Anyone Maintaining Who Wants Help And Mutual Support To Stay Put?

I have not asked I think by the fact he has not weighed in for over 4 weeks means he is out! Sad as a couple maintatining and the only ones is a good advert for them.

I hate that a simple programme on their computer data could change the system to say Wow keep going, you are healthily maintaining and a proof of what SW can do!

Hi Jo, think hubby should be ok to go back... Last July I weighed in at half a pound over target, I didn't go back to class again until April this year, I didn't have to pay and I weighed in within target range, also I've got my lifeline online back, which I missed.

I agree with what you say about the website, there should be a separate message for maintainers, if you're within target range even if you do have a gain, it's an achievement to be proud of...certainly not the disappointment that the s/w site says it might be!!
PINCH TEST - Anyone had their body fat worked out by the pinch test lately? I had mine done today and I don't know whether to laugh or cry?! :-/
Keep at it, you'll get there!
Wow you are so positive about it. I have beaten myself up all week about being 2lbs over target. Cannot enjoy any of my food and think I won't have lost it either at WI this week and will be paying :(

Well I was a bit like crikey haha thats almost half a stone....but I a)needed a gain b)am now smack bang in middle of target range b)was TOM and c)I did have about 4 layers on!!

So I know that hopefully I might shift a pound or two this week, despite the hen party and chinese take away planned!!! Am slowly getting more comfortable with fluctuating, though I don't know how I'll react if I ever go out of target at the top end. I may have had a whopping gain but I don't think it was as much as the scales said for reasons above....and I dont look any different and my clothes still fit so I can live with it!!!!

If I gain this week though I'll be in trouble, and will be skipping WI week after for certain after 2/3meals out in 'bad restaurants' (mexican...ouch!) and 2/3 heavy nights out!!!
PINCH TEST - Anyone had their body fat worked out by the pinch test lately? I had mine done today and I don't know whether to laugh or cry?! :-/

Lord no I havent dared!!!!!!! Im taking solace in the fact my clothes fit and my waist measurement is now 28...therefore my body fat must be non existant. HAH I wish!! Still got some chunk when I stop breathing in......
Noot done a pinch test as I can see it without, strange isn't it that I am the lightest I have been for years, any more off I look too thin, yet I have a roll of fat on tummy.
I am finally back in bottom end of target. Hubby who if you remember got to target and stopped going, well he only ever weighed in as work did not allow him getting to group, is back on target after going back up to half stone over. Think he needed to see the half stone then began sorting it.
ahh thats good Jo that hes got back to it rather than just letting it go!!! I too am bemused by my tummy rolls......I fear I am stuck with them forever haha!

PRAYING for a loss tonight despite horrendous amount of alcohol consumed on sat night and then unnecessary Chinese last night.....we shall see!!!
Well dead on my three under target as its now been this the entire time, I am relaxing, its been a tough 9 months trying to manage it. I decided not to drop my target as I would then be fighting at the top of it, this is easier. Besides my consultant was really friendly and told me of a girl who came in in three jumpers, boots and kept her coat on to weigh so she would not have to pay!!
Hubby doing well but struggling with last few pounds, same as he did before, glad he decided not to weigh in as he would either be paying now or lost membership which confirmed as still having for life, just has to be in target or pay if not. He will weigh in when he is back to that!
i weighed in this morning after having not gone to a class last week and ive put on 1lb in two weeks and am still firmly in target range :)
and i won the raffle - woo hoo!!!
to be honest im happy as larry after the two weeks ive had!!

going to have a completely - on plan as if to lose - few weeks now as want to be at the very bottom-or just outside target range for when i go on holiday!!
not been on here for a while, last time I got weighed I was 1 lb under my target weight but trying to loose again this week (weigh in tomorrow) hoping to loose another 1lb and then I might try and maintain.
I chickened out of getting weighed this week after a week of meals out and alcohol, combined with last weeks hen party etc just didnt want to face it!!! Aiming to have good on plan week this week, but I find that now I'm at target I try to find excuses to go out for dinner or lunch or get a takeaway.....I do one of those things at least once a week now, and although not harming my maintenance I can see myself slipping back into that sort of lifestyle so easily! Will just have to be on my guard to make sure they stay as treats and not the norm....
gained a lb which im not too gutted about (i ate a heavier lunch then normal) but i would like to be able to start trying to maintain!!! but dont want to do that until im just under my target weight.

so another week of trying to loose for me!
I'm really struggling at the moment have been out of control the past 2 weeks my binge eating is back with vengeance just don't no what to do. Haven't been to wi due to knowing I would have a gain was really trying this week but can only manage 1 day without a big binge. Weighed myself today out of curiosity and they showed a 9lb gain so 6lb above max target range just don't no what to do. Obviously if I go Mon I will be outside of target range. Really need to get control of the binging again didn't work that hard to lose control now. Why is maintaining so bloody hard? Any words of advice greatly appreciated :(
Thanks I will go on Monday and just got to try and control myself until then. I think ur rite hopefully weighing will get me back on track again if I don't go the vicious cycle will probably continue. While I was losing I never binged at all and since I have been at target its slowly been creeping in again but the past 2 weeks have been ridiculous.
Thanks I will go on Monday and just got to try and control myself until then. I think ur rite hopefully weighing will get me back on track again if I don't go the vicious cycle will probably continue. While I was losing I never binged at all and since I have been at target its slowly been creeping in again but the past 2 weeks have been ridiculous.

Its very strange isn't it how difficult it is to maintain :confused: Good Luck with breaking the cycle x
I would prefer to lose the weight all over again found that the easy bit but I will get it right eventually. 2 weeks til my 1st wedding dress fitting and I want to be back in target range by then think that's what needs to be in front of my mind instead of binges.
Cheekylau, maintaining is a challenge. I have struggled for a few weeks to keep within my range . I knew I was gong off Plan, too many beers, too many meals out, too many chocolates......birthday celebrations, anniversary celebrations, work liaison, socials..... I posted my concerns in my diary, fessed up to my gain, said I wasn't going to bother weighing and a good minimin buddy advised me to get a grip, weigh in( I do it at home) and get back on plan and keep the faith. His is the exact advice I gave others when they were struggling, I just couldn't see it for myself. Got back on plan and within a week I had got rid if over 5lb, back with 3 lb of target and this week another pound off. It was all down to being mindful of what I was dong and asking myself what I wanted to achieve, what was more important to me now? Sure, I ended te Chinese buffet, the beers etc. but I have since me some choic at I are masking me feel tops and quite proud of myself. Had anther worl liaison last week, I chose gin and slim line, no beer. Then has a couple of red days more than usual, but did have a doughnut in he week( my choice) did have mini Jamaican patties, still lost a pound over the week. Had to go to McDonalds with. Rugby coed today, I chose chicken salad, it was tough bu I really did enjoy it, of corse I nicked a coupl of chips!

You can turn it round quite quickly if you decide to lose it, you said you preferred losing so i reckon you will kick it. Then when you are back at target range be mindful of what you are eating, you make the choices through your decisions and choices. You are not alone in going off the rails and gaining, that's why we are all here on sw! It's the way we are, dont bash yourself up.

Hope it's of some help. Im sure you will be supported on here and especially at your club. All the best.
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