Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

lilprincessvic said:
Total food replacement Kim x

Haven't done it before but I'm willing to give owt a try as it's getting me really down. I've looked at the slim and save. It's £128 for 4 weeks. But that's everything so would probably save some money. You can choose from meal things as well as the normal shakes and bars so wouldn't feel as weird. Just wanted an extra opinion x

I can't really give you an opinion about it really as don't know anything about it Im afraid. However, personally Im not really in favour of vlcd's as my concern would be that as soon as you start eating regular meals , would the weight creep back on? You've done so well on SW, would you not benefit talking to your C & see if she can shed any light on why your losses have slowed down.
Ultimately its up to you what you do, but is it sustainable for you? X

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Just want you to be careful that's all. Before this forum I didn't really know anything about them and would probably have instantly dismissed them however a couple people who's diaries I was subscribed to ended up switching to them.

Some people find it too difficult it's especially awkward in social situations and around children as they tend to pick up on it. The first few days until ketosis are difficult too.

The losses are of course great but there are some side effects - breath is horrible, cold all the time, find sleep difficult etc

The trickiest part of course is coming off it and the weight not going back on as you go from what around 500/600 calories back to introducing real food it often comes all back on again.

I know it must be frustrating having slow losses but look how far you have already came - you look like an entirely different person now!

Most people also tend to use it as they are so big and so much weight to loose. Or because they have terrible overeating/binging habits and this helps them deal with them as they realise the hunger is just in the brain. You have neither of these issues. As a quick fix I don't think it's really as effective due to the refeeding part often causing gains again.

Anyway if you decide it's for you best of luck with it but I would certainly calm down on the exercise as I imagine it would be really dangerous on such low calorie intake.

Hope none of this is taken the wrong way it's meant to be information/concern!! X
Of course not that's why I asked your opinion :) I just need this last bit off. If anything I actually feel worse than I did when I was bigger as I didn't think I had a problem then now all I see is the flabbyness :-( I'll have a think n might order a trail pack x
lilprincessvic said:
That's mental x

Isn't it just!! We had many guests drop out and my cuz said "only close friends and family" now my OH refuses to invite them to ours....(we aren't engaged yet) xxx
kim63 said:
Wow Nikki you look stunning as usual & glad you had a great time. Well done on STS as well, you must have been very disciplined! X

What's tfr Vicky? X

Deb just finished the last 2 episodes of Greys can they leave us in suspense like that, not fair! X

Back to sleeping alone! DH back to work after3 weeks off, so just me & my furry girls....peace at last lol! X

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Thanks hunni.... Rather glad to be back to be honest cxx
Nikki<3 said:
Isn't it just!! We had many guests drop out and my cuz said "only close friends and family" now my OH refuses to invite them to ours....(we aren't engaged yet) xxx

Too right I would say. We have had to cut our guest list down dramatically but everyone who is invited is allowed a plus one!!
lilprincessvic said:
Too right I would say. We have had to cut our guest list down dramatically but everyone who is invited is allowed a plus one!!

My OH is fuming about it! My uncle just had this 3rd baby and so my aunty didn't go... Leaving 4 free spaces! Been tryin to be good all week ad luckily it's worked -

Bad news..... I fell in love with salad cream and desperado beer!!! Xx
Nikki<3 said:
My OH is fuming about it! My uncle just had this 3rd baby and so my aunty didn't go... Leaving 4 free spaces! Been tryin to be good all week ad luckily it's worked -

Bad news..... I fell in love with salad cream and desperado beer!!! Xx

Ooh I love salad cream! Use the extra light & its only 1 syn per tbsp x

Sent from my GT-I9100 using MiniMins
kim63 said:
Ooh I love salad cream! Use the extra light & its only 1 syn per tbsp x

Sent from my GT-I9100 using MiniMins

I got an Asda light one which I think is about 1 syn per tbsp. never looked forward to salad soooo much! X
I can't be bothered today :( got used to having a week off, feels weird getting ready to go into work. Plus I'm a bit unsure where I'm meant to be going today as my usual class aren't in anymore (year 11's) I've been told something will be sorted out for me probably year 8's but I'm dreading going in and not being able to find anyone lol.

