Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??


Fri: 9.2
Sun:9.1 (3/4)
Mon: 9.2
Tues: 9.1(3/4)
Wed: 9.1
Thurs: 9.1(1/2)

My coat is a size 12. Even though I'm an 8 and sometimes a 10. But I love my coat.
It's a lot looser on me now though so maybe I do need to downsize lol
Morning girls

Half up from yesterday, but still happy!

Friday: 9st 4.5lbs

Saturday: 9st 4lbs
Sunday: 9st 3.5lbs
Monday: 9st 3.5lbs
Tuesday: 9st 1.5lbs
Wednesday: 9st 1.5lbs
Thursday: 9st 2lbs

Coats & xmas........randon chat this morning!
The jacket/coat DH bought me from Next was a size 12, as its fitted & I have boobs, but Im normally a 10 in Next..... funny thing was tho DH went straight for the size 10......he's a modern man & knows his wife's size!......but I know Next clothes lol! Sizing is a load of bull anyways!

Xmas.....Im a bah humbug Im afraid! Love the festivity of it all, but think its all gone a bit OTT. Love the decorations & joy Xmas brings, but dont like the vulgarity of it all now. I'll shutup now or I'll get on my soapbox!!!
I'm up 1/2 a lb also. Lol oh well.

I know what u mean. I think it's went way ott. I just feel stressed now at Xmas
Xmas brings a lot of pressure and isn't what its meant to be. PRessure to buy for folk you see twice a year etc etc I have seen me and oh not buy each other cos we have spent all our money on others. Won't be happening this year I tell you!!
Your all sounding so organised for Xmas :)

I'm afraid I'm a last min girl every year I say I'm getting organised and ready early and every year I'm still in the shops Xmas eve ha ha.

I save all year with my sister so she's transferred my money last night so that's a start. My girlies want kindles this year so that's nice and easy.

but I do love the buzz of Xmas and all that comes with it maybe you will all motivate me to be ready early this year like you do with sw and exercise lol

Not done shred today cause going do it every other day but can feel it from yesterday and I do like that exercise ache feels good !!!

not sure if I'm going wi tomorrow cause its been a bad few weeks and I was already up so thinking I'm probably nearer 10 stone than 9.7 id be gutted if i saw a may leave it and wi 1st December what do you all think ??
I'm up 1/2 a lb also. Lol oh well.

I know what u mean. I think it's went way ott. I just feel stressed now at Xmas

The best Xmas we ever had was when we helped the Salvation Army out with their Xmas Dinner. My husband used to be a chef In the RM's, so volunteered himself & we wrote to different supermarkets for food donations......our local Morissons were the only ones that did & gave us all the meat! We then cooked for about 80 elderly people who would have been on their own for Xmas dinner........homemade soup, xmas dinner with all the trimmings, xmas pudding & custard & mincepies! Hard work, but probably my best ever Xmas! The gratitude of the elderly & all the staff of the SA was the best Xmas present.
I didn't send any cards or get any presents that year as we told everyone we were donating our time to charity.........stressfree Xmas!!!
Your all sounding so organised for Xmas :)

I'm afraid I'm a last min girl every year I say I'm getting organised and ready early and every year I'm still in the shops Xmas eve ha ha.

I save all year with my sister so she's transferred my money last night so that's a start. My girlies want kindles this year so that's nice and easy.

but I do love the buzz of Xmas and all that comes with it maybe you will all motivate me to be ready early this year like you do with sw and exercise lol

Not done shred today cause going do it every other day but can feel it from yesterday and I do like that exercise ache feels good !!!

not sure if I'm going wi tomorrow cause its been a bad few weeks and I was already up so thinking I'm probably nearer 10 stone than 9.7 id be gutted if i saw a may leave it and wi 1st December what do you all think ??

I know you dont want to weigh & I feel your pain but......I think you should WI! It will give you that incentive to realise you do need SW especially with Xmas looming. When I went off the rails a bit after getting to 8.11, I never wanted to see 9st again, but I saw 9.5! It spurred me on to get back to SW & Im now 5 weeks down the line feeling so much better. I gave myself a challenge to lose 0.5-1lb per week (very slow/erratic loser) & be on plan 100% by 21st December & so far Im on track with a 3.5lb loss & 33/33 days being 100%...........come on Ronnie you can do it :) x

So todays midwife day :)leaving work in an hour and half. Then just 1 day left at work eeeekkkk!!!!

