Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

I have allowed 10 as its only a certain weight of chow mein that is 7 syns but i really didn't have that much.
Awe good stuff Donna, I know its a nightmare for you not knowing when its comin but you can at least be assured as to why you had the gain. Have good night x
thanks Deb, yeah just really hope i do loose next week otherwise ill be really disappointed... but think i should.

do you know the syns of a slice of garlic bread... we got a garlic bread free and i had a slice :(
Hey girls. It's 3:39 am. I'm just home :) **** night tbh. But was forced to stay out. My friend was a pain in the ass. And I just wasn't in the mood due to AF arriving and very sore neck which I hurt during sit-ups. I was rushed off my feet to get ready to go out that I had no time to make dinner. So i ordered a chow mein in my friends house because her family was ordering Chinese. Then I pretended to be drinking vodka but was just ordering diet coke. But the plan went down the drain when everyone started doing rounds and everyone was buying me vodka. Then I went back to my friends house who put pizza and chips and onion rings on. By this stage I was so hungry that I had a few bites of each and then to stop me stuffing my face on all the bad food I ate a hifi bar(which I stored In my bag). Ugh so well over my syns. :(. Going out is so stressful for me now. It's the only down fall of sw for me
Awww hun, but you don't go out every night of the week, so hopefully it won't affect you too much. Even if by the end they were buying you vodkas, you managed damage limitation by only having diet coke to begin with x get straight back on it today and I bet it won't show on the scales. When is your WI day again? Tuesday?

I feel like such a hypocrite now though. I only managed 4 days on track before it all went wrong! Yesterday was another 10st 2.6, so I am scared to weigh today... Didn't eat much yesterday in the end, but I wouldn't be surprised if the last 3 days have caught up with me x
Sunday: 10st 3lbs
Monday: 10st 1.5lbs
Tuesday: 10st 1.2lbs
Wednesday: 10st 1.6lbs
Thursday: 10st 1.2lbs
Friday: 10st 2.6lbs
Saturday: 10st 0.6lbs or 10st 0.8lbs or 10st 1lb or 10st 1.2lbs

The scales kept saying different things! The number that came up most though was 10st 0.8lbs, so I think I will take that and be grateful that I didn't gain! I guess that's 10st 0.5 on SW scales? (8oz being half a lb?)

I will be doing a weekly food shop today and hopefully I can get some SW friendly food. I have a feeling it will be value freezer food though lol, it's our last £14
I'm not going to worry about the garlic bread, I've counted 18 syns as that's what syns online says for a pizza garlic bread (100g worth) but surely that must be over estimating as the most a large slice of pizza hut pizza is is about 18 or 18.5 and surely that'd be a lot more as the slices are bigger and have loads of cheese on ect. I've counted my syns I haven't used each day and I have 17.5, plus whatever I don't use today and tomorrow :) so should be okay.

Hey girls. It's 3:39 am. I'm just home :) **** night tbh. But was forced to stay out. My friend was a pain in the ass. And I just wasn't in the mood due to AF arriving and very sore neck which I hurt during sit-ups. I was rushed off my feet to get ready to go out that I had no time to make dinner. So i ordered a chow mein in my friends house because her family was ordering Chinese. Then I pretended to be drinking vodka but was just ordering diet coke. But the plan went down the drain when everyone started doing rounds and everyone was buying me vodka. Then I went back to my friends house who put pizza and chips and onion rings on. By this stage I was so hungry that I had a few bites of each and then to stop me stuffing my face on all the bad food I ate a hifi bar(which I stored In my bag). Ugh so well over my syns. :(. Going out is so stressful for me now. It's the only down fall of sw for me

Try not to worry about it, you don't go out every night you made good choices where you could as well. So I'm sure the damage won't be too bad. We can't stick to slimming world 100% of the time, sometimes we do need nights out ect. Maybe just limit your syns today and tomorrow and then after WI get back on it as normal, or just forget about it, as it was only one night and get back on slimming world as normal today.

Sunday: 10st 3lbs
Monday: 10st 1.5lbs
Tuesday: 10st 1.2lbs
Wednesday: 10st 1.6lbs
Thursday: 10st 1.2lbs
Friday: 10st 2.6lbs
Saturday: 10st 0.6lbs or 10st 0.8lbs or 10st 1lb or 10st 1.2lbs

The scales kept saying different things! The number that came up most though was 10st 0.8lbs, so I think I will take that and be grateful that I didn't gain! I guess that's 10st 0.5 on SW scales? (8oz being half a lb?)

I will be doing a weekly food shop today and hopefully I can get some SW friendly food. I have a feeling it will be value freezer food though lol, it's our last £14

Hate when the scales say different things, its a nightmare isn't it.

When's pay day? We get a lot of value food and its all still good stuff... might be an idea to do mainly green this week as well as they can work out cheaper as meat can be expensive (again we always buy cheap stuff but it still adds up)

Well I woke up just over half an hour ago and so did the boyfriend but ended up staying in bed, I just got up because I hate just laying in bed too late in a morning (he usually does as well) although he doesn't seem bothered this weekend, we didn't get up until gone 10 yesterday and he is still in bed now :/ he'll either surprise me at this point and come down showered and dressed or he'll come down later and we'll end up not doing anything again this weekend :( which I don't want to do, I want to do something!

