Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Morning!! I'm so unbelievably happy!! Stepped on scales this morning and I'm 8.9!!! Single numbers!!! I haven't seen that number in 7 years!!! Now I don't feel bad about my takeaway last night!
Hopefully. Even 8.8 which will be a stone x
Morning!! I'm so unbelievably happy!! Stepped on scales this morning and I'm 8.9!!! Single numbers!!! I haven't seen that number in 7 years!!! Now I don't feel bad about my takeaway last night!

Wow amazing stuff hun! Xx
I'm making an aim for next Christmas....

I know I know a very long time off but if I have my mind set for my goal for then then it will make me eat healthier during the remainder of pregnancy and also to get back to 100% once baby is here.

You heard it here first... 12th December 2012

54 weeks exactly until Christmas 2013.....

Aim for Xmas day 2013 8st 7

Pregnancy weight gain maximum gain 2st 4lb

Currently sat at 9.5lb gain (10st 5.5lb) on average gaining 1lb a week. If I continue at this rate ill hopefully be 12st when baby is due. Leaving 21.5 lb left to gain and 24weeks to go.

Congrats Charlene that's fab :) I'm going to see if I can go get weighed one day next week and I'll consider the week after lol. But not going to worry about it too much if I can't.

It's a good idea to have a goal in mind Nikki, like you say it helps keep you focused on something.

Can't believe how cold I am today :( got the dentist this afternoon as well
Have had a bit of a bad week food wise......blowout last Saturday & then a 3 course xmas dinner with some friends today! Then have a xmas buffet lunch with family this Saturday but will hopefully be restrained! I'm working nights from the 21st - 26th so no naughties for me then but will be off over NY so might have to have another blowout then! Not too bad considering the time of year! Just wish I could get out on my bike to counteract but just too cold for me.....whimp lol!

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I'm making an aim for next Christmas....

I know I know a very long time off but if I have my mind set for my goal for then then it will make me eat healthier during the remainder of pregnancy and also to get back to 100% once baby is here.

You heard it here first... 12th December 2012

54 weeks exactly until Christmas 2013.....

Aim for Xmas day 2013 8st 7

Pregnancy weight gain maximum gain 2st 4lb

Currently sat at 9.5lb gain (10st 5.5lb) on average gaining 1lb a week. If I continue at this rate ill hopefully be 12st when baby is due. Leaving 21.5 lb left to gain and 24weeks to go.


Your weight gain is going well Nikki & I'm sure it will drop off you especially if you breastfeed.

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mornin ladies, I have missed the chat and wanted to say hi to you all. I seem to be in a better place since two weeks ago. Admittedly this week I haven't been as good but do you know I have came on leaps and bounds. If I feel myself having too much of something I reign it in whereas I would have kept going in the past and then felt massively guilty. Hoping I continue with this mind set. Also its not that easy to eat rubbish any more. Had a lunch with work and my tummy felt violated. So good times and good head space for me

Are you guys almost or nearly at target now? Must say you are all doing amazing and you all seem to have excellent control. I am 4 pounds from target but happy to be 8st 4. My plan is to maintain over honestly I am!! Think it will be a challenge but honestly I had some chocolates the other day and felt awful after it. Lesson learned early on and I am just going to try and remember the yuck feeling.
I have finished my slimatee and prob took it too long but I am off it now til Xmas as I know your meant to have a break from them. Did like the regularity it gave me and would recommend them
Are you takin them charlene and Kim?
I'm sure you'll do fine Kim, we're all bound to have bad weeks around this time of year. I'd love it if I maintained over Christmas but as I know I'll be off plan Christmas and new years I doubt that will happen. As it was the last time I was seeing my consultant until after the new years I said my aim was to stay within my target range, which at the moment means I have 3.5lbs to play with, hopefully I'll loose this week, getting weighed on Monday if I can make it... would love to loose but I'm away this weekend so will be happy with a maintain or even a lb gain, will also get weighed either Christmas eve or the day before (if I have time... so busy this time of year) and hoping for a loss that week which will give me a bit more room for gains over Christmas. I'm refusing to get weighed between Christmas and New years as I don't want my Christmas gain to ruin my New Years celebrations, its very rare we do anything for new years and yeah all we're doing is going down to his parents and having a little party there but it will be nice and we might even be having a sort of second Christmas while we're down there and I do want to enjoy it, everyone else will get too.

