Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Sunday: 10st 3lbs
Monday: 10st 1.6lbss
Deb, what will be, will be x

Can't change it, don't dwell on it. I find when I struggle, that writing everything down helps so that I have a solid plan x
Day 3 shred done !!

Your gym session sounded great Annie hope your body's not aching to much today ? ;-) x

Not going to even go there on my food intake yesterday all I'm saying is that we had a great time and I didn't over eat ;-)

New day today
(although we do have pie and cake back with us but the girls and hubby will have all that (hopefully not enough for me )

Feeling better for doing the shred well will do once I've had a shower ha ha x
downtownsuzie said:
Sunday: 10st 3lbs
Monday: 10st 1.6lbss

Great loss there :) !!
Don't worry Jen, try not to limit your free food as that's more likely to make you go off track even more. I find it a lot harder to keep to lower syns after I've already had something. Like yesterday and today I struggle sticking to 5 syns a lot more then I did before I went to the Christmas market, I think its because I know I'm saving them up for something nice before hand, whereas now its been and gone.

Deb you'll be fine, just stick with it as best you can up until Friday, although bad luck about star week, does it effect you like it does me? (gain just before) I was really hoping I was going to have one this weekend actually to explain last week maintain, but it didn't happen (I never know when its coming as I only have one every 4-7 months being on the injection)

Wow wish I'd done my exercise already, but need to wait until I've dropped little one off to be fair. All breakfasted up and trying to wake myself up with some coffee :) Need to remember to ring the dentist today as well, as I know I have an appointment in November but can't remember where it is and my dentist don't feel like you need a reminder after booking it 6 months ago. I'm wondering whether to change dentist is my boyfriends has any spare places, as his is closer.... but changing dentist always scares me as I know I like my dentist.
Donna, I haven't been in 3 years! Hate it! x

Sorry Jenna, didn't mean to ignore your post. I agree with Donna, don't limit your free food. Its what its there for! Be strong x

Thanks Lynica, bit achy today - nothing too bad though! x
I really hate it too, but I always go to the check ups because as much as it scares me going, the thought of not going and then needing lots of work done scares me even more. When my boyfriend didn't have a dentist for years it really freaked me out and I was positive he'd need loads of fillings when he finally got one (he does brush his teeth and everything but in my head if you don't go to the dentist then you need work doing) I think its because when we were younger we had a terrible dentist, the only work I ever had done was when I was 4 and I fell over a split my tooth in 4, they took it out then, but then none of us had anything done which we thought was great until we changed dentist and all of us needed loads of work doing because the old dentist had actually just ignored it all.
Morning every one. I'm soooo annoyed. Ok 2lb heavier this morning!! Bringing me back to exactly what I weighed at last weeks weigh in!

I'm meant to weigh in tomorrow :(
I don't understand because I was good sat and yesterday

Sun: 8.13(1/2)
Mon: 9.1(1/2)
Our bodies are strange sometimes. If you know 100% that you've been good then the results will follow. Even if its not tomorrow, then next week x
Grrr was really excited for this weigh in too.

Think I'm gonna stay light today when eating.
Might make chilli tomato soup for dinner and no syns. Do u think that will work?
Morning every one. I'm soooo annoyed. Ok 2lb heavier this morning!! Bringing me back to exactly what I weighed at last weeks weigh in!

I'm meant to weigh in tomorrow :(
I don't understand because I was good sat and yesterday

Sun: 8.13(1/2)
Mon: 9.1(1/2)

Don't get down about it, you might be surprised at WI and if not then it will show next week instead. I've had loads of maintains and gains when being good and it has shown the following week. So don't let it get you down, especially not until your official WI. (I know its hard, I always get proper face on when I don't get what I'm expecting)

Feeling great after my exercise today :) really hope I have a good WI tomorrow.
Grrr was really excited for this weigh in too.

Think I'm gonna stay light today when eating.
Might make chilli tomato soup for dinner and no syns. Do u think that will work?

If you've been within your syns all week then don't deprive yourself of them now. If you've been on plan then don't worry it won't be fat or anything, it could be anything, water retention ect.
donna88 said:
If you've been within your syns all week then don't deprive yourself of them now. If you've been on plan then don't worry it won't be fat or anything, it could be anything, water retention ect.

I just had the Chinese on fri. But I'm sure that it was within syns because I saved syns n all for it. Oh well :( fingers crossed for tomorrow x
Try not to worry, I'm sure you'll be fine. I know its hard not worrying but the plan does work. I'm sure you'll see a loss and like I say if not it'll show next week. This is part of the danger of weighing every day, if your going to do it you need to take it with a pinch of salt
I know I use to seeing my weight go up and down during the week. Bit damn this close to weigh in is not fun lol
I've just booked myself in with my trainer later on and tomorrow morning x
Probably a silly question, but if putting potatoes in the microwave and then in the oven to crisp up what do you do

when I put them in the microwave I pierce them and just have them on a plate, when I do them in the oven I spray with fry light and wrap in foil.

So if doing microwave and then oven do you pierce, do the microwave bit and then just put them in the oven how they are? or do you need to wrap them in foil after taking them out of the microwave? sorry I'm simple I know
Lol I have no idea. Never really make patatos, sorry I can help :/