Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

I have just had a quick read, but I so need to sleep so will reply tomorrow. Haven't sat down since I got in, except to eat my tea. Exhausted! Caught up on housework though and wrapped some more xmas presents. I love being organised sometimes, but it can also be a pain in the neck! I didn't even get to eat some of the cheesecake I have been looking forward to ALL DAY - bad times!

Look at the length of my reply, I might as well have just replied to everyone's posts lol

Missed you too Nik x

Night all x
PS, Deb, I'll try it with you x
Morning ladies am still at 8st 10.25. Seriously I haven't over eaten by that much? That's a big gain@
Another daily weigh.... I'm very intrigued by what the official result will be on Friday!

Friday: 9st 11
Saturday: 9st 11
Sunday: 9st 11
Monday: 9st 12.75
Tuesday: 10st 0.25
Wednesday: 9st 12
Going to update from Sunday... easier for me to keep track.

Sunday:8st 13lbs
Monday 8st13.75lbs.
Tuesday 9st 0.5lbs
Wed 8st 13lbs

It is time for those scales to start moving DOWN!

Just had a fruit salad for breakfast with a muller, used some of the frozen summer fruits from tesco. Think after the pack is used I'll be sticking to the fruits that I know I like lol. The muller helped hide the taste of the weird berries though :)
I love packs of mixed berries but sometimes you do get some very odd ones in there. I always have them covered in some sort of yogurt though.

Deciding which pack of school photo's to get and think I'm going to have to go for the biggest one as the other ones are silly, but it also means that I'll have bits that I don't need. I think they've deliberatly made the smaller packs lack in certain things, the second smallest is an okay package but the biggest is only £2.50 more. Need to see if I can get the money together as well because if I pay on my card its an extra £1 which isn't much but they're draining me as it is.

My sister taking me Christmas shopping this afternoon as well, so I can pick up little ones batcave (will feel so much better when we actually have that in the house) and his present from my nanna as well as she doesn't get out much now.
Oooo Annie good to see you back ! Missed you Chica :) glad to see your trying to get back into the swing of things. Don't worry about the past few days you'll get your head back in it very soon I'm sure xxx

So I was sat at work thinking.... I might take a bikini shot on Friday morning for you all to see....

Reasons for this are as follows....

1. My aim had been to get to 9st by then but obviously went the by the by and so baring in mind recent circumstances I'm embracing the pregnancy body and (2.) want HONEST opinions about it.
3.Ill be over 11 weeks and so will be a bump update for you all.

I'm going to make a super effort to be good! Bet at 11 weeks pregnant that you still look skinnier in a bikini than I do! xo

Really glad to see you back :)

sorry to hear your having a hard time with certain things though, hope they get better soon. Court isn't nice but if it gets it all sorted then its the right thing, 2 years is a stupid long time for you still to be having hassle from an ex. Glad to hear your mums doing well as well

Thanks Donna x

Thank u!!!

I always take it now.

It's different really. The first few days u take it u might run to toilet next morning. ( I would take it 2 hours before u leave work and it might kick in when I get home n get dinner)

Then u sort of regulate. And know when u need to go.

If I take it in morning then I would go to loo after lunch. ESP after a heavy meal u will flush out.
And when I take it at night then I got to loo in morning.

First few days u can be a tiny bit crampy. Not too much and it tastes like green tea to me. But everyone different. It's not disgusting so u can get use to it

When you say flush... do you mean number one or number two? lol I'm happy to try it though if it helps - but I am a bit worried about the taste! The only hot thing I can drink is hot chocolate!

Ahahah I have to say I don't! I must be immune to it's effects :D
Have to admit I'm not a fan of Pepsi's Diet Coke or nothing for moi!

Nooooooo! Pepsi Max tastes more naughty!

Morning ladies am still at 8st 10.25. Seriously I haven't over eaten by that much? That's a big gain@

It could be an exercise gain? I'm glad I'm not doing this challenge with you girls - my numbers are much higher than all of yours!
Oh, I meant to ask... If I paypal the money to you, would anyone mind picking me up a SW pack from group and sending it to me? I can't get to a group around here and they go for crazy money on eBay! :/
Ooh have a nice afternoon, Donna! Smothered in yoghurt is the way to go, definitely still prefer my beloved shreddies but I'm glad that I still have my HEA and HEB for later in the day.