Having a green day today, can't wait to get weighed tomorrow so I can forget all the naughties I had last weekend.
donna88 said:
I can't be bothered today :( got used to having a week off, feels weird getting ready to go into work. Plus I'm a bit unsure where I'm meant to be going today as my usual class aren't in anymore (year 11's) I've been told something will be sorted out for me probably year 8's but I'm dreading going in and not being able to find anyone lol.

Having a green day today, can't wait to get weighed tomorrow so I can forget all the naughties I had last weekend.

I feel your pain donna...just can't get into it. Need to weigh tom to try get started with excercise. The way I feel about myself is reverting back to how I was a while ago. All loose and yucky...need work hard and get back in groove.
Try have good day at work x
I can't be bothered today :( got used to having a week off, feels weird getting ready to go into work. Plus I'm a bit unsure where I'm meant to be going today as my usual class aren't in anymore (year 11's) I've been told something will be sorted out for me probably year 8's but I'm dreading going in and not being able to find anyone lol.

Having a green day today, can't wait to get weighed tomorrow so I can forget all the naughties I had last weekend.

I know how you feel im the same. I should have year 11 period one but they have finished. Saying that though they have their exam this afternoon so I dont know whether they will be coming in or not!!!
Good morning ladies :-D

Hope your all well. I'm feeling we start these positives again do here goes.....

1. First day of my future today....back on SW and hoping to lose 1 stone
2. Me and OH had a lovely day/night last night and spoke a lot about future :)
3. Just in a generally happier mood

Kim.... Can a join the 100% group again please. I'm ready and rearing to go.

Morning ladies
I was just thinking about what you were all saying & reckon its weather related! A few weeks ago we were all chirpy & motivated, it was lovely & warm with lots of sun & now feeling yuch, its cold & miserable, more like a winters day! I think when its lovely & warm, we all wear less clothes so want to have nice trim bods, so try harder with SW & exercise & when its cold & miserable outside, the winter clothes come back out again & our motivation wanes a bit......just a theory!
Believe me, there is nothing worse than cycling when its cold, windy & wet & I have to force myself to go out!

Nikki, the new week of the challenge starts tomorrow, do you want to start then or today? xx
100% Challenge Week 5

Kim 9st 3lbs (-3lbs)
Tuesday - Green 1HexA 2HexB 0 Syns 16.2 mile ride 628 calories
Wednesday - Red 2HexA 15 Syns
Thursday - Green 2HexA 2HexB 10 Syns
Friday - Red 1HexA 2HexB 19 Syns = 86/105
Saturday - Red 1HexA 2HexB 15 Syns = 71/105
Sunday - Red 1HexA 2HexB 15 Syns = 56/105
Monday - EE 1HexA 1HexB 9 Syns = 47 /105 21.1 mile ride 778 calories

Vicky 9st 12 lbs (-1.5)
Tuesday -Red 2 HexA 2HexB 12 Syns 30min Pilates & 3mile walk
Wednesday - Red 1HexA 2HexB 4 Syns 1hr BC & 30min yoga
Thursday -Red 1HexA 2HexB 12 Syns
Friday - Red 1HexA 2HexB 12 Syns 20min yoga
Saturday - Green 1HexA 1HexB 15 Syns 20min yoga 1h BC
Sunday - EE 1HexA 1Hexb 12 Syns 3h Zumba 4mile walk 20min yoga
Monday -

Ronnie 9st 7lbs (-1lb)
Tuesday - Off Plan
Wednesday - Off Plan
Thursday - EE 1HexA 0.5HexB 30.5/105 Syns
Friday - EE 1HexA 2x0.5HexB 17.5 = 48/105 Syns
Saturday - Off Plan
Sunday - Off Plan
Monday -

Donna 9st 0.5lb (+0.5lb)
Tuesday - Off Plan
Wednesday - EE 1HexA 1HexB 10 Syns 20min X-trainer
Thursday - Green 2HexA 2HexB 0 Syns 20min X-trainer
Friday - EE 1HexA 1Hexb 1 Syn
Saturday - EE 1HexA 1HexB 0 Syns
Sunday - EE 1HexA 1HexB 5 Syns
Monday -

