Anyone tried or is doing shake that weight vlcd?

Ps Melissa

I have scales at home but I won't use them at all not even a sneaky peak. So when I get weighed on a Thursday it is final. No if buts or ands. It doesn't bother me either.

I know Jeanette liked to weigh daily but think she now does it every few days.

Yes I got my hospital check on the 9th. Forgot to say that my Gp is impressed and said my walking is improving my leg muscles considerably. But still no running ha ha :)

He said when/if I loose a few more stone then I can try jogging but not before I'm 13 stone. That's roughly 19lb to go. I don't even no if I can jog never mind run! :(
That's good news re your doctor Jax, the weight you have lost and the exercise must be doing wonders for your leg muscles :) running what's that???? :D never heard of it lol.

yes do try not to weigh every day lol, don't always succeed though, might help if i went somewhere official to weigh though:D

Well off to bed now with my kindle, night night X
Hi all think my scales are playing up! Will need to check at boots!
Good luck Sian,I'm sure you will do well. By the way how do the shakes keep if made up earlier? I've never tried and might be helpful.
What are you all doing today? Just been to Aldi for a few bits and now tidying! Boring really. X
Am bored bored bored! Just been round the big park with the dog.

So going to have peppermint tea then go the long way round to the local shops to pay the gas/electric bill. Just over three hundred pound for a quarter. It's scandalous. That's British gas!

What's wrong with the scales Mrs Pink?
My friend weighed herself and weighed less than at home! She was 4lb less.Worried now I'm heavier!
thanks Sian I might try making them up.
Hi all, Pink, i know what you mean re scales, mine can weigh different as well, they are weight watcher scales as well, wish i was going to a slimming class to weigh properly myself now.

Been out to my nearest retail park, went to Tesco/matalan and asda living, bought some t-shirts for next week, as supposed to have nice weather, cross fingers, but then my mother always says, that the devil looks after his own, meaning me :D whatever can she mean lol.
In sept I've arranged to go slimming world with my friend, won't do the diet but will be weighed! So that should make things better.
I need to sort clothes out ready for holiday, haven't really been wearing my summer clothes! It can be very hot in France! Don't think I will be buying any new ones, have a lovely market near where we stay that I buy beautiful bits!
Im not going to worry too much about scales, I might be slightly heavier but I have still lost same amount of weight! X
Ladies please stop worrying bout scales. As you know best by your clothes.

Why dnt you get weighed at a pharmacy? Just a thought:) I know it will be horrific to do it at first but am sure there might be quiet times in them.

I get weighed at ww as Jeanette knows. I joined ages before I started STW. Plus I did it direct debit so money was still going out the bank so decided to put it to good use.

Plus I get ideas for my healthy meals. I do read the blurb booklets too.

I agree, clothes fitting better is a better indicator. I need to weigh myself just to feel good about weight lose! Know its silly!but it's good to see the numbers go down!
i can't remember if Jax or Jeanette you were looking at Atkins and trying to put together a meal plan, did you succeed and if so what would you eat? X
Haven't had chance to look at atkins yet, will have a look tonight or tomorrow. Jax was looking at it for ideas.

I am with You Pink, i need to see how much i am losing every week, sad i know :)
It was me. I'm going to limit my carbs to 20grams a day.

It gives you an idea of how much protein to eat a day and what foundation veggies to eat and the amount.

As I eat mostly greek food when I'm away which is fish/seafood/poultry/game. The carbs I get will be from the allowed veggies which their a quite a few to choose from.

So no sauces no rice no pasta no potatoes no bread and certain dairy products.

You might find it to strict but after living on shakes am going to do it for a few weeks before my holidays.

Worked it out sort of what to have for most of my meals. As you progress you add extra carbs til you reach your maintenance weight.

I tried it before and did enjoy it but got bit faffy doing different things everyday but I'm going to do my menus and stick to them.
I've just got them in my head so far. But every meal is protein around 4oz of meat.

So for breakfast 2 eggs plus 30g spinach

Lunch will be 4oz of protein large salad with olives

Dinner 4oz protein asparagus, large green only salad leaves With few cherry toms small piece cucumber.

You have two small snacks of protein a day.

Example small amount of cheese 1/2 ounce with half avocado or 10 olives plus slice of cheddar.

You will need to see which veg you eat as diff veg have diff carbs.

For you to make your own plan you do need to look at the web site.
Afternoon everyone, very rainy here today, been up beauticians having a pedicure and an manicure as well as gellish on both nails and toe nails, so all ready for next week, :D
Hi Jeanette very glam. Like manicures but not gellish. I got it done in feb as a treat. I thought it was just like a nail varnish until she started. I've got decent nails and took me ages to get condition back.

It's just started to rain here bout 5ish. Wasn't cold til then. I've put fire on and some little four legged man isn't happy! Tough!

Went into town and bought a carb counter book. Little pocket size ready for my hols.
