Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Hubby was just asking about MM & said we should all meet up & go out for a PIZZA!!! Funny guy!'s the tradmill running going?
Nikki......good girl hiding the scales!
Annie.....good girl on avoiding the choccie eggs, I saw loads in tesco today...BAD!!!

Im back on plan today, so have 5 days to pull it back, but even if I dont have a loss this friday, it was worth it lol!
DH spoilt me yesterday for Mothers Day (dont have kids, but have 2 furry babies!) so, they gave me a box of Lindt chocs (all gone!) & a charm for my Pandora bracelet....he is so loving & caring!
We've been driving around today looking at Motorhomes......when DH comes out of the RM's in 3 years we're selling up & going touring round Europe, come home for a while & then hopefully touring round Canada & N. America. Im going to cut my hair dead short, dye it blond & be a hippy chick on the little motorbike we're going to buy to scoot around in!
Down in the dumps ladies :-( think star week is on its way and just can't get focused at all.

It's going to be a very scenic route to 119lbs

Hubby was just asking about MM & said we should all meet up & go out for a PIZZA!!! Funny guy!'s the tradmill running going?
Nikki......good girl hiding the scales!
Annie.....good girl on avoiding the choccie eggs, I saw loads in tesco today...BAD!!!

Im back on plan today, so have 5 days to pull it back, but even if I dont have a loss this friday, it was worth it lol!
DH spoilt me yesterday for Mothers Day (dont have kids, but have 2 furry babies!) so, they gave me a box of Lindt chocs (all gone!) & a charm for my Pandora bracelet....he is so loving & caring!
We've been driving around today looking at Motorhomes......when DH comes out of the RM's in 3 years we're selling up & going touring round Europe, come home for a while & then hopefully touring round Canada & N. America. Im going to cut my hair dead short, dye it blond & be a hippy chick on the little motorbike we're going to buy to scoot around in!

Treadmill is epic, had a run at 6am this morning before work - felt great. Going to try and do 30 mins each morning before work. It woke me up and I felt great all day! Especially when I came home from work and didn't have to go out for a run - could crack on with some swatting up instead!

Your presents are so sweet - which Pandora charm did you get? I have one too, though its nearly full now as I had to have it shortened when I lost weight!

Down in the dumps ladies :-( think star week is on its way and just can't get focused at all.

It's going to be a very scenic route to 119lbs


Don't be down in the dumps! Watch something on telly or listen to something that cheers you up! Try and find things that make you feel better that aren't to do with eating - you'll feel much better in the long run and stay on track for your challenge with Annie. Hope you're feeling brighter soon! :)
Hubby was just asking about MM & said we should all meet up & go out for a PIZZA!!! Funny guy!'s the tradmill running going?
Nikki......good girl hiding the scales!
Annie.....good girl on avoiding the choccie eggs, I saw loads in tesco today...BAD!!!

Im back on plan today, so have 5 days to pull it back, but even if I dont have a loss this friday, it was worth it lol!
DH spoilt me yesterday for Mothers Day (dont have kids, but have 2 furry babies!) so, they gave me a box of Lindt chocs (all gone!) & a charm for my Pandora bracelet....he is so loving & caring!
We've been driving around today looking at Motorhomes......when DH comes out of the RM's in 3 years we're selling up & going touring round Europe, come home for a while & then hopefully touring round Canada & N. America. Im going to cut my hair dead short, dye it blond & be a hippy chick on the little motorbike we're going to buy to scoot around in!

That sounds amazing! Totally jealous :)

Your hubby (and doggies?) are super sweet for treating you on mothers day x

And hey, I wouldn't say no to pizza, I just wouldn't be able to stop at one slice! Haha ;)

Down in the dumps ladies :-( think star week is on its way and just can't get focused at all.

It's going to be a very scenic route to 119lbs


Hey - the scenic route is better than no route! My losses are a little all over the place, so we're in this together x
Missed having you girls to talk to - most productive thing I've done at work all day today is make myself a new signature on here! Looooool
charliemm said:
Don't be down in the dumps! Watch something on telly or listen to something that cheers you up! Try and find things that make you feel better that aren't to do with eating - you'll feel much better in the long run and stay on track for your challenge with Annie. Hope you're feeling brighter soon! :)

thanks hunni. I think I need a totally clear head to do it properly and a full fridge! The problem is we have no food in and so its a case of spending £10-15 to cook a nice meal for us or as the case is tonight.... Order in!

So I've been talking to my OH and we have agreed a meal plan. I'm at mum an dads tomorrow night so from Wednesday its game on!

I feel like I'm failing but I know that I can get my self in gear an do it..... Done it many times before!

downtownsuzie said:
Hey - the scenic route is better than no route! My losses are a little all over the place, so we're in this together x

:) thanks hun. I'm prepared for it to take 11 weeks to lose 8lbs or 13 as the scales said this morning. Me and OH had an argument again about weight today "but Nikki your so skinny already you don't need to lose any more".... Resulted in take away tonight!
thanks hunni. I think I need a totally clear head to do it properly and a full fridge! The problem is we have no food in and so its a case of spending £10-15 to cook a nice meal for us or as the case is tonight.... Order in!

