Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Well done resisting cake Deb !!! :)
Thanks so much for all your kind comments ladies. I think yesterday my hormones went bonkers, I was sobbing all trough downton abbey and couldn't stop, I just carried on crying into my pillow when I got into bed.

I think I'm just so exhausted and working full time in a job I don't enjoy makes it so much worse. I just have to remember that I have only 4 weeks left then 2 weeks off. Then the countdown to Christmas! Yippeeee!!
Not been around on minimins for a few days but quick catch up sounds like everyone is really focused t the minute and well done on the mega loss Kim.

Maintaining had been going really well but I went a bit crazy with food the past few days :-/ meals were mostly on plan. Friday night I tend to have a treat meal so it was garlic bread, pizza, filled pasta and rose wine. Really enjoyed that one :) but last night I was home alone and just had a binge - couple packs of crisps, chocolate, half an Easter egg!!! (Yup it's been sitting untouched that long yet last night I needed it lol) and 2 creme eggs! Whoops!

Then today was a planned day out with friends so lunch and cocktails, visited a wedding fayre (with the friend who I will be bridesmaid for :) ) and then tea/ cupcake.

Back on track tomorrow or I won't be at target for long :-/ feel horrible and bloated from it all so looking forward to eating normally again. Been surprised at how much extra I can eat and maintain so hopefully the damage won't be too horrific and can hopefully get most of the gain off by next weigh in on Friday. X

I'm sure you'll be find for WI, your doing so great with the maintaining, even if you do gain it will be a small one as long as your back on it today :)

Thanks so much for all your kind comments ladies. I think yesterday my hormones went bonkers, I was sobbing all trough downton abbey and couldn't stop, I just carried on crying into my pillow when I got into bed.

I think I'm just so exhausted and working full time in a job I don't enjoy makes it so much worse. I just have to remember that I have only 4 weeks left then 2 weeks off. Then the countdown to Christmas! Yippeeee!!

Was going to reply but just seen your feeling better today, hormones are awful aren't they. I don't think it will help that you were trying to loose weight before getting pregnant, as although you look amazing when the hormones start that's going to be one thing that plays on your mind. But like everyone else has said just try and enjoy the experience. I'm sure you'll have a great time on holiday and will look amazing.
I can't wait until I can properly start the countdown to christmas.... although money is tight this year :( and we still have loads of presents to get
donna88 said:
I'm sure you'll be find for WI, your doing so great with the maintaining, even if you do gain it will be a small one as long as your back on it today :)

Was going to reply but just seen your feeling better today, hormones are awful aren't they. I don't think it will help that you were trying to loose weight before getting pregnant, as although you look amazing when the hormones start that's going to be one thing that plays on your mind. But like everyone else has said just try and enjoy the experience. I'm sure you'll have a great time on holiday and will look amazing.
I can't wait until I can properly start the countdown to christmas.... although money is tight this year :( and we still have loads of presents to get

Thanks hun :)

I haven't even started Christmas shopping yet. I come back off hols on the 24th nov so I'm hoping to go and blitz the shops and get every thing done really quickly. Then on the 1st it's Christmas tree time!! Yippee!! We always go buy our tree from Sherwood Forest so hoping they have some nice ones again x
Thanks hun :)

I haven't even started Christmas shopping yet. I come back off hols on the 24th nov so I'm hoping to go and blitz the shops and get every thing done really quickly. Then on the 1st it's Christmas tree time!! Yippee!! We always go buy our tree from Sherwood Forest so hoping they have some nice ones again x

Awww lovely, I've never had a real tree. We put ours up the day before the 1st last year and got slated for it, but little one was going to see santa with school so we wanted him to wake up to it, plus we were busy that week. People can be such kill joys can't they. I have an amazing Christmas dress as well which I can't wait to wear, its so warm... I'm just wondering when it is acceptable to wear it? I really want a Christmas jumper, but unless I can get one from Primark before they sell out then they tend to be silly expensive
How does this sound for today ladies.....

Breakfast - porridge (HEXA + HEXB)

Lunch - low fat super noodles, fat free yog (maybe!)

Dinner - curry (HEXB chicken, 9syns balti saue)

I then have a cheese string too if I fancy an afternoon snack.
Hello everyone!

Had a skim read, but don't think I can reply to everyone!