I also need to get shopping without him at some point as well, will have to go with either my mum or sister as he's decided I can just buy my new running shoes rather then getting them for Christmas, as he doesn't see why I shouldn't be able to just buy something for my hobby that I need. Which is lovely, but it also means that he gets his game which originally we'd said was for Christmas but now its just something he bought himself.... so I have another £30 to £40 to spend on him.
Mornin ladies. I would agree that there are days and nights out where we shouldn't need to worry about syns. Life is for living and if we can't have an extra drink or extra something every now and then, when can we? I think we can do our best the majority of the time but if we want to go off plan for the night we can.
Yes sometimes you wake up regretting it but if you go back to plan next day everything is fine
Well I took my slim a tea last night at 10pm (wasn't the best tasting but not too bad. May add lemon to it) and nothing has happened. Too much info I know scared to leave the house now in case I have an accident ha ha
Oh I am maintaining and it's so bloody hard. I am serial weigher and this morning stepped on scales and am 8st 13. I know it's not a HUGE gain but I had got down to 8st 11 last Sunday!!
I still follow slimming world but tend to eat more syns instead ot healthy extras so I know where I'm going wrong so I need to get back on track.
Did kettle bells class it. Can really feel the pain this morning. Hope to have a good week and stop eating rubbish:p
Well I took my slim a tea last night at 10pm (wasn't the best tasting but not too bad. May add lemon to it) and nothing has happened. Too much info I know scared to leave the house now in case I have an accident ha ha

Aww bless you, fingers crossed you go soon. I haven't tried it but on a normal day I go at least twice, quite often more so don't think I need any help in that department.
Although I'm sort of worrying about my little period I'm having.... it seems to have stopped, but then every so often when I go to the toilet there's a little there... so think I'll be going out with a pad in today otherwise I'll risk suddenly having a big flow. I should count my lucky stars really, I have them every 4-8 months and they're ridiculously light, won't know what's hit me when I come off this injection and have a proper one lol... although hope the gains don't increase as well, don't think I could handle a 7lb gain even if I knew it was star week :p

Oh I am maintaining and it's so bloody hard. I am serial weigher and this morning stepped on scales and am 8st 13. I know it's not a HUGE gain but I had got down to 8st 11 last Sunday!!
I still follow slimming world but tend to eat more syns instead ot healthy extras so I know where I'm going wrong so I need to get back on track.
Did kettle bells class it. Can really feel the pain this morning. Hope to have a good week and stop eating rubbish:p

Maintaining is hard, so far I've stayed in target by gaining a load after a blow out, loosing it and then having another gain because we've had something else on (wedding, night out whatever) then loosing it again. I want to see 8 stone 12 on the scales so desperately but will concentrate on that after Christmas.

Had a weird conversation with my mum yesterday, shouldn't have started it but I wanted to know if the jeans I had given her fit, she said yes and that she was wearing them, so I pointed out that she must be skinnier then me because they didn't fit me, she said she wasn't so I said well I knew they would fit you as I couldn't get them over my bum and I have a bigger bum then her. So she was defending my bum saying there's nothing wrong with having a bum, so I told her I know and I like my bum and wouldn't want to loose it, so then she got defensive saying she had a bum as well... I can't win, if I was saying I wanted her bum she'd be having a go saying I shouldn't be loosing any more weight, but I say I don't think I personally would suit her bum and she gets offended! I just can't win.

On the plus side though, I wore another pair of those jeans my Auntie gave me yesterday and they felt great :) So that's two pairs which fit me really well, one which wouldn't go over my bum which my mum has and one which I couldn't fasten up a few weeks ago, but I'll try again after a while to see if the exercise will tone me up enough to get them to fit.

Fs got up this morning to get on the scales and my stupid drunken boyfriend had come in last night and flung my scales out of his way and it where lying in two pieces!!!

Ugh so now I dunno how reliable they r. They are showing 8:13(1/2) anyway which is a 1/2lb gain which isn't to bad
Donna is that a photo? Can't see til I go on lap top for some reason :(

So going make those burgers many babybel for healthy extra? Not sure whether to do it the melt in middle or just add cheese once cooked on top of burger
Am being silly but the though of cooking raw mince in oven with just some spices for flavour doesn't appeal...scared it will be waste but going add some spices and grate some red onion. May make some sw chips too....wish me luck ha

Hp that may just be your body holding on to the alcohol...wouldn't worry.
Am off daily weighing just now. Star week will prob depress me so not knowing til Fri will be exciting lol
Morning ladies

Well thats me back in the saddle once again, literally! Have just been out on my new bike (the one my friend gave me before she died, its virtually a new road bike) & feel great. Will need to get fit again for the 100 miler I want to do in aid of her next July. Hip feels fine on the bike not a twinge, so hopefully that wont give me any grief!

