Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

I love my husband .....I just got undressed for bed & he said he was surprised that I sts as I looked as if I'd lost about 4lbs!!! He's very honest when it comes to my body so was well chuffed when he said that! He also started tapping my ribs & that's when I start to know I'm getting slimmer lol!
Hope you're all having a good Friday night, I'm tucked up in bed, DH snoring beside me & the dog farting away at the bottom of the bed......I'm such a party animal lol!!! My turn tomorrow night, the vodka will be calling me! Also hoping to get into my size 10 jeans tomorrow....will keep you posted! X
kim63 said:
I love my husband .....I just got undressed for bed & he said he was surprised that I sts as I looked as if I'd lost about 4lbs!!! He's very honest when it comes to my body so was well chuffed when he said that! He also started tapping my ribs & that's when I start to know I'm getting slimmer lol!
Hope you're all having a good Friday night, I'm tucked up in bed, DH snoring beside me & the dog farting away at the bottom of the bed......I'm such a party animal lol!!! My turn tomorrow night, the vodka will be calling me! Also hoping to get into my size 10 jeans tomorrow....will keep you posted! X

Hehe, that's so sweet! I'm dog sitting mum's Labrador whilst OH is at the pub. Early night for me, busy day tomorrow! Good luck getting into the size 10's :)
kim63 said:
Oohh just noticed you put your piccie on the avatar Charlie, you look the colour hair x

Thanks! :)
kim63 said:
What you up to tomorrow then Charlie, anything nice x

Taking doggie for 5km run in the morning, working at a playgroup for children with ASD, then hopefully doing some house/treadmill shopping with OH. Taxi-ing mum about for a party and hopefully squeezing a cinema trip in there somewhere! What about you - up to anything nice? X
charliemm said:
Taking doggie for 5km run in the morning, working at a playgroup for children with ASD, then hopefully doing some house/treadmill shopping with OH. Taxi-ing mum about for a party and hopefully squeezing a cinema trip in there somewhere! What about you - up to anything nice? X

Busy girl! Have you looked on ebay or freecycle if you're getting a treadmill ?
Going to dads golf club to see the plaque in memory of him, taking mum out for lunch for mothers day & then round to my brothers to watch rugby & a few sherberts! So I suspect it will be an off plan day, only the 3rd time in 10 weeks so not bad going for me! X
HI Nice to meet you all

Made it to this group at WI yesterday am officially in single figures now - am so cuffed - hope to stay around for a while


Hi Ladies

Please can I join your gang?! :) I've been lurking and Charliemm has inspired me to get my botty back into SW gear!

My history, used to live in England, moved to Canada 5 years ago (LOVE IT!), had a baby 2 years ago, lost weight, kept it off for a year and then back to work, summer, Christmas, New Year - insert whatever excuse you feel like - I've regained 10lbs - everything feels tighter than it should and I know I feel good when I'm on plan and yucky when I'm not. So, I'm on plan!!

I used to run lots but now, with aforementioned little one, the running is sidelined to when she's gone to bed and I head down to the treadmill in the basement. That too had even fallen by the wayside SO, I've entered into a 10km run in 4 weeks time and will be lbs lighter and lots fitter by then. It's amazing what a few weeks can do!

I SHALL see the 8's again - not since my teenage years of starvation have I seen them but I shall return to those halcyon days of fabulousness and be a yummy mummy that my daughter can be proud of :)

Phew - I feel like I'm pledging my allegiance to something - I AM. To SW and myself :)

Right, I'm off now. Hopefully haven't scared you all with my ranting! I weigh in tomorrow and will update on Monday.

Lovely weekend one and all :flirt2:

Welcome to you lovely ladies :)


Ate out for 4.5 syns today! 5 bean chilli at Wetherspoons :)

Now tomorrow I have a problem. We are meeting some of OH's friends for drinks. I am happy to stick to diet coke, but I've been waiting to meet them for a while and don't want to seem like a gooseberry. What are the low syn drink choices? How funny after I was only saying yesterday about how rarely I drink. I'm also nervous as one of the girls is frigging gorgeous and I want to make a good impression. I have nothing to wear as all my going out clothes are all now way too big!! I don't know what to do :'(
Love your new picture, Charlie!!
downtownsuzie said:
Welcome to you lovely ladies :)


Ate out for 4.5 syns today! 5 bean chilli at Wetherspoons :)

Now tomorrow I have a problem. We are meeting some of OH's friends for drinks. I am happy to stick to diet coke, but I've been waiting to meet them for a while and don't want to seem like a gooseberry. What are the low syn drink choices? How funny after I was only saying yesterday about how rarely I drink. I'm also nervous as one of the girls is frigging gorgeous and I want to make a good impression. I have nothing to wear as all my going out clothes are all now way too big!! I don't know what to do :'(

Well done! I love the wetherspoons chilli! Perhaps you could borrow something from a friend to wear if everything is too big? And as for drinks - if you save your syns you can have 5 x single spirit measures eg vodka/Malibu (25ml) and low cal mixer :)
kim63 said:
Busy girl! Have you looked on ebay or freecycle if you're getting a treadmill ?
Going to dads golf club to see the plaque in memory of him, taking mum out for lunch for mothers day & then round to my brothers to watch rugby & a few sherberts! So I suspect it will be an off plan day, only the 3rd time in 10 weeks so not bad going for me! X

That is definitely good going - can't say I blame you at all!