Laura 9st 8.5lbs (-4lbs)
Tuesday - Off Plan
Wednesday - 22PP 0 Wkls
Thursday - SF 5 Wkls
Friday - SF 7 Wkls
Saturday - SF 6 Wkls
Sunday - SF 7 Wkls
Monday -

Annie 9st 13lbs
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -
Monday -

Claire 9st 12lbs
Tuesday - Off Plan
Wednesday - Off Plan
Thursday -EE 1HexA 1Hexb 14 Syns
Friday - Green 2HexA 2HexB 10 Syns
Saturday - Poorly
Sunday -
Monday -

Nikki 10st
Monday -

Debbie 8st 7.25lbs
Monday -
Last edited:
Right that's it....fed us seeing my name off the list. Kim am going to keep trying so will weigh in tom as usual, deal with consequences and get shredding.
If you don't mind adding me again I would appreciate it.
Going to dig out the diary and jot everything down. I need to get back into the feel good mindset!!
Thanks ladies x
kim63 said:
Morning ladies
I was just thinking about what you were all saying & reckon its weather related! A few weeks ago we were all chirpy & motivated, it was lovely & warm with lots of sun & now feeling yuch, its cold & miserable, more like a winters day! I think when its lovely & warm, we all wear less clothes so want to have nice trim bods, so try harder with SW & exercise & when its cold & miserable outside, the winter clothes come back out again & our motivation wanes a bit......just a theory!
Believe me, there is nothing worse than cycling when its cold, windy & wet & I have to force myself to go out!

Nikki, the new week of the challenge starts tomorrow, do you want to start then or today? xx

I'll start today Kim :)

Totally agree that it's the weather, but we need to all start smiling again.

100% Challenge Week 5

Kim 9st 3lbs (-3lbs)
Tuesday - Green 1HexA 2HexB 0 Syns 16.2 mile ride 628 calories
Wednesday - Red 2HexA 15 Syns
Thursday - Green 2HexA 2HexB 10 Syns
Friday - Red 1HexA 2HexB 19 Syns
Saturday - Red 1HexA 2HexB 15 Syns
Sunday - Red 1HexA 2HexB 15 Syns
Monday -

Vicky 9st 12 lbs (-1.5)
Tuesday -Red 2 HexA 2HexB 12 Syns 30min Pilates & 3mile walk
Wednesday - Red 1HexA 2HexB 4 Syns 1hr BC & 30min yoga
Thursday -Red 1HexA 2HexB 12 Syns
Friday - Red 1HexA 2HexB 12 Syns 20min yoga
Saturday - Green 1HexA 1HexB 15 Syns
Sunday - EE 1HexA 1Hexb 12 Syns
Monday -

Ronnie 9st 7lbs (-1lb)
Tuesday - Off Plan
Wednesday - Off Plan
Thursday - EE 1HexA 0.5HexB 30.5/105 Syns
Friday - EE 1HexA 2x0.5HexB 17.5 = 48/105 Syns
Saturday -
Sunday -
Monday -

Donna 9st 0.5lb (+0.5lb)
Tuesday - Off Plan
Wednesday - EE 1HexA 1HexB 10 Syns 20min X-trainer
Thursday - Green 2HexA 2HexB 0 Syns 20min X-trainer
Friday - EE 1HexA 1Hexb 1 Syn
Saturday - EE 1HexA 1HexB 0 Syns
Sunday - EE 1HexA 1HexB 5 Syns
Monday -

Laura 9st 8.5lbs (-4lbs)
Tuesday - Off Plan
Wednesday - 22PP 0 Wkls
Thursday - SF 5 Wkls
Friday - SF 7 Wkls
Saturday - Sf 6 Wkls
Sunday -
Monday -

Annie 9st 13lbs
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -
Monday -

Claire 9st 12lbs
Tuesday - Off Plan
Wednesday - Off Plan
Thursday -EE 1HexA 1Hexb 14 Syns
Friday - Green 2HexA 2HexB 10 Syns
Saturday - Poorly
Sunday -
Monday -

Think i missed my exercise off!!!
Saturday I did 20 mins yoda and 1 hour Body conditioning.
Sunday I did 3 hours of zumba, 4 mile walk and 20 mins yoga