came up to her one day and said you could prob get away with giving him (my cousin) a slap a lot easier than me lol. Apparently he is a joy to teach - NOT!

I do volunteer work in a school and my boyfriend is a teacher in another, so glad neither of us work in schools with any relatives, my cousin sounds like she's a nightmare. My boyfriend does have a lot of girls in his school who know my brother though

100% ee day for me, 1 HEA, 1 HEB and 0 of my weekly syns