Friday: 9st 11
Saturday: 9st 11
Sunday: 9st 11
Monday: 9st 12.75
Tuesday: 10st 0.25
Wednesday: 9st 12
Thursday: 9st 12

Fri: 9.2
Sun:9.1 (3/4)
Mon: 9.2
Tues: 9.1(3/4)
Wed: 9.1
Thurs: 9.1(1/2)

My coat is a size 12. Even though I'm an 8 and sometimes a 10. But I love my coat.
It's a lot looser on me now though so maybe I do need to downsize lol

I have a size 12 that's too big but I love it, I prefer my 10 but that's because I prefer the style but I do wear both.

Morning girls

Half up from yesterday, but still happy!

Friday: 9st 4.5lbs

Saturday: 9st 4lbs
Sunday: 9st 3.5lbs
Monday: 9st 3.5lbs
Tuesday: 9st 1.5lbs
Wednesday: 9st 1.5lbs
Thursday: 9st 2lbs

Coats & xmas........randon chat this morning!
The jacket/coat DH bought me from Next was a size 12, as its fitted & I have boobs, but Im normally a 10 in Next..... funny thing was tho DH went straight for the size 10......he's a modern man & knows his wife's size!......but I know Next clothes lol! Sizing is a load of bull anyways!

Xmas.....Im a bah humbug Im afraid! Love the festivity of it all, but think its all gone a bit OTT. Love the decorations & joy Xmas brings, but dont like the vulgarity of it all now. I'll shutup now or I'll get on my soapbox!!!

I can see what you mean about Christmas, but I'm just a massive kid and still love it.

I'm up 1/2 a lb also. Lol oh well.

I know what u mean. I think it's went way ott. I just feel stressed now at Xmas

My boyfriends mum gets stupid stressed at Christmas, she hates it. I think its a bit sad really so actually make a concious effort to not get stressed and to just enjoy it all. But I can see how it can be stressful.

Xmas brings a lot of pressure and isn't what its meant to be. PRessure to buy for folk you see twice a year etc etc I have seen me and oh not buy each other cos we have spent all our money on others. Won't be happening this year I tell you!!

That is silly, I've told my sister I'm not getting much for her kids this year as she has 4 of them so it all adds up and we only buy for close family now. I don't buy for my dads side of the family anymore as I never see them, I used to as they always buy for us but I literally only see them if someone dies or if I bump into them in the street (which is very rare) so I don't know them and they don't know me :/ I'd like it if they'd get the hint and not buy for me though as it seems a bit pointless

Your all sounding so organised for Xmas :)

I'm afraid I'm a last min girl every year I say I'm getting organised and ready early and every year I'm still in the shops Xmas eve ha ha.

I save all year with my sister so she's transferred my money last night so that's a start. My girlies want kindles this year so that's nice and easy.

but I do love the buzz of Xmas and all that comes with it maybe you will all motivate me to be ready early this year like you do with sw and exercise lol

Not done shred today cause going do it every other day but can feel it from yesterday and I do like that exercise ache feels good !!!

not sure if I'm going wi tomorrow cause its been a bad few weeks and I was already up so thinking I'm probably nearer 10 stone than 9.7 id be gutted if i saw a may leave it and wi 1st December what do you all think ??

I think one of the reasons I always get so organised is because I don't want to get stressed and if I waited last minute I would. I hate how busy the shops get in December so like to go if I'm going to look for stuff I want rather then thinking I need to go because I need to buy something for so and so

The best Xmas we ever had was when we helped the Salvation Army out with their Xmas Dinner. My husband used to be a chef In the RM's, so volunteered himself & we wrote to different supermarkets for food donations......our local Morissons were the only ones that did & gave us all the meat! We then cooked for about 80 elderly people who would have been on their own for Xmas dinner........homemade soup, xmas dinner with all the trimmings, xmas pudding & custard & mincepies! Hard work, but probably my best ever Xmas! The gratitude of the elderly & all the staff of the SA was the best Xmas present.
I didn't send any cards or get any presents that year as we told everyone we were donating our time to charity.........stressfree Xmas!!!

That sounds lovely, :) its amazing that you did that. Would you do it again?


So todays midwife day :)leaving work in an hour and half. Then just 1 day left at work eeeekkkk!!!!

Friday: 9st 11
Saturday: 9st 11
Sunday: 9st 11
Monday: 9st 12.75
Tuesday: 10st 0.25
Wednesday: 9st 12
Thursday: 9st 12

Good luck at the midwife :)

Well back from shopping, run done, crunches done and lunch demolished. I got his batcave which was my biggest worry and I bought his present from my nanna which my sister is going to drop off at Nanna's house for me (which is handy as I might have little one with me next time I go) I also bought loads more.... which is probably stuff I shouldn't have done but we sort of need them. I didn't get any decorations but didn't see any I really like and seemed silly getting them for the sake of it.