So I've been talking to my OH and we have agreed a meal plan. I'm at mum an dads tomorrow night so from Wednesday its game on!

I feel like I'm failing but I know that I can get my self in gear an do it..... Done it many times before!


I think you're right, a meal plan and a fridge full of SW food is always a good motivator for me. I don't think I'd have stuck to the plan for as long as I have without my weekly food plans and big shops!

What are you ordering? There will always be something for you to choose so that you don't fall off the wagon! x
charliemm said:
I think you're right, a meal plan and a fridge full of SW food is always a good motivator for me. I don't think I'd have stuck to the plan for as long as I have without my weekly food plans and big shops!

What are you ordering? There will always be something for you to choose so that you don't fall off the wagon! x

We hve agreed to do a big food shop and hopefully this will help me.

Unfortunately OH want pizza hut so nothing remotely SW friendly. However, I am feeling super positive about things now. Just need OH to understand my target!
Nikki<3 said:
We hve agreed to do a big food shop and hopefully this will help me.

Unfortunately OH want pizza hut so nothing remotely SW friendly. However, I am feeling super positive about things now. Just need OH to understand my target!

They have the pasta options? The chilli pasta twists is 6 without and 8 with chicken :) I'm definitely gonna have that the next time I go!
:) thanks hun. I'm prepared for it to take 11 weeks to lose 8lbs or 13 as the scales said this morning. Me and OH had an argument again about weight today "but Nikki your so skinny already you don't need to lose any more".... Resulted in take away tonight!

Men's perspectives are so different from ours, but I also think (with no offence meant to any lurking men) that most men aren't capable of seeing body issues from a women's point of view. They're just not under the same pressure that we are.

I'm having SW chips, egg and spaghetti hoops tonight :)

Enjoy your meal (that thing Charlie mentioned sounds yummy) and back on plan tomorrow - we're here all the way :grouphugg:
Oooooh, ooooooh, I now have an amber thingy under my name - what does that mean? I kind of read about rep power etc, but is it the next level up?
Definitely agree with you on the men thing! OH was always asking why I need to lose more weight but I think he's given up now! He's probably realised how serious I am about it. At least I hope so! Plus he's hopeless at cooking - I do literally all of it (and the food shopping) so he doesn't really have a choice! I've stopped talking to him about it now as he gets agitated - so you guys are really my only source of SW banter as my friends seem to be bored/uninterested with it :(

We've just had slimming world chips, steak and carrots - yum! So glad SW allows carbs otherwise I would actually be screwed! Totally looking forward to my leftover SW trifle while I watch Embarrassing Bodies :)

I have no idea what the amber thing is - cant see it as I'm on my phone - will have a look in a min and investigate!
Its a good job we do have each other on here as we're the only ones that understand! Dug is brilliant but even though he says he doesn't get fed up with SW talk it can't be too much fun for him. When we were going thru IVF I needed to join an online support group as it helped me but men are just made differently & don't seem to need the support we chicks do. I think as well that they only say about the weight loss coz they love & worry about us, but ultimately as long as we're happy they're happy x
Annie, I think it's something to do with how many posts you have posted! Something about rep power?

Does anyone get the Slimming World magazines? I'm debating whether to start buying them or not - but with recipes and you guys on here I'm not sure it's worth it!
Charlie, have you found that OH has lost weight with you cooking SW at home? I'm wondering whether the same will happen once me and my OH move in together..
downtownsuzie said:
Charlie, have you found that OH has lost weight with you cooking SW at home? I'm wondering whether the same will happen once me and my OH move in together..

Nope cause I make sure I stock up with all his fatty stuff like crisps, chocolates and ice cream! Remarkably I'm not even tempted to touch them!

Just measured my height as I can't remember the last time I actually did - and it seems I'm 5'5 rather than the 5'6 I thought I was!
Annie, I think it's something to do with how many posts you have posted! Something about rep power?

Does anyone get the Slimming World magazines? I'm debating whether to start buying them or not - but with recipes and you guys on here I'm not sure it's worth it!

:confused: I don't understand the different colours. Something about light green being 500 points and 200 for something else.. Odd.

I buy the magazines. I use them for the 7 food plan, the recipes and I find the reader's stories are good for motivation. I read it on the bus home after WI and it stops me snacking lol keeps me focused on the week ahead! ;)
Nope cause I make sure I stock up with all his fatty stuff like crisps, chocolates and ice cream! Remarkably I'm not even tempted to touch them!

Just measured my height as I can't remember the last time I actually did - and it seems I'm 5'5 rather than the 5'6 I thought I was!

I'm not too bad with what other people have in the house atm, my problem is stopping off at Tesco in the mornings and choosing my food for the day. These days, I tend to go in with a list and try and stick to the list!!

Hey, at least 119 won't be too low for 5'5 - every cloud... ;)

I use to nag my oh to diet with me but I've given up!

I've told him that he has no choice when we move in! Haha.. He'll still have his treats, but he can get stuffed if he thinks I'm cooking two seperate meals every night! We'll still have takeaways and stuff, just everything in moderation :)