Had an amazing birthday, OH went ALL out with surprises lol he arranged for a haircut, makeover, for two of my friends from london to come and visit and then we went for a surprise meal - there were 11 of us! Too much food, too much cake and a 4lb gain, hehe! Back on it today though and back to the gym tonight.

Happy birthday Deb! x
How does this sound for today ladies.....

Breakfast - porridge (HEXA + HEXB)

Lunch - low fat super noodles, fat free yog (maybe!)

Dinner - curry (HEXB chicken, 9syns balti saue)

I then have a cheese string too if I fancy an afternoon snack.

Where is all your SF Nikki? Why would you have super noodles for lunch? Sorry I sound a right grump, but Im afraid I really dont like processed food like that, have tried them just to see what they were like & they went straight in the bin! The night before work why dont you prepare yourself a salad or a sandwich for lunch, a lot healthier & nutritious for you both.
I have to be very prepared when Im working & make sure I get everything ready the night before, sometimes taking all 3 meals to work with me & a shed load of fruit for snacks.
Sorry not trying to sound 'holier than tho' with my advice :) xx

Hello everyone!

Had a skim read, but don't think I can reply to everyone!

Had an amazing birthday, OH went ALL out with surprises lol he arranged for a haircut, makeover, for two of my friends from london to come and visit and then we went for a surprise meal - there were 11 of us! Too much food, too much cake and a 4lb gain, hehe! Back on it today though and back to the gym tonight.

Happy birthday Deb! x

Wow, sounds an amazing birthday weekend & Im sure you wont have put on 4lbs worth of fat, it will soon come off if your back on plan this week.
Do you want to join our Xmas challenge? x
Wow, sounds an amazing birthday weekend & Im sure you wont have put on 4lbs worth of fat, it will soon come off if your back on plan this week.
Do you want to join our Xmas challenge? x

I would love to! 10 WI for me and I'd like to lose 15lbs, bringing me to 8st 13 (at 1.5lbs a week). I have nothing to get in my way now and with the exercise, I think it can be done! The only thing is that I'm not sure I can come online everyday to update, but I will do my best x
I would love to! 10 WI for me and I'd like to lose 15lbs, bringing me to 8st 13 (at 1.5lbs a week). I have nothing to get in my way now and with the exercise, I think it can be done! The only thing is that I'm not sure I can come online everyday to update, but I will do my best x

Yay! You have great losses Annie, so Im sure its achievable. It doesn't matter that you cant come on everyday, as when Im working I sometimes dont get on, I just amend when I can. x
kim63 said:
Where is all your SF Nikki? Why would you have super noodles for lunch? Sorry I sound a right grump, but Im afraid I really dont like processed food like that, have tried them just to see what they were like & they went straight in the bin! The night before work why dont you prepare yourself a salad or a sandwich for lunch, a lot healthier & nutritious for you both.
I have to be very prepared when Im working & make sure I get everything ready the night before, sometimes taking all 3 meals to work with me & a shed load of fruit for snacks.
Sorry not trying to sound 'holier than tho' with my advice :) xx

Wow, sounds an amazing birthday weekend & Im sure you wont have put on 4lbs worth of fat, it will soon come off if your back on plan this week.
Do you want to join our Xmas challenge? x

I know :-( I should be eating sf but I had nothing in the house this morning at all. It was a grab and go lunch really. Still got this awful cold and can't even get in touch with doctor which is annoying because its now on my chest. I'm generally feeling super worn out and run down, oh and to top it off its someone's birthday at work and I just devoured a cup cake (probably only about 7 syns as it was a dinky one.

I have a punnet of strawberries in my fridge at work so I might have some if those xx
Hello everyone!

Had a skim read, but don't think I can reply to everyone!

Had an amazing birthday, OH went ALL out with surprises lol he arranged for a haircut, makeover, for two of my friends from london to come and visit and then we went for a surprise meal - there were 11 of us! Too much food, too much cake and a 4lb gain, hehe! Back on it today though and back to the gym tonight.

Happy birthday Deb! x

Sounds like a fab Birthday, what lovely surprises :) and sound well worth the 4lb gain, you can get that off again in no time.

I know :-( I should be eating sf but I had nothing in the house this morning at all. It was a grab and go lunch really. Still got this awful cold and can't even get in touch with doctor which is annoying because its now on my chest. I'm generally feeling super worn out and run down, oh and to top it off its someone's birthday at work and I just devoured a cup cake (probably only about 7 syns as it was a dinky one.

