Artyjoe...and again!

Well, what a difference five months make! I've played with CD, Slimming World, calorie counting and just not doing anything, I've also had breakthrough counselling which hasn't touched me! I love looking back at the post, yet agian I'd forgotten I'd gone up to 16 stones 12, I'm now on 15 8 and moaning the entire time as I can't get back on track!

I DO intend to get back on track and I'm fairly sure it will be with CD as the results are so drastic it makes me feel good straight away...I just need the switch to flick in my head and I'll be on my way. I do have a feeling this will last right up until 2009 but hopefully between now and then I'll make a dent in my weight, even if it's just a stone.

I was debating whether to start Lighter Life all over again, but not as a restarter, as a newbie...either that or I am looking at seeing a psycholgist weekly in the hope that she'll help me find the switch to flick on!

I don't know what the answer is but thought I'd post here if nothing else but to remind me I have not given up and should not give up and if I don't post again until after Christmas it won't matter long as I am continuing with the journey :)

you are right arty, there was something in my brain that I had'nt thought about or dealt with for years that caused me to hang on to my weight for so many years. It was a very deep situation in my life and I "couldn't" ,read didn't have the strenght to deal with. Finally 3 summers ago I sorted out for myself the problem and know almost the exact time things changed and I started putting on weight. It took me till this past summer to really be able to start really losing weight. I feel so much more confident now and most days carry on quite well, i still have my hour to hour moments though, I think we all do. Do some soul searching and see if you can deal with whatever is causing you to hang on to the weight or not keeping if off when you do lose it. I hope we both can continue to be strong enough to get through our journeys. Take care.
Thanks Edi, I do feel it's the way to go. I don't know the answer myself, or am hiding it from myself, so a psycotherapist seems the way to go. I am hopeful that eventually I'll resolve this, I certainly do not want to be the big mum at the school gates for my daughter and I also don't want to be drinking CD while she's having a healthy meal with her dad...not a good example to set.

I do think the answer is to fix your head first, the diet is just a vehicle to get to where we need to go.

I'm so glad you have managed to continue on your journey and lose the weight, good luck with the rest of it.

Hi Anisah, thanks for the link. I have actually tried stepping into sole sourcing before but I think I'm better going cold turkey, for some reason this works for me! I'm going to do SS with milk as hot tea saves me! I'm just about to have my first shake of the day and I have a bar prepared for lunch, which I always look forward to :)

Today I weigh 15.13 (5 pounds gained over the weekend) so lets hope this is the heaviest I'll be ever again.

I intend to be in Russel & Bromley knee length boots by my holiday in May - yay!

Yeah some people do get on better going cold turkey. This is your last restart. You will make it this time. You can do it.
Thanks Anisah, today I have done okay. I'm not glugging the water yet as we are going to the threatre tomorrow for our wedding anniversary and don't want to be up 4 times during the performance, so I'll get a grip on that from Wednesday.

Have had a bar and a shake and a savoury drink and am not doing too bad so far. I am dealing with a few problematic people at the moment so if I can crack SS this week then I'll be laughing!

Thanks for the support, I'm looking forward to getting in a pair of knee length boots - Joe
Day 2, doing okay so far. Yesterday was remarkably easy, I even managed to feed our daughter spag bol and not touch it, and not even be bothered by it. I'm trying to hold out this morning until I have my shake as I really enjoyed having my bar yesterday and then having a shake and muffin together in the evening. We are going to the theatre tonight for our anniversary so I am hoping I'll stay strong, don't think they have popcorn at the theatre though...although they will at the cinema on Saturday, but I'm taking one day at a time.

I can't remember if last time I didn't go into ketosis on SS+, I'm going to give it 5 days and if not introduce melon and strawberries into my day, I know I did that before but I've been on and off the diet so many times I don't know which bits were successful or not! I know having tea has been what's made the real difference the last time and this one.

Am debating whether to actually buy the knee length boots I want, there is no way I'll get them on unless I'm at least a size 14, and I'm currently an 18, so it's a gamble as they are £300, I'll have to think a bit more about it...mmmm.

Nothing to do with ketosis but I'm as cold as milk bottle today :)
you will go into ketosis on ss+ hon as there are barely any more carbs than in ss. if you eat fruit too you'll feel naff all the time as you'll constantly be on the brink...

you're doing brilliantly. i'm not on day seven and feeling much better, if not shattered but i'm working the 10th hour of a 10 hour shift so that explains that :D

abz xx
I am on day 2 of a restart, originally lost 4 stone with Lighter life and put 3 back on since January so I know how you must be feeling. I am about the same weight as you and squeezing out of my size 18's. I hope you have a good week and look forward to hearing your first weeks weight loss, love Amanda x
Hi guys, thanks for all your support, it's really appreciated. I did managed to find out that last time I didn't go into ketosis on SS+, for some reason the milk just doesn't quite tip me over, so I've decided to do what I did last time and have melon and strawbs for lunch with my bar. I know this means I won't get into ketosis, but I got to day 6 before and still wasn't in ketosis, so having the fruit will make no difference to me, except psycologically. I do believe that 'whatever you think, you are right' so if I think this is easy, it will be, regardless of ketosis. I don't actually enjoy ketosis as my mouth never gets out of the feeling yuk phase, so I'm not worried. I have a headache today but I think that's as much down to lack of sleep (3 year old still getting up in the night) and freezing weather. I have already lost 5 pounds this week, which is a great boost. I know I gained 5 pounds over teh weekend so they were going to come off fast, but never that fast if I'd been on a conventional diet.

