Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

PS: that was on my home scales, not the gym ones as I won't be able to get to the gym every morning if I'm doing daily weights x
Dont let such a small gain get u down. It could be just water retention

They r callee slimatee I have to go today to pick myself up some


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I'm so hungover. Had 3 vodka last night. I usually drink the vodka by the bottle. Lol
I was sick n everything lol my trainer told me that the more u exercise and become fitter the drunker u get because ur body processes the alcohol better and quicker lol I believe her now

I had leftover Indian and rice that I made for dinner last night and it was the best hangover food ever!! Lol
Thanks hun. I know it's probably just because I ate more pasta than every single Italian combined! Haha - at least I should have a good loss next week!

I can't find them on the Holland and Barratt website, but I'm going into town anyway, so I shall have a look :)

No bueno on the hangover front! Leftover curry does sound yummy though! Hope you feel better soon x
All the holland and Barrett shops I go into have it so I'm sure U will get some.

Thank u :)
Morning everyone, had a great day so far. We stopped in bed for what seemed like ages but by half 9 we were up showered and had eaten a cooked breakfast. Bought a few extra bits for little one for Christmas, and done the food shop. Need to do my run later, was thinking I just wouldn't bother with it but I'm going to be good and do it :)
donna88 said:
Morning everyone, had a great day so far. We stopped in bed for what seemed like ages but by half 9 we were up showered and had eaten a cooked breakfast. Bought a few extra bits for little one for Christmas, and done the food shop. Need to do my run later, was thinking I just wouldn't bother with it but I'm going to be good and do it :)

Your so good! In my hung over tired state I was going to do jillian for some ass whipping but decided to make the most of a lazy day that my boys have given me. It's a very rare occurrence as other half works constantly so I don't really get a break.....cue the violins ha ha....anyway I have my kindle and a cuppa tea and had a buttered roll with square crisps on it...yes more blinking crisps.
So I am not going to feel guilty about what I have eaten and Morgan spice consumed, at least not til tom lol. I soooo won't have this attitude on Friday come weigh in so I am embracing it for now

Annie honestly I bet you love the gym when your back in it. Your pounds will flee off. Must get some slim a tea too. Honey what was your way of doing it without any accidents?

Need get your recipes for the dinner last night too.
Kim how was your night with friends?

Got some 3 for 2 at argos so feel better as it means one Xmas present was technically free

Am away read my kindle in the hope sleep happens
Your so good! In my hung over tired state I was going to do jillian for some ass whipping but decided to make the most of a lazy day that my boys have given me. It's a very rare occurrence as other half works constantly so I don't really get a break.....cue the violins ha ha....anyway I have my kindle and a cuppa tea and had a buttered roll with square crisps on it...yes more blinking crisps.
So I am not going to feel guilty about what I have eaten and Morgan spice consumed, at least not til tom lol. I soooo won't have this attitude on Friday come weigh in so I am embracing it for now

Annie honestly I bet you love the gym when your back in it. Your pounds will flee off. Must get some slim a tea too. Honey what was your way of doing it without any accidents?

Need get your recipes for the dinner last night too.
Kim how was your night with friends?

Got some 3 for 2 at argos so feel better as it means one Xmas present was technically free

Am away read my kindle in the hope sleep happens

I could well eat a crisp sarnie now, but I'm sticking with being good... I have too many naughty plans coming up to Christmas now that I need to be good where I can lol. Plus I really want a loss this week so the naughties have to stop here!

Thinking I will actually do my run today as well, little ones at his dads and boyfriends being productive and sorting out the garage so once my lunch has settled I'm off to get my run on.
Well after even more junk...full size mars I am in need of sleep. Really really need be good this week. Only thing I have between now and target date is wedding on 24th. Full steam ahead this week. Have a good run x
Jenna88 said:
Haven't caught up properly on this thread, only popping in now as it appears when I have off plan meals I get ''the guilt'' and always feel weird posting in my 'chatty' threads haha! Over it now and being v v v good :D
Kim you look stunning in that dress :D

Eh hello? I don't think your cheese cake is up there with my crisp and booze fest plus mars bar plus Chinese. I am on the route to self destruction!!
Seriously Jenna I do get where your comin from and how you feel as its the same as me. Just look at it as a positive as it will keep you on straight and narrow for the upcoming week x
Thanks hun. I know it's probably just because I ate more pasta than every single Italian combined! Haha - at least I should have a good loss next week!

I can't find them on the Holland and Barratt website, but I'm going into town anyway, so I shall have a look :)

No bueno on the hangover front! Leftover curry does sound yummy though! Hope you feel better soon x

Hey hun
is it scan bran you are looking for at holland and Barrett? I've found it here if you need it.

Scandinavian Bran Crispbread | Holland and Barrett

Love Stacey xxx
Ah but dinner was also drowned in oil when cooking haha! Anyways, we've done it now, we can't change it. We can only be really, really good :D My friend last night did make the point that this is the way life is going to be but I think it's maybe just SO frustrating at the minute as we have a goal size/weight to hit and obv nights out etc get in the way of that. I'm hoping I'll be more relaxed when I'm at target (when I get there) as yes I may put on a pound one week but I'll still be in range and will be able to get rid of it the following! Out of interest what did you get from the chinese? I LOVE chinese food lol!