Have checked out eBay - there are some cheap new ones but I wouldn't trust them as far as I can throw them - and I'm always dubious about 'collection only' items. I've been saving for a few months for a holiday and a treadmill so I think we might treat ourselves :)

Hope you have good day!
Well done! I love the wetherspoons chilli! Perhaps you could borrow something from a friend to wear if everything is too big? And as for drinks - if you save your syns you can have 5 x single spirit measures eg vodka/Malibu (25ml) and low cal mixer :)

How about archers? Although I have a feeling that will be high in syns (and highly doubt that the lemonade will be diet!).

One best friend has just moved to Cambridge and other best friend is skinnier than me - do I chance wearing my size 10 jeans even though they won't be comfy? x
downtownsuzie said:
How about archers? Although I have a feeling that will be high in syns (and highly doubt that the lemonade will be diet!).

One best friend has just moved to Cambridge and other best friend is skinnier than me - do I chance wearing my size 10 jeans even though they won't be comfy? x

I archers works out as 3.2 syns per 25ml shot so would count as 3.5 to be safe. You can still have 4 of those, though you're right - most places don't offer low cal lemonade. Do you like it with anything else like soda or tonic?

"no pain, no gain!" with regards to the jeans - but don't wear them if you're gonna be really uncomfortable! X
Annie come on, yes we can get into our size 10 jeans! What do you mean the other girl is gorgeous.....looking at your avatar pic, you look stunning!
Booze wise, vodka/gin & slimline, brandy & diet coke, not sure about the Archers as don't drink it.....or don't worry & have a day off plan! Quite often when I go off plan I have a good loss??? X
charliemm said:
That is definitely good going - can't say I blame you at all!

Have checked out eBay - there are some cheap new ones but I wouldn't trust them as far as I can throw them - and I'm always dubious about 'collection only' items. I've been saving for a few months for a holiday and a treadmill so I think we might treat ourselves :)

Hope you have good day!

Go on treat deserve it as a present for your weight loss! Daft question tho, why do you want a treadmill if you go out running? X
kim63 said:
Go on treat deserve it as a present for your weight loss! Daft question tho, why do you want a treadmill if you go out running? X

I really wanted to go for a run today but it was freezing and rush so lots of people about. Being cold is a definite pet peeve of mine and it put me off straight away. OH would rather use a treadmill that go for a run, and I definitely would use it daily unless the weather is good! I'd be much more motivated to jump on the treadmill in the garage with no slap on and messy hair than head out into public :p
charliemm said:
I really wanted to go for a run today but it was freezing and rush so lots of people about. Being cold is a definite pet peeve of mine and it put me off straight away. OH would rather use a treadmill that go for a run, and I definitely would use it daily unless the weather is good! I'd be much more motivated to jump on the treadmill in the garage with no slap on and messy hair than head out into public :p

LOL! Please don't tell me you put your slap on to go out for a run?! At least cycling I can put my helmet on so no one sees my bedhead ! X
I archers works out as 3.2 syns per 25ml shot so would count as 3.5 to be safe. You can still have 4 of those, though you're right - most places don't offer low cal lemonade. Do you like it with anything else like soda or tonic?

"no pain, no gain!" with regards to the jeans - but don't wear them if you're gonna be really uncomfortable! X

I'm going to go through my wardrobe tomorrow - I must have something I can wear! She just makes it seem so effortless, something that doesn't come easy to me!

I haven't tried it with anything else, I might have amaretto and diet coke - tastes like Dr Pepper!

Annie come on, yes we can get into our size 10 jeans! What do you mean the other girl is gorgeous.....looking at your avatar pic, you look stunning!
Booze wise, vodka/gin & slimline, brandy & diet coke, not sure about the Archers as don't drink it.....or don't worry & have a day off plan! Quite often when I go off plan I have a good loss??? X

I can only just squeeze into mine - my hips are 40 inches!!

I can't have a whole day off plan, my self control would fall apart!
Ooo charliemm! I see your from Derby! I'm from notts! Totally agree in the treadmill front (ahem i drive to the gym just to jump on the treadmill lol) can't stand running in the cold my chest hurts like hell.

Kim hope you have fab night tomorrow on the voddies hehe I'm a vodka lime and soda girl at home but you can never guesstimate the syns in the line when our can you.

So tonight I've totally pigged out but had a fan-Daby-dozy evening and super looking forward to tomorrow!