Don't be silly, Annie. You've been off plan for a while so your numbers may be up a bit but the important thing is you're back :D As for the SW pack, sorry, can't help there, I don't go to group.

I'm currently sat in bed waiting for the door to knock (postman), if I miss him he runs away with my parcels and it's just a pain in the backside having to go and collect them lol!
downtownsuzie said:
I'm going to make a super effort to be good! Bet at 11 weeks pregnant that you still look skinnier in a bikini than I do! xo

Thanks Donna x

When you say flush... do you mean number one or number two? lol I'm happy to try it though if it helps - but I am a bit worried about the taste! The only hot thing I can drink is hot chocolate!

Nooooooo! Pepsi Max tastes more naughty!

It could be an exercise gain? I'm glad I'm not doing this challenge with you girls - my numbers are much higher than all of yours!

Not sure I do enough excercise to warrant such a high gain from it? Tryin very hard not to worry about it. I may have had a ripple and packet crisp at night but not every night and only had breakfast lunch and dinner so its not as if I have been really greedy :(
Suzie I mean number 2 :) lol
Ok so sw scales deffo weigh me 1/2 lighter than my home scales and these daily weigh ins.
I'm happy with that :)

Fri: 9.2
Sun:9.1 (3/4)
Mon: 9.2
Tues: 9.1(3/4)
Wed: 9.1
STS as lats night, but still 3lbs down from last Fridays WI, so happy bunny about that!

Friday: 9st 4.5lbs

Saturday: 9st 4lbs
Sunday: 9st 3.5lbs
Monday: 9st 3.5lbs
Tuesday: 9st 1.5lbs
Wednesday: 9st 1.5lbs
I would deffo be happy about that also. U excited for weigh in?
Have you got water retention from *week looming Deb?

Yes I am looking forward to WI for once Charlene, as normally I hate it.....I could get used to this experiment!

It must be exciting seeing the scales go upwards Nikki as that means baby is'll still look stunning a bikini tho!

Im off to hospital this afternoon to the Neurophysiology dept to have some nerve conduction tests done........not sure how I feel about having electrical volts zapped thru my body......might zap thru the fat cells & burn some calories tho lol!
Tesco berries & yoghurt is my fave brekkie Jenna as you dont use any Hex's. I buy the cheaper berries made by Country Store & they're lush
kim63 said:
Have you got water retention from *week looming Deb?

Yes I am looking forward to WI for once Charlene, as normally I hate it.....I could get used to this experiment!

It must be exciting seeing the scales go upwards Nikki as that means baby is'll still look stunning a bikini tho!

Im off to hospital this afternoon to the Neurophysiology dept to have some nerve conduction tests done........not sure how I feel about having electrical volts zapped thru my body......might zap thru the fat cells & burn some calories tho lol!

No not yet Kim. Drinking loads as usual but no idea as to why its so high. Scared for Fri now ha
Well afternoon has been cancelled :( we're going to go tomorrow instead, she just called to say she forgot she had a course on today.
Now I'm stuck with the dilemma, do I have cheese beans and tuna on a jacket for lunch or stick with what I'd planned for going out... tuna pasta with no cheese, so I can have apple and cheese later as a snack.... oooo what to do lol.

Try not to worry Deb, our bodies are weird things and if your on plan and exercising it will eventually pay off.

I'm going to try a couple of things this week to see if I can help with a loss (although with me going to the Christmas market this week it might not be the best week to start but oh well) going to try drinking more and also going back on the green tea with lemon... I have a few lemons in still so sat with my cup now :) also last week I had 2 ryvita as a HEX a few times, you can have 2 or 4 and I thought because they say you can have two or four I'd be okay with just 2 as with what I've been having them with I would have struggled to have 4, so this week if I have ryvita I'll either have 2 later on with something else to make it 4 or have a hifi light as well.... I know it sounds silly eating more to loose but it worked for me in the past
Really dont know why Deb, but it might just be fluctuation, just started exercising & you're muscles are holding onto the water, you're eating too many syns.....who are we to know the reason why!
I put on 1.5lbs last week for no reason at all, as have been 100% on plan forever now & had only run twice that week & now this week Ive lost 3lb already & have done nothing different except increase my fluid intake.
We just need to keep plugging away at it........just think if we didn't follow SW, where would we be now........overweight & probably unhappy with that!