Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Oh I remembered. Just had a look at my treat box and its stupidly full... I need to get it down before Christmas so I have room for the stuff that people will no doubt buy me (nanna always gets us a tin of biscuits which won't go in my treat tin because I can't fit a tin in there :p) but I always get a few selection boxes as well. Can't decide whether to put my graze box off until after Christmas so I have more syns available to eat out of my treat box.... but I want my graze box :( Have to put it off tomorrow by the latest if I decide to otherwise it'll come on Wednesday
Oh I remembered. Just had a look at my treat box and its stupidly full... I need to get it down before Christmas so I have room for the stuff that people will no doubt buy me (nanna always gets us a tin of biscuits which won't go in my treat tin because I can't fit a tin in there :p) but I always get a few selection boxes as well. Can't decide whether to put my graze box off until after Christmas so I have more syns available to eat out of my treat box.... but I want my graze box :( Have to put it off tomorrow by the latest if I decide to otherwise it'll come on Wednesday

I know major issues going on here btw (haha sorry I just re-read what I said nad I sound really over dramatic)
I nearly peed my pants reading that article......the toothbrush bit is hilarious & so so true!!!! Had to read it out to hubby as well I was laughing that much & he was nosey! Love it!

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kim63 said:
I nearly peed my pants reading that article......the toothbrush bit is hilarious & so so true!!!! Had to read it out to hubby as well I was laughing that much & he was nosey! Love it!

Sent from my GT-I9100 using MiniMins

Was the tooth brush that got me too ;)
debtin said:
Was the tooth brush that got me too ;)

You can imagine an electric toothbrush buzzing away on the counter with him moving his mouth on it.....classic!!

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It's scales are fooked!!!
Let me tell you why. Most of yesterday I was 8st 8.5, even before bed. Woke up today and my weight was the same. I have thought in the past that my scales just stick to the previous weight until a different weight was placed on it. If that makes sense? So got little one stand on them...shows 2st. Fine. I stand on them again and show 8st 7.75. So I stand on and off them and result stays the same. I put my jammies back on and gel back on scales....didn't move. I still weighed 8st 7.75. How can I weigh the same with and without jammie on?
So I stand on scales on one leg (mental I know) and they change to 3st or something. Get back on them again with clothes on and am up to 8st 8. Get stripped to nakedness and it reads 8st 7.25
Officially don't know what I weigh.rather annoying. How can you be same weight the whole day?
Anyway I suppose the thing is that I feel better?
Don't really want buy new scales. Have other things I would rather use the money on. Know can get them cheap but....
Think I will take the battery out and read the manual. See if it help ha
So what is the plan? Are we back to weekly weighing? Just realised that no matter what the scales have shown another gain. Mmmm
debtin said:
Nikki how was midwife?

Midwife was great thanks hun :) she is lovely.... Even though she bruised me taking blood!!
Oh don't know what to say about that Deb, your scales def sound like they've had it. Maybe changing the battery will help?

Glad she was nice Nikki, I always bruise when they take blood or give me an injection, I'd say I obviously bruise easily but I very rarely get bruises from bumps. I'm a wuss with needles though, I once scared a trainee doctor off taking my blood because I asked him not to hurt me and was acting so nervous. :/

Had an awful nights sleep and its Friday so I have to do the library at school, could really do without it
Well I don't believe it! I've actually lost a lb this week!! And as promised here my bikini snaps!!

I am only 4lb heavier than when I went to Egypt last year and being almost 12 weeks I don't mind!

There are defo parts of me ill be working harder on once baby is here but for now I'm happy..... And even happier that my size 8 next bikinis I ordered the other day actually fit and look good!!

Friday: 9st 11
Saturday: 9st 11
Sunday: 9st 11
Monday: 9st 12.75
Tuesday: 10st 0.25
Wednesday: 9st 12
Thursday: 9st 12
Friday: 9st 10


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Another... Silly iPhone wouldn't let me do both together!


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You look amazing Nikki :) I wish I looked like that in a bikini even not being pregnant and well done on the loss

My sentiments exactly! You look really toned and just downright fab!!

Sunday:8st 13lbs
Monday: 8st13.75lbs.
Tuesday: 9st 0.5lbs
Wednesday: 8st 13lbs
Thursday: 8st 12.5lbs
Friday: 8st 12lbs...oh please stay like that or be really good and get even better.
Thanks so much ladies, I'm actually feeling rather good at the minute :) can not wait to get by the beach!!

Yay on the scales Jenna! Fingers crossed they get lower!
Nikki<3 said:
Well I don't believe it! I've actually lost a lb this week!! And as promised here my bikini snaps!!

I am only 4lb heavier than when I went to Egypt last year and being almost 12 weeks I don't mind!

There are defo parts of me ill be working harder on once baby is here but for now I'm happy..... And even happier that my size 8 next bikinis I ordered the other day actually fit and look good!!

Friday: 9st 11
Saturday: 9st 11
Sunday: 9st 11
Monday: 9st 12.75
Tuesday: 10st 0.25
Wednesday: 9st 12
Thursday: 9st 12
Friday: 9st 10

U look great!! How much have u lost on sw?

Jenna88 said:
My sentiments exactly! You look really toned and just downright fab!!

Sunday:8st 13lbs
Monday: 8st13.75lbs.
Tuesday: 9st 0.5lbs
Wednesday: 8st 13lbs
Thursday: 8st 12.5lbs
Friday: 8st 12lbs...oh please stay like that or be really good and get even better.

Do u weigh in today Jenna? I'm sure the scales will stay the same
So today and back to 9.1 on my scales. Looking at this all weekly weigh in it looks like I've only lost 1lb when I've actually lost 2.5 lol
Fri: 9.2
Sun:9.1 (3/4)
Mon: 9.2
Tues: 9.1(3/4)
Wed: 9.1
Thurs: 9.1(1/2)
Fri: 9.1
looking great Nikki - well jealous of your figure and your holiday ;)
fingers crossed Jen, did you measure yourself prior to starting gym? am sure i already asked this and you didnt but you must be shrinking regardless

am in a huff today - everything is rubbish. feel like cinderella constantly cleaning and tidyin up - weather is rubbish too which doesnt help with a almost 3 year old. cant even think of what to do. Prob best going and giving myself a shake huh?
Well done on the losses girls & Deb try calibrating your scales as they dont sound very well! If you dont have the manual have a look on line for it, as it certainly sound as they're knackered! How about doing some exercise to release the endorphines if your feeling a bi c*** today x
Well done on the losses girls & Deb try calibrating your scales as they dont sound very well! If you dont have the manual have a look on line for it, as it certainly sound as they're knackered! How about doing some exercise to release the endorphines if your feeling a bi c*** today x

cos i have had my shower now and little on isnt in the mood - even last night it was testing my patience having him there while i did it. Just want to eat anthing and everything
Friday: 9st 4.5lbs (WI)
Saturday: 9st 4lbs
Sunday: 9st 3.5lbs
Monday: 9st 3.5lbs
Tuesday: 9st 1.5lbs
Wednesday: 9st 1.5lbs
Thursday: 9st 2lbs
Friday: 9st 0.5lbs (WI)

OK, as lovely as it is to see this 4lb loss for this very odd! Think the 1.5lb loss from yesterday may be a bit of a spurious reading as I didn't have very much to eat yesterday as I got a shift at the last minute & all I had to eat were 3 scan bran muffins, banana & a phili cheese & pickle sandwich! So I will fully expect a gain next week with my record of the weight being all over the place! Not sure if you can see my signature but I'll post it in a bit & you'll see how all over the place my weight has been!

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