Have my food all planned for tomorrow (first day of work eeeek).
B: Shreddies, banana and skimmed milk (HEA and B 1)

L: Fruit salad covered in a vanilla muller light (Tesco were doing 12 for £4 and it wasn't the multipacks which was good as I only like the raspberry and cranberry and the vanillas)

D: Vegetable soup and a wholemeal cheese toastie (HEA and B 2)

Snacks will either be carrot sticks or apples.

Really hope I manage the gym tomorrow but Monday's are staff meeting days in this school and I'll probably need to stay a bit later to get my head round what I'm supposed to be doing for the next 6 weeks eek! I will DEF make the gym 3 times before Sunday if it kills me. I think I'm going to have to start going at weekends though grr!
I'm so hungover. Had 3 vodka last night. I usually drink the vodka by the bottle. Lol
I was sick n everything lol my trainer told me that the more u exercise and become fitter the drunker u get because ur body processes the alcohol better and quicker lol I believe her now

I had leftover Indian and rice that I made for dinner last night and it was the best hangover food ever!! Lol

Hope your feeling better Hun.
that curry and rice sounds beaut xxxx
Good luck in the job Jenna, what is it you do?

I just got a really bad headache and felt sick before going to get little one from his dads :( my boyfriend had to drive, although on the way he asked how much I'd drank today, I'd had a pint of water and coffee, water while running and a green tea with lemon, which sounds like a lot but its nowhere near what I usually drink so he thinks I might be a little dehydrated, so I'm sat with another pint of water while he cooks tea (luckily he was planning on cooking tea tonight anyway)
feeling a little better, will have to make sure I keep drinking water, hopefully that was the problem.

Aww that's fab, good luck tomorrow then.
Haven't caught up properly on this thread, only popping in now as it appears when I have off plan meals I get ''the guilt'' and always feel weird posting in my 'chatty' threads haha! Over it now and being v v v good :D
Kim you look stunning in that dress :D

I always feel guilty too! Like I have my tail between my legs lol

Hey hun
is it scan bran you are looking for at holland and Barrett? I've found it here if you need it.

Scandinavian Bran Crispbread | Holland and Barrett

Love Stacey xxx

Aww, we were talking about green tea, but thanks hun - I thought Scan Bran was a Slimming World only thing! Were you featured on the SW website btw? Your name seems familiar x

Ah but dinner was also drowned in oil when cooking haha! Anyways, we've done it now, we can't change it. We can only be really, really good :D My friend last night did make the point that this is the way life is going to be but I think it's maybe just SO frustrating at the minute as we have a goal size/weight to hit and obv nights out etc get in the way of that. I'm hoping I'll be more relaxed when I'm at target (when I get there) as yes I may put on a pound one week but I'll still be in range and will be able to get rid of it the following! Out of interest what did you get from the chinese? I LOVE chinese food lol!

Have my food all planned for tomorrow (first day of work eeeek).
B: Shreddies, banana and skimmed milk (HEA and B 1)

L: Fruit salad covered in a vanilla muller light (Tesco were doing 12 for £4 and it wasn't the multipacks which was good as I only like the raspberry and cranberry and the vanillas)

D: Vegetable soup and a wholemeal cheese toastie (HEA and B 2)

Snacks will either be carrot sticks or apples.

Really hope I manage the gym tomorrow but Monday's are staff meeting days in this school and I'll probably need to stay a bit later to get my head round what I'm supposed to be doing for the next 6 weeks eek! I will DEF make the gym 3 times before Sunday if it kills me. I think I'm going to have to start going at weekends though grr!

Tomorrow will be interesting for me as well. First day at work with no junk! Working with my Dad (who survives on junk) will hopefully be a little bit considerate!

feeling a little better, will have to make sure I keep drinking water, hopefully that was the problem.

Aww that's fab, good luck tomorrow then.

Glad you're feeling better x

I well and truly OWNED that gym today! Was in there for 2 hours! Couch to 5k was..... interesting. The app paused itself, but I didn't realise until half way through! I was on the treadmill for about 40 minutes in the end, oh well! Got a personal best on the stepping machine - 250 flights of stairs in 18 minutes. I did all my weights, but at one level less than I was pushing for before as I didn't want to hurt myself after not going for so long. I am going to ache tomorrow! I treated myself to a protein bar and half an hour in the sauna afterwards :)

Now got a shepherds pie in the oven (my first ever one, it looks lovely), with only a couple of little cheats ;) Gravy with the mince and a small bit of marge in the mash. Can't wait! x
Ok so here is my reality check...yuck yuck yuck!!!!
Mrs bravado has left the building and in her place is a weak broken woman. The only thing I can do now is to buildua bridge and get over it.
Resigned myself to the fact that it will be excercise from now til Fri, plenty of water and limited food