I made a promise to my best friend weeks ago that if I got to 14 stones by 13th December we'd go on a shopping spree in Selfridges. I had become downheartened about this as I was on Slimming World and wasn't managing the 2 pounds a week which would enable this loss, if I'm lucky and stick 100% to the plan, I should be very close to that number...I've got 6 weeks, so it's completely possible. We will go anyway because it will be a fantastic day and now I've realised how much fun it will be, not losing weight is not enough reason not to live, but it will be all the more sweeter if I am near the 14 stones mark...not least because I'll be able to buy 16's!

Amanda: we are both on the same day with the same amount to lose, here's to hoping that we both get exactly where we want to be.

Joe x
hey hon. i think you will find it much harder. how did you know you weren't in ketosis? if it was the strips then they can give false results. but if you think that this is the way forwards for you then go for it :)

best of luck on achieving your 14st :D

abz xx
Thanks Abz, I have used the strips several times and it shows I'm not in ketosis, I can also tell by my mouth! I still haven't had the 'click' in my head so I'm taking one day at a time and I'm not looking past tomorrow. I may well try switching to the fourth pack and not having the fruit, but if I'm not in ketosis then I feel better within myself to know I'm getting some nutrition, and my 3 year old gets to see me eating food. I have a lot of events coming up, just checked my diary and we have something every single weekend for 3 weeks, so am really going to try not to focus on them as I can easily have the 'ah well I'm going to stuff it up anyway' kind of attitudes, and use that as an excuse. Friday would ordinarily cause a problem with teh trick or treating sweets but have decided to get them on Friday afternoon and get kids sweets rather than chocs as they don't bother me, and then get hubby to get rid of any chocs that our daughter gets given!

Saturday will be interesting as we will have our step daughter down and are going to the cinema and we usually finish that with a meal afterwards, so I'm trying to book tickets bang on lunchtime so they can grab a sandwich before going in rather than going for a meal...adults understand my not eating at a restaurant but kids don't, and our stepdaughter is 13 and I don't want to be promoting the idea of diets, any more than she is probably already being bombarded with at school.

I hope hubby keeps up with his slimming world diet as that was working for him, but it was a lot of cooking, so maybe he'll switch to low cal ready meals and get rid of a few pounds too...awful to know my eating habits are what has enabled him to gain weight!

Anyway...that was a bit of a rant wasn't it! I will keep your advice in mind if it does get hard and then nip the fruit in the butt!

Joe x
you seem to have thought about it long and hard hon. and that's the main thing :) i'm big on jumping in without thinking about it but with this i decided that if i'd already been trying to diet for 10 years and i'm only 25 years old, where would it end? plus i'm getting married next year so that gave me the kick i needed. i'm also hoping to become a cdc so that's another incentive. i'm racking them up :)

it must be so difficult where children are involved. even though we practice this way of eating you are right in that it isn't something to influence young people with.

i think you're going to do just fine. you are very determined and you will still be following a very low cal diet. just hope you can cope with the hunger pangs!! :D

abz xx
Thanks Abz, sounds like you've got a handful of very good reasons to keep you going. I know what it's like to spend half a lifetime dieting, I don't want to get to 40 still moaning about my size...I hate regrets and this would be the only regret I have that is within my control, so definitely need to get a grip. For some reason winter works for me, but not ketosis as I'm already milk bottle cold, but have decided to try one more time to get into ketosis this time around. I text hubby and asked him to get fruit for me today and he didn't get the text so I'm taking that as a sign to have one full day with no deviations and I'll continue on...although i did end up with 3 teaspoons of sugar in tea without realising someone hadn't give me canderel, so I've possibly buggered up that idea anyway!

Regardless of ketosis, dropping my calories to under 600 is going to make a massive difference to my weight - hooray!

Keep going, it won't be long until you get into the 13's. x
it is going to make a massive difference hon :D i just think you'll find it harder without ketosis and you'll feel the hunger, whereas once in ketosis, although you get cravings and mental hungry feelings, you are very rarely actually hungry. the diet would still work. just wanted things to be as easy as possible. but if that is the way for you then that is the way for you and that is what you must do :D

abz xx
Hi Abz, you've made me rethink so I'm definitely going to give myself 3 more days of trying to get into ketosis...I'm sure 3 sugars today will cancel out todays attempt so 3 more and if I'm not in ketosis then I'll have the fruit. I find the only hunger I ever suffer is mental hunger, even on CD last time I wasn't actually hungry, just needing to fill that psycological gap that food gives me. I'm going to a psycologist on Monday so I'm hoping in time she'll help me fill the food gap with self esteem :)

Thanks for your advice, you will make a great CDC when you go for it - Joe