I have a punnet of strawberries in my fridge at work so I might have some if those xx

Hope your feeling better soon, will you be able to get to the shop soon to stock up on food as well?
Don't worry about the cupcake, sounds like it will be within your syns as you'll be wanting to be having the top end of your syns as little one does need the fat as well as all the superfree.

Happy Birthday Deb!!!

Just finished my exercise for the day, love getting it done in a morning. Sets me up for the rest of the day :)

worrying a little about tomorrow, meeting my sister for a cuppa in the morning, which will be fine. She'll try and get me to have a hot chocolate which won't bother me I'll just be good and stick with black coffee... might start telling the people behind the counter that I have a dairy allergy as they always go on about how I don't need to be good because there's nothing on me (I don't understand why people can't get their heads round the fact that just because your slim, it doesn't mean you can eat and drink anything lol) but what's worrying me is I'm meeting a friend for lunch, I'm looking forward to it as I haven't seen him for ages (got a busy week meeting people actually, I'm out on Wednesday as well meeting a couple of friends who again I haven't seen for months) I'm not sure where we're going but I need to be good syns wise and weight wise as my week starts tomorrow and its pizza day on Friday and also its WI tomorrow so I don't want something that's going to be laying heavy on my tummy. Hopefully we'll go somewhere I can get a jacket or a salad. It's hard though as lots of places in town just serve chips and sarnies.
Happy birthday deb :-D

Glad toy had a fab birthday Annie. Sounds like you had a wonderful time and your OH did great!!! Xxx
I know :-( I should be eating sf but I had nothing in the house this morning at all. It was a grab and go lunch really. Still got this awful cold and can't even get in touch with doctor which is annoying because its now on my chest. I'm generally feeling super worn out and run down, oh and to top it off its someone's birthday at work and I just devoured a cup cake (probably only about 7 syns as it was a dinky one.

I have a punnet of strawberries in my fridge at work so I might have some if those xx

Again, not to sound 'holier than tho' & you know all this but, a balanced healthy diet will help with any cold/tiredness/run down feeling, especially SF foods. If you cant get to a supermarket, why not do an online shop & do a big weekly shop. Also, but check with your midwife/GP first, take some multi-vits/folic acid, as they may help xx
You should def be taking folic acid if you aren't already, if the doctor hasn't already then the midwife will give you a prescription for it, but if you don't have it yet its worth buying some as its important to take it in the first tri
Donna, just be honest with your friend & tell him you would like to go somewhere that sells baked spuds or salads. If he asks why just tell him you are trying to maintain your weight. Men aren't as fussy as us chicks & Im sure he wont mind where he eats as long as its food lol!

Also, this 'diet' is for life & you cant spend the rest of your life worrying about the odd meal out. Have your 5-15 syns everyday & enjoy your pizza night without counting syns or cutting back. Its not as if you eat out all the time & one 'naughty' night will do you know harm at all.....thats life! Sometimes the body plateaus/maintains coz thats where its the happiest & eating a high calorific meal can boost the metabolism again. You are mid-range of a healthy BMI & are maintaining so well, so try not to over think/over analyze everything you eat. I can understand why you do, as we're all in the same boat so to speak, but I do think you need to just enjoy your odd meal out, keep to the plan otherwise & Im sure it will all balance out :) x
I know your right Kim and I'd tell anyone else exactly the same. Thank you :) I need to give myself a good talking too, I do find it hard not to stress about it. How relaxed I am this week will depend on my WI result as well I think, I'm hoping it will be good though, I mean 3 weeks of being on plan (except for one day which wasn't too bad) and loads of exercise. I'd like to think I should be lower end of my target range, but we'll see.
At least you recognise that about yourself Donna & we're all like it to a degree, as it does become a bit of an obsession & Im as guilty as the next person.
I was happy at 8st 11lbs & wanted to stay that weight, but life got in the way & I wasn't careful & took my eye off the ball & the pounds crept on again. But I know that about myself, that once I start eating the wrong things, I put on weight. I dont view SW as a diet, but a way of life & by going out for meals/drinks occasionally is part of my life, I have to incorporate that into my 'diet'. When actively losing weight like I am now, I would be reluctant to have a blow out, but nearer my target I wont be so cautious.
My point is, after rambling on, & this is to us all....... enjoy your nights out with people you love, embrace the SW way, dont over think it all, or otherwise it will become unhealthy :) x