Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

I can't wait to be able to drive, but I'm a bit worried as I walk about an hour and 40 minutes a day just to get to and from work. If I stop that, I will have to up my exercise a LOT!

That's true, but you will have more time to do it and can do something a bit more strenuous and that you'll enjoy more as it won't take you as long to get home
Oh, realised today that little one def takes after me, 4 years old and he's already started moaning about the portion sizes at school. I spoke to one of the LSA's and she says they do give them plenty of filler like rice, veg and bread but the main part is very small and it was the curry he was moaning about lol. Although I think he must be having a growth spurt as he'll have quite a big breakfast, cereal or toast AND a cereal bar, then he has a biscuit midday at school, then school dinner and pudding, then a piece of fruit in the afternoon and he always needs something when he gets in from school before his tea at around 5... I don't know where he puts it all
Sorry to hear all that Nikki, sounds as tho the doctors think you might have a PE, so hope they scan you asap to make sure. Rest up & look after yourself.

Annie, why do you restrict yourself to only 10 syns per can have up to 15 per day! I haven't purposefully had so few, its just the way it goes with me sometimes coz of my shifts. Dont deprive those choccie treats.....its the law!

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Sorry to hear all that Nikki, sounds as tho the doctors think you might have a PE, so hope they scan you asap to make sure. Rest up & look after yourself.

Annie, why do you restrict yourself to only 10 syns per can have up to 15 per day! I haven't purposefully had so few, its just the way it goes with me sometimes coz of my shifts. Dont deprive those choccie treats.....its the law!

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It's a fine line... I have 5, I feel deprived. I have 15 and I feel like I've blown it and just binge on everything. 10 seems to work quite nicely for me. Plus there's a little bit of leeway should something come up :)
Oh, realised today that little one def takes after me, 4 years old and he's already started moaning about the portion sizes at school. I spoke to one of the LSA's and she says they do give them plenty of filler like rice, veg and bread but the main part is very small and it was the curry he was moaning about lol. Although I think he must be having a growth spurt as he'll have quite a big breakfast, cereal or toast AND a cereal bar, then he has a biscuit midday at school, then school dinner and pudding, then a piece of fruit in the afternoon and he always needs something when he gets in from school before his tea at around 5... I don't know where he puts it all

I've always liked big portions! It doesn't help that I was told as a youngster to always clear my plate... It still affects me now, I feel like I have to eat everything on my plate. People at work say I'm always either eating or talking about eating lol
I've always liked big portions! It doesn't help that I was told as a youngster to always clear my plate... It still affects me now, I feel like I have to eat everything on my plate. People at work say I'm always either eating or talking about eating lol

I'm the same and possibly for the same reason, never thought about the link between eating loads and always being made to clear my plate. I suppose we shouldn't moan too much at least slimming world lets you have a healthy appetite
sat in the car outside my mums waiting to go running, very lucky i have my phone on me as want to try out the app as ive just rang her and shes out shopping with my nanna....apparently didnt realise what time it was! really hope this doeant make us late as she wont be dressed for running yet :/ and she doesnt half faff about getting ready at times. like tuesday i was later because id been at slimming world, she had a go at me about the time but then messed about for 15min before we left anyway, if i was late she should have been waiting ready to go! i really need a wee too and the club isnt always open so need to go at her house. feel really weird just sat here, cant believe she didnt realise the time.
Enjoy your run Donna & Im sure your Mum will be there soon.

Well thats week 2 out the way with & have been 100% on plan for the whole 14 days! Am really loving being on plan & in control again as I so need the structure & discipline. Have updated my signature whilst on laptop & its so good seeing the stats, so just need to add tomorrows hopeful weight loss. Not sure what it will be really as * week is over a week late & I tend to get a bit water logged lol, but if it is a gain I'll know the reason why!
Who else has WI tomorrow as Im getting a bit muddled as some of you keep changing your days lol! x
kim63 said:
Enjoy your run Donna & Im sure your Mum will be there soon.

Well thats week 2 out the way with & have been 100% on plan for the whole 14 days! Am really loving being on plan & in control again as I so need the structure & discipline. Have updated my signature whilst on laptop & its so good seeing the stats, so just need to add tomorrows hopeful weight loss. Not sure what it will be really as * week is over a week late & I tend to get a bit water logged lol, but if it is a gain I'll know the reason why!
Who else has WI tomorrow as Im getting a bit muddled as some of you keep changing your days lol! x

I'm wi tomorrow Kim changed to follow you ready for Xmas fingers crossed for us both :)
Does feel good being in control again thanks for your motivation x
donna88 said:
sat in the car outside my mums waiting to go running, very lucky i have my phone on me as want to try out the app as ive just rang her and shes out shopping with my nanna....apparently didnt realise what time it was! really hope this doeant make us late as she wont be dressed for running yet :/ and she doesnt half faff about getting ready at times. like tuesday i was later because id been at slimming world, she had a go at me about the time but then messed about for 15min before we left anyway, if i was late she should have been waiting ready to go! i really need a wee too and the club isnt always open so need to go at her house. feel really weird just sat here, cant believe she didnt realise the time.

Enjoy your run Donna r u feeling better than earlier ? x
We're going to miss the club and that means i need to get two runs in myself...wont want to do one tonight as i dont like running on my own...unless my mum wants to do it with me. im so annoyed but i wont be able to say anything to her because she'll kick off! its tupid though, how did she not know what time it was? theres a clock in the car!!!

so a wasted journey for me, and im behind on my runs. chuffing brilliant.

great to hear your so motivated. :) it does feel great eating so well doesnt it. shes here now. lets see how long it takes her to get ready
I'm wi tomorrow Kim changed to follow you ready for Xmas fingers crossed for us both :)
Does feel good being in control again thanks for your motivation x

Yay, go Friday weighers! Im glad I can help motivate others......I like to share the love lol :bananalove: x

Have also decided to add to my signature, how many syns I've had during the week & how many Red, Green & EE days I've had that week, to see if there is any pattern. Im sure there wont be with me, as my days/weeks vary so much now depending whether Im working or not so I dont have any set routine, so some days Im more active than others. Even tho I put everything down in my own diary, its good for me to see at a glance how the weeks have been & look back at the type of week with food plans & syns & see if I have a greater loss with anything in particular......I know what I mean anyways lol! x
I used to weigh in on a friday but not doing it for a while (she says ha) - star week and big lunch on sunday will just put me off i think so will go as long as i can without doing it x
p.s your signature looks great
Hey everyone. I've just joined. I'm a we convert. I weighed in at 9.8 on tues. would love to be 8.8
debtin said:
I used to weigh in on a friday but not doing it for a while (she says ha) - star week and big lunch on sunday will just put me off i think so will go as long as i can without doing it x
p.s your signature looks great

Haha! Good luck with no WI's for a while Deb. The longest I could do was 2 weeks!
Am liking my new escaping from trying to lose 11lbs for Xmas now I've admitted to the world I'm doing it lol! X

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honeypop said:
Hey everyone. I've just joined. I'm a we convert. I weighed in at 9.8 on tues. would love to be 8.8
Welcome your the 9-8's thread. I'm assuming you meant you're a WW convert! Is 9.8 your start weight on SW? Good luck on getting to 8.8 & we're here for any help or support you need....just holler as there's normally somebody lurking on here up to no good lol!

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