Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

lynica said:
I'm struggling and just bought a new pair of jeans size 12 and got a really big muffin top so not very happy want to wear them tomorrow night :-( so feeling so annoyed that I'm now bigger than on the summer :-(

Awe Ronnie you know we all get days like this, weeks even. Are you not at the same weight? I have been bit crazy with snacks this week. Star week looming and causing me to just eat. Have decided just to keep my head together, stop the snacks until after next weigh in and drink loads and loads water. This time of year is crazy for being off plan etc so don't be too hard on yourself x.
Last blowout done til the 31st! Had lots of naughty buffet food at my Mums yesterday which wasn't necessary but very enjoyable lol! DH & I have decided we're going to stay in NY eve & he's going to cook all our fave foods & we're going to put on our posh frocks, sit at the table & eat our 3 course meal with a few bottles of Sauvignon Blanc with a Prosecco at midnight & then thats it! Operation Big Birthday Slim will give me 17 weeks to hopefully get down to 8 stone!
Well girls I went out last night but it didn't according to plan :-(
I did manage get in my new jeans they were ok and another top I'd ordered came in the afternoon and did fit size 12 so was really happy with what I was wearing :)

When we got to the pub I started to feel really poorly quite faint and clammy :-( so decided to go home didn't even look at the menu :-(
Well when we went outside the most awful thing happen I projectile vomited everywhere omg if I wasn't feeling so crap it would've been really funny but it just kept coming lol felt a little better and had some water and then all that came back up again lots of people saying their Xmas goodbyes and me chucking up ha ha
Had a really bad nights sleep and been on the settee all day not eaten a thing feeling really sorry for myself
Hoping the scales will be down in the morning lol ;-)

Hope you've all had a better weekend :)
Loving your New Year's Eve night Kim sounds perfect and I will be joining you on the birthday count down in the new year xx
Well girls I went out last night but it didn't according to plan :-(
I did manage get in my new jeans they were ok and another top I'd ordered came in the afternoon and did fit size 12 so was really happy with what I was wearing :)

When we got to the pub I started to feel really poorly quite faint and clammy :-( so decided to go home didn't even look at the menu :-(
Well when we went outside the most awful thing happen I projectile vomited everywhere omg if I wasn't feeling so crap it would've been really funny but it just kept coming lol felt a little better and had some water and then all that came back up again lots of people saying their Xmas goodbyes and me chucking up ha ha
Had a really bad nights sleep and been on the settee all day not eaten a thing feeling really sorry for myself
Hoping the scales will be down in the morning lol ;-)

Hope you've all had a better weekend :)
Loving your New Year's Eve night Kim sounds perfect and I will be joining you on the birthday count down in the new year xx

Oh no :( hope your feeling better today

well this weekend has been crazy food and drink wise for me so far :/ but I've enjoyed it. Going to see if I can force myself on the crosstrainer this afternoon before tea and the panto, but I'm so tired. We bought lots of yummy fudge as well... whoops

Can't decide whether to get weighed the next 2 weeks or whether to just leave it until after new years when I can focus properly on being back on plan.
Kim that sounds like a plan ;) a good one at that. My OH doesn't drink so gets bit boring drinking on your own...speaking of which I had one bottle last night and even though I am functioning, I am only just. Just had McDonald's then if that wasn't bad enough I had some pringles eugh....anyway kim are you watching the new greys yet? It's the reason for my very late night...hooked.

Ronnie that sounds awful, get better soon.

My plan is to TRY and remember this horrible feeling I have when I binge in the hope I will knock all the crisps and junk on the head. Xmas is just an excuse for me. Actual food and nice dinners I can cope with. It's the stuff in between. Going to grow a set of balls and man up and give two fingers to the
I actually hate my mum, she's eating loads eaten the same as what I've eaten this weekend plus extra and now she's having crisps and pizza... she says she's going to be good tomorrow but she won't be, but you can guarantee she will gain less then me over Christmas even though she weighs less to start with... grrr I'm so jealous
My baby is one today!!! But we've just had a party with dinner, dessert and cake......yummy!! Back on track tomorrow! Although I haven't stopped cooking and cleaning all day so probably burned off those extra calories already (secretly hoping)
On a different note my sis in law was here and she annoys me sooooo much. I don't know why but she does. She works full time in very good job ( her husband works part time so she can) they have one daughter who is spoilt rotten. She just makes me feel that she is better than me. She never bothers with us until she needs her daughter looked after. Just uses me as her unpaid childminder.....ok glad to get that off my chest. Rant over!
My baby is one today!!! But we've just had a party with dinner, dessert and cake......yummy!! Back on track tomorrow! Although I haven't stopped cooking and cleaning all day so probably burned off those extra calories already (secretly hoping)
On a different note my sis in law was here and she annoys me sooooo much. I don't know why but she does. She works full time in very good job ( her husband works part time so she can) they have one daughter who is spoilt rotten. She just makes me feel that she is better than me. She never bothers with us until she needs her daughter looked after. Just uses me as her unpaid childminder.....ok glad to get that off my chest. Rant over!