Deb, its 2 babybels or 3 babybel lights for a hexa......homemade burgers are lush so hope you enjoy them. I tend to have mine with mushrooms & salad & make it a red day for the 4 Hex's x

Well done on the loss Annie x

Charlene, you'll probably be dehydrated after the alcohol, so just drink lots of fluids today to flush it all out x

looking very slim Donna from what I could see but the picture was a bit blurry x
U look really good in the pic Donna.

Yea just gonna drink loads of water and eat more superfree today.

I bought my first body con tight dress yesterday and it's the first one ive been able to wear and look decent in about 6 years lol

Does anyone else have trouble looking at ppls photos through their profiles on the iPhone app?
I know the pics rubbish, took it on my camera but had to take the flash off, will have to remember next time if taking photo's in the mirror use my phone, but not sure how great they turn out either. But thank you.

I don't use the app, I tried it once and didn't get on with it so if I'm on my phone I just go on the site through the internet, its a pain at times but for some reason the app didn't really work for me.

The Christmas market didn't exist :( so had a drive out for no reason, we did go to our shopping centre though which was a little rubbish because it was so busy but we got someone else's present ready and a couple of stocking fillers for little one
Hate when the scales say different things, its a nightmare isn't it.

When's pay day? We get a lot of value food and its all still good stuff... might be an idea to do mainly green this week as well as they can work out cheaper as meat can be expensive (again we always buy cheap stuff but it still adds up)

I also need to get shopping without him at some point as well, will have to go with either my mum or sister as he's decided I can just buy my new running shoes rather then getting them for Christmas, as he doesn't see why I shouldn't be able to just buy something for my hobby that I need. Which is lovely, but it also means that he gets his game which originally we'd said was for Christmas but now its just something he bought himself.... so I have another £30 to £40 to spend on him.

Payday is the 26th - not soon enough! The checkout lady was very nice and let me off the £1.06 (my maths is terrible, I thought I had added it up right - I even had a frigging calculator!) Couldn't get half the stuff we needed, but it's better than eating rice cakes and spaghetti hoops for a week. haha!

I've asked people for some money towards proper running shoes for Christmas - I've seen a pair that I'm in love with! I've asked for all exercise stuff because then I have no excuse!!

Morning ladies

Well thats me back in the saddle once again, literally! Have just been out on my new bike (the one my friend gave me before she died, its virtually a new road bike) & feel great. Will need to get fit again for the 100 miler I want to do in aid of her next July. Hip feels fine on the bike not a twinge, so hopefully that wont give me any grief!

Deb, its 2 babybels or 3 babybel lights for a hexa......homemade burgers are lush so hope you enjoy them. I tend to have mine with mushrooms & salad & make it a red day for the 4 Hex's x

Well done on the loss Annie x

Charlene, you'll probably be dehydrated after the alcohol, so just drink lots of fluids today to flush it all out x

looking very slim Donna from what I could see but the picture was a bit blurry x

Bet it felt great to be back on your bike, I remember you did a lot of cycling a few months ago :) Your friend will be proud of you x

U look really good in the pic Donna.

Yea just gonna drink loads of water and eat more superfree today.

I bought my first body con tight dress yesterday and it's the first one ive been able to wear and look decent in about 6 years lol

Does anyone else have trouble looking at ppls photos through their profiles on the iPhone app?

I daren't try bodycon - I have one in the wardrobe, but I haven't worn it out of the house yet!

I don't have the app, I'm afraid - I have a good ol' Whackberry! Can't wait for my upgrade...
Oh God. I hadn't even thought about stocking fillers for the kids. What am I going to do now that Hawkins Bazaar is no more?!
Not sure on what we're getting him to be honest, we bought socks and pants today (I know he's a lucky boy lol) will also get him some bath stuff as he loves having his own, already got some small toys.... not sure what else
am sure i did a post on my phone - where did it go? donna you are teeny weeny but looking good.
Kim thats good you are back on the saddle and such a lovely gift from your friend - i agree with annie, she will be proud and am sure it will keep you even more motivated than you are - if that is possible ;o)

so made my burgers - maybe overcooked as the cheese just turned into a hard blob to be honest and bit tasteless but would make them again. Told OH i wanted a mcdonalds milkshake as i had been craving one forever - i then changed my mind when i saw the syns - 20.5!!!! just told him not to bother but didnt say why as i couldnt be doing with the "dont be daft you look great etc" and he still got me one. Had few sips of it but i really want it but how can i? at 20.5 syns that is silly...
had a normal size white roll that i have looked up to be 6.5 syns but think i will make it 8syns to be safe

Kim where did you get your strapless bra for our dress? tried an old one on and remembered why i HATE strapless bras so much - there is no support and they feel like they are going to fall down - have one from M&S and even that is rubbish - what else can we use ladies?
Donna saw your photo and your teeny weeny. Looking good!!

Kim that is brilliant you have your friends bike and I agree with Annie that she will be proud ;)

So burgers are in and sw chips are also in. Haven't had any healthy extra today and only put one babybel light into my burgers. I halfed one between the two so what else could I have?

Only had fruit and some veg today. I hate banana esp the texture as it makes me gag but always been envious of folk as I know it can be filling so I took my time today and ate a mini one. Can believe it kept me going for so long today