I bought myself some perfume, it was reduced though only £13 so not bad and from boots so I got some points on my card (I nearly have £10 this time next year I might even be able to buy some £13 perfume with my points lol) I bought a long sleeved running shirt and leggings as well, which I do need as I've only ordered one jacket, one set of long leggings and one long sleeved top from sports direct (along with loads of short sleeved tops) as when I placed my order it wasn't as cold and I thought I got too hot to wear the longer things. So when my order comes I can give my mum back all the stuff she lent me. I also got little one a children in need top as no doubt they'll do spots or something on the day at school and he never has anything to wear (bought it one size too big so will fit him next year and possibly the year after as well lol) and also bought him a really thick cardi because it was gorgeous and he needs some more jumpers/cardi's most of the ones from last year don't fit. In fact this afternoon I'm going to sort out his jumpers to see what he does have

Sorry rambled on a bit there, but I think that's all I got.
Eeeeeeeee (that's an excited noise by the way) that job has been advertised! Now I need to knuckle down and get my application sorted.... just need to make a few changes from what I was told after my last interview and also make sure its relevant to this job and not the last one I applied for as they're completely different jobs, but still have the application form from the last one so shouldn't take too long. But the closing date isn't until the 21st so going to take my time with it and make sure I'm happy (will probably send it in next week as I like to get it in before the closing date but not too soon after they've advertised lol... I know that's probably silly)

Scary though, really hope I get it. Oh and its only temporary which isn't a problem as they'll probably want someone for another position further down the line but that means the whole application process again! Aghhh lol.
Good stuff Donna will keep everything crossed for you. What does this job involve? Glad you got wee one Xmas present too. I have got some of little ones in, just some jigsaws and jammie etc to get. Not got a clue about any one else tho
That was lovely of you and hubby Kim. Do you do it every year?
Going to do shred when I get home. Feeling big and horrible so session with jillian should sort me out. Hopefully
It's a learning support assistant, so being in the classroom helping the children. Basically what I was doing when I volunteered last year. Whereas the last one I applied for was for in student services so it was dealing with the children but in more of an office environment.

I love having it all nearly sorted. I feel so much more relaxed that way. We're the same with little one now, want to get him some pj's and a few chocolatey bits and well just stocking fillers now. He likes his bath sets so will probably get him something like that.

Just looked through his jumpers and think we may have got rid of all the ones which are too small now, so that's a relief at least he has plenty which means I don't have to buy anymore :) He seems better this year with clothes as well, last year a T-Shirt or jumper would last less then a day as he'd have something down him, whereas this year he can go for days in the same one and I tend to wash them more because he's worn them a few days rather then because they're mucky... with the exception of his school uniform of course, that's a mess after a day at school.
Donna forgot to say....a size 6? Gosh woman you must be teeny weeny. Am lucky to get into a 10

Day five of jillian done. Wasn't as "easy" as last night. I do wonder why this is? Some days easier others a struggle. Not having much for dinner as have had way too much bad cals. Not that hungry anyway so not much point in eating just for
I'm by no means a 6 on any normal scale, only at asda lol.

Dinner was lovely :) stuffed now. I love stuffed chicken. so glad its Friday tomorrow, this week has gone really quickly but has tired me out more then usual, which is weird
Need to read up on this all in a bit when I get a minute but I bought 2 pairs of trousers in an 8 tonight and my coat is a 10 :D Excuse me wh ile I go do some cartwheels!

whoop whoop well done Miss Jenna - soooo jealous!!!!! see you ARE doing great :D
Thank you, Deb. I can guarantee it's only in New Look and probably only in those 2 particular pairs of trousers but right now Idc! Just the boost I needed, I know it's possible in the long run to get there permanently.Must work my a$$ off!

You are doing amazingly keeping up with that slave driver Jillian. I actually must post the story of one man's week at the gym, you've probably read it but everytime I do I think of Jillian. I also have the type of humour that EVERY time I read it I cry laughing...I don't know how many times I've tried and failed to read it aloud to other people only to have difficulty breathing half way through..others don't seem to find it just soooo funny lol!

A Week at the GYM: One man’s stroy. « Man Health Issue
There's the link to it, have linked it as there are some minor swear words that the forum would bleep and with my potty mouth I find they add to the humour. Just substitute the world Belinda with Jillian :D
Ah ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha had me laughing out loud. Love the way he brushed his teeth...that was me last week. I must share this. Brilliant
Haha that was hilarious, I read it out to my boyfriend as well (as he wanted to know what I was laughing at) and even though I was reading it a second time I couldn't help but laugh as I was reading it.

I do wonder about Jillians DVD's though, I think they're a brill workout but after my running I do wonder if part of the burn with Jillian is that she doesn't do a good enough cool down. If I do get round to doing the shred again I'll do more of my running cool downs after.

I wanted to say something but I've forgotten what it is now :( I hate when I do that.