I'm the same Deb but with wine rather than chocolate (nothing could put me off chocolate haha) but I felt awful the next day after my running club do and I'd only had 3 or maybe 4 small glasses, I was planning on drinking red wine Christmas eve but I'll stick to Amaretto and diet coke as the effects aren't as bad the next day, don't want to feel bad Christmas day. Only problem I may have is I have discovered amaretto coffee... and its gorgeous. I think I need to treat myself to some amaretto flavoured ground coffee but don't think it will be the same to be honest! Ahh well, it will be nice to have something to have while everyone has their baileys coffee's as I've completely gone off them now. Nice to see you back as well :)

Oh and I've got a date for an opportunity event, its not one where I live but half an hour away, apparently they haven't said about doing one in my area yet so will be worth going to that one.
Glad to hear your in a better place Deb & very well done on getting down to 8.4.....isn't that the lowest you've been?
Yes, still taking the tea when I remember, but just have 1 bag left from a box of 10, so haven't done a full 14 days yet as dont take it when Im working lol!
Not holding out much hope for a loss tomorrow after 2 days off plan, but not concerned as long as I carry on with some damage limitation. Will be happy with a maintain for the rest of this month & then go all out after NY with lots of exercise
kim63 said:
Glad to hear your in a better place Deb & very well done on getting down to 8.4.....isn't that the lowest you've been?
Yes, still taking the tea when I remember, but just have 1 bag left from a box of 10, so haven't done a full 14 days yet as dont take it when Im working lol!

I saw 8st 3lb for a nano second around June i am sure it was. But I am prob around my pre baby weight. Yes in good place tho with star week looming I am slacking but not worried

Maybe a wee day or two off plan will surprise you but I know what you mean about maintaining...good luck x
I really think its a good idea to try and maintain over December, that way if we loose we're happy but we're also not being too hard on ourselves
Is it weird that I'm desperately missing the losing pattern of weight loss and gutted I won't be slinky for Xmas, new year and birthdays in jan.....

I can't wait for next Xmas!!

Sneaks in to say Hi !!
Girls I've wi this morning and I'm still 9.11 I'm sure that's what I was last time I posted my weight if so then I think I've maintained very well.
I've been trying to keep on track but have had quite a few days off plan well not the whole day but a few treats sneaking in eg mince pies ;-)

Hope you are all ok ?

I'm no where near ready for Xmas went last night to do my first shop which ended in me having a mint aero and a pre packed sandwich which was crap but it was 8 and I hadn't eaten
There is no good choice to have frustrating

At least I seem to be staying this weight so plan is to keep maintaining till after Xmas then get back on it and try to get to 9.3 for my friends birthday weekend beginning of March.

I'm out tomorrow night for a meal and a few drinks had a look at the menu but nothing is shouting at me so will order what I fancy on the night

Take care will try and post a bit more but it's manic at the min :) do miss the chats xx
Hey Ronnie
You're doing well to maintain at this time of year as there is so much going on & that buzz to lose weight diminishes a bit if we're all honest lol! At least there is a few months after Xmas that we can all knuckle down before summer is on us once again!

I sts again which Im pleased with. Going to my Mums for a family buffet type lunch tomorrow, so will try my hardest not to be a little piggy lol & then thats me with the unfriendly food til NY as can you believe we're having a SW Xmas! NY slightly different Im sure, but so looking forward to spending time with DH as hardly seen him this past month
So tired today ladies and still need to pack for tomorrow and also do the ironing for next week as won't have time on Sunday.... fun times.

Work is going well though, really enjoying it :) really looking forward to this weekend.

Had a call from little ones dad today and he's going to reduce his maintenance payments next year as he's struggling and also isn't have little one as often as he was planning on doing so over Christmas either.... which I'm in two minds about, part of me is annoyed as he should want to see him, but part of me would rather little one be with us for my own sake and also because he'll have more fun with us anyway as we'd be doing a lot more then what his dad would do with him.

means I can't go out Christmas eve though, so won't be having my naughty drinks, don't know if I'll still be driving Christmas day or not :/ I want to ask boyfriend but I don't want him to feel like he has to say he'll drive... although saying that last year he drove and I drank which makes me think I should drive, but over the year he drinks loads more then me anyway as he's a bigger drinker then me and I stick to slimming world... so do you think it would be fair for me to suggest he drives or not?
I'm struggling and just bought a new pair of jeans size 12 and got a really big muffin top so not very happy want to wear them tomorrow night :-( so feeling so annoyed that I'm now bigger than on the summer :-(