That can be really annoying when ppl use you, they only contact you when it suits them and when they need something, i just make excuses so they cant have their own way allvof the time :)
Hey ladies quick pop in and update not got time to read everything I have missed over several weeks so hope everyone is well :)

Well I am all moved and settled in to my new house. Absolutely love it :) so nice to have a place of my own instead of renting. Got the last of the furniture at the weekend just waiting on a couple jobs getting done like the rest of our kitchen cupboards going up (keeping most of the kitchen stuff in giant ikea bags in the corner of the living room isn't really what I had envisioned for my lovely new home lol!) and some curtain poles up (the plasters all crumbly round some of the window frames when you drill it so waiting on my OHs brother coming to do those things as he's a joiner)

Food wise I have been awful. I think when we moved we ate takeaway every night for about a week! Also been binging on whole multipacks of crisps and packets of biscuits which is something I haven't done in years!

Anyway stepped on the scales this morning to see what the damage is and I am at 9st 6.5lb. I was going to wait until the new year to start afresh but really eating all this rubbish makes me feel rank and my skin is horrible too. So reckon I won't be too strict over the festive period and my birthday but that I can at least make slightly more sensible choices in the mean time to at least hopefully not gain too much more.

I had got to my target of 9stone and was maintaining at a pound or 2 under that for a few weeks. So I've gained at least half a stone eek! Totally deserved though.

Still don't have real broadband in the house but at least I get Internet on my phone so can make do with that for now. Xx
Hey Laura, glad to see you're all moved in safe & sound & enjoying your new home. Food wise pah it happens but at least you're nipping it in the bud before its too late! I got to 8.11 in the summer, but what with one thing & another crept up 8lbs & have spent the last 10 weeks getting back down to 8.11! It goes on so bloomin quick & takes twice as long to get off lol! So dont fret, just enjoy the festivities & make some sensible choices inbetween & start afresh next year!

Hope you're feeling better Ronnie as sounded as tho you had a nasty bug there, especially with the projectile vomiting in public lol!

Im feeling grotty myself as have a stinking cold & laryngitis, so had no voice all weekend.....quiet for DH tho!

Deb, I've got all of Greys series 9 on Sky+ & am going to sit & watch them all today as still feeling sorry for myself & dont think I should subject my patients to my germs lol!
welcome Dianea1 :)

Hey ladies quick pop in and update not got time to read everything I have missed over several weeks so hope everyone is well :)

Well I am all moved and settled in to my new house. Absolutely love it :) so nice to have a place of my own instead of renting. Got the last of the furniture at the weekend just waiting on a couple jobs getting done like the rest of our kitchen cupboards going up (keeping most of the kitchen stuff in giant ikea bags in the corner of the living room isn't really what I had envisioned for my lovely new home lol!) and some curtain poles up (the plasters all crumbly round some of the window frames when you drill it so waiting on my OHs brother coming to do those things as he's a joiner)

Food wise I have been awful. I think when we moved we ate takeaway every night for about a week! Also been binging on whole multipacks of crisps and packets of biscuits which is something I haven't done in years!

Anyway stepped on the scales this morning to see what the damage is and I am at 9st 6.5lb. I was going to wait until the new year to start afresh but really eating all this rubbish makes me feel rank and my skin is horrible too. So reckon I won't be too strict over the festive period and my birthday but that I can at least make slightly more sensible choices in the mean time to at least hopefully not gain too much more.

I had got to my target of 9stone and was maintaining at a pound or 2 under that for a few weeks. So I've gained at least half a stone eek! Totally deserved though.

Still don't have real broadband in the house but at least I get Internet on my phone so can make do with that for now. Xx

How long has it taken you to put that weight on? It could have been worse but good idea to nip it in the bud now. I'd decided I was going to be a bit more relaxed these next few weeks but after this weekend I've decided enough is enough. I'm going to be relaxed Christmas eve, Christmas Day and boxing day, then while we're at boyfriends mums over new years. But the rest of the time I'm going to stick to plan as much as possible, as I went completely crazy at the weekend. Christmas cake, mince pie, mulled wine, normal wine, meal out (had salmon, mussels, prawns and fish sauce with veg and garlic roast pots) then cheese and biscuits and pringles on Sat, Sunday I had cooked breakfast, fudge, chocolate biscuits, mint poppets, celebrations and ginger nuts :/ we bought plenty of fudge as well so its going to be hard staying on track but I'll do my best. Bring on Jan when I can get back to normal.

Today is a funny day as well, got my interview for the job I'm doing relief for at the moment, that's at 2 but we finish work at 10 past 1 so no point going home really... might nip home just for the walk so I'm not hanging around school and to sort out my hair, but not sure yet. Going to have my lunch before I go to work... so that'll be about 11.15 at the latest. :/ also going to another group to get weighed, hoping whatever I gained over the weekend has settled though as I'd hate having a false sense of security if it isn't too bad..... still haven't decided whether to weigh before or after Christmas next week...
Thanks Kim and Donna. Had a good start had some bran flakes and yoghurt for breakfast instead of biscuits ;-) and did a little 20minute workout.

So that's the first exercise in probably about 3 or 4months and first healthy breakfast in at least 2months!! Normally when I go off plan I still eat a lot of the same healthy meals so this is the first time that I've went so badly off the rails for such a long period of time (just over 2 months) so that equates to a gain of about 1lb a week which really isn't too bad but I bet it takes twice as long to come off as you say Kim!

Just been using things as excuses and kept putting off attempting to go back on the diet as I know there will be a good few off plan days over festive period but might as well nip it in the bud now and at least try to minimise the damage a little then January will work towards getting back to target. Off work today so going to make a nice big batch of whole meal pasta with spinach, tomatoes, chickpeas, chilli and garlic so hopefully having some decent food to take to work this week will help me stay on track. Hardly got any real food in as not much storage space in kitchen until we get the rest of the cupboards up but luckily almost ran out of crisps and biscuits which are my current addiction, it's weird I used to always have a massive range of lowish calorie crisps/biscuits/treats in the cupboard and could leave them untouched for weeks but just now when I buy a packet of biscuits I eat them til they are all gone!

Time for some strawberry green tea and chill in front of the tv for a bit now as nothing much to do today just waiting on washing machine finishing and hopefully the new sealant on the bath will hurry up and dry so I can shower lol.

Good luck for interview Donna. How's things with you? Hope the little one is behaving for you and is your running club going well for you?

Feel better soon Kim, an afternoon with greys sounds like a plan - I can't wait to get the Internet finally installed so I can watch my shows on Netflix and get the sky plus working too! X
Morning ladies

Hey Laura good to see you back :) glad your all settled and loving your new home. I'm sure your little gain will be gone soon, just try and be on plan when you can :)

Sorry you not feeling well neither Kim :-( hope it clears up before Xmas it's that time of year though take care xx

Donna I think you are right to try and be on plan when you can and not worry about it when it's out of your control eg Xmas day and being at your boyfriends parents
I'm sure you'll be fine and we can all get fully back on track in Jan together
Christmas is only once a year x

Still feeling poorly today so stayed off work lying on the settee feeling sorry for myself might try and wrap some prezzies later but feeling really dizzy and my stomach is really churning :-(
Morning everyone :) good see you Laura! Feels like ages since you were last on. 6lb isn't such a bad gain hopefully you'll be able to lose that quickly.

Good luck today Donna!

Sorry for all illness and stuff knocking about its not good is it :-(

Had a great weekend this weekend, went to nandos and went to see nativity 2 at the cinema yesterday. Just started research for my next assignment which is due in 4 weeks!

Thanks everyone, wow a lb a week when you were so off plan isn't bad at all Laura and I'm sure we'll all be working together in Jan to get rid of our gains.

Little one's being good, he's so excited about Christmas, can't believe he still has 4 days left at school.... nightmare!!! But it's Christmas dinner tomorrow and then his school disco at 6 and he then has a party Wednesday afternoon. Hopefully they'll manage to keep him occupied on Thursday and Friday.

I got the job :) had a really good interview and had some good things said about me so I'm very happy. It's a trial until Summer term, but don't see why that won't go well.

Got weighed today and gained 3 1/2 lbs :/ I know I'd been bad but that doesn't quite seem right, surely some of that must be water retention or what I was wearing as I wasn't that bad... I've never gained that much just from a weekend.

Haven't been running club for ages as its been too icy or I've had things on (this week I have little one's party and then boyfriend has his works do on Tuesday) might not be able to go until the new year now :( I have been keeping up the crosstrainer each morning though and have been doing loads more walking than normal. So hopefully I'll still manage quite well with the running when I get back to it, I'm def doing the half marathon in March so need to make sure I'm on it in Jan
Well done on the job Donna!! And don't worry about the gain. Prob is water just! And lack of running.

I've had a **** week also. I've had two takeaways and have went over my weekly syns and couldn't exercise much cause of gym. Plus had a McDonald's today :( hoping for a sts tomorrow. And then I'm gonna be 100% until mon and get weighed then.
Plus I'm getting a full head of extensions tonorrow and they always make me weigh 1/4- 1/2 lb heavier :/