Total Solution August starters?

Almost lol 5ft 11" being tall you can get away with a lot more weight and lie to yourself that you are not looking too bad even though you really know you are carrying a lot around with you! I hope you have a wonderful time away - you deserve it after 7 years! Maybe if you did ws while away you could have lots of fresh fish/meat with salads? Then you won't feel you have undone all your hard work?
Well, I'm not sure my bladder is the size of the Isle of Wight but it's not far off - the folk in work think I have a bit of a problem the amount of times I've been up and down to the loo! Love the description, made me fact I laughed so much I nearly had an accident! :D

Katt, I'm glad I hadn't imagined how tall you were, I remember thinking it was about the same and our target weight was about the same too - thought maybe the lack of food was making me hallucinate! ;)
I'm thinking that I'll just try to be good on holiday but don't want to restrict myself too much - sunshine makes me just want light food anyway so fish & salads will be's the alcohol that will be my downfall!! :(
LOL at us all dashing to the loo - It is driving me mad! Yeah, if you go in with the thought process that you can't have anything - not only will you be miserable you will probably eat more than if you just go in with a 'this is my hol time' approach.

Tink, you are doing better than me lol I couldn't have had all my packs by now - I am bad for wanting to eat at night :( Is dr pepper zero better than the coke zero because I tried it and I couldn't stand that fake sugar taste? I may have to try some of these bars - I still don't like the choc/orange one :(
I would also feel a little bad as my boyfriend is taking me away since I haven't been in so long and I know he'd worry that I wasn't enjoying myself as he's so conscious of not eating around me at the moment despite my assurances that his dinner isn't tempting me at all! So as long as I try an Atkins type diet while I'm away then I can enjoy myself, he relaxes and I'm not being too bad - just need to avoid the cocktails.:eek:
This long shift is a struggle, starting to feel like I could gnaw a wee hole in my desk and cover it with the phone and no-one would know. I actually can't wait to get home to my soup! :)
Katt said:
LOL at us all dashing to the loo - It is driving me mad! Yeah, if you go in with the thought process that you can't have anything - not only will you be miserable you will probably eat more than if you just go in with a 'this is my hol time' approach.

Tink, you are doing better than me lol I couldn't have had all my packs by now - I am bad for wanting to eat at night :( Is dr pepper zero better than the coke zero because I tried it and I couldn't stand that fake sugar taste? I may have to try some of these bars - I still don't like the choc/orange one :(

It was an over sight :( the plan was, 1/2 vanilla pack in coffee, 1/3rd bl bar for brekkie, 1/2 vanilla shake 1/3 bl bar lunch, then a nice ish 'mock chocolate' ( hot choc pack exante style!) and final 1/3 but i fluffed up as the ectoplasm came and i was eager to try it. Baked bean soup. Nice! o_O
Evening all,

Sorry Daisyday, I didn't see your question on fibre, definitely not ignoring you! I hope you have received a reply by now. I don't know much about the fibre sups, haven't had any problem in that department - yet!

Big :welcome: to Quirkycandy and Perfectxmess. I look forward to reading how you are getting on, and sharing the weight loss journey with you. Good luck for your first exante week x P.S - I think the soups are really yummy so far.

Pinkish goo....sounds interesting. I might just have to try that ;-)

:wow:Well done Willow, 7lb down already. :happy096:

Dr Pepper Zero vs Coke Zero...Dr Pepper Zero all the way for me. Doesn't tend to have the horrible aftertaste that I get with Coke Zero.

I am with you guys on the bladder issue. Was up about 5 times last night and woke up this morning looking like I had been in a fight my eyes were so black with tiredness! I work in the community and people's homes and hate to have to ask to use their toilet, but seriously had to today. Walking around his living room with my legs crossed looked a bit stupid! I think he was a bit worried about me!

Just had a Vegetable soup for dinner and it was lovely. I am sort of leaving the tomato one until last as reading other views this seems to be the most unpopular. Still loving my vanilla coffee - yum!

Hope everyone is feeling ok and can't wait for the WI results for us all. Be good to see how much combined loss we have in a week xxx
Hiya hun, sounds like u had a good day! I am starving :( teach self to eat in the wrong order eh? Just gonna get the wee ones off to sleep, take my melatonin and sleeeeeeeep. Dr pepper is my hero. Me likey. Craving boiled eggs tonight. And chicken. Poo. Take it that means ketosis still has not hit me then?
I am really hungry too hun, I feel your pain. Still waiting for ketosis to start but I am really determined not to break this diet, especially not in the first week! We can do it and the results will show next week. And we'll be that happy we'll have forgotten all about the hunger pangs we've had.

Craving boiled eggs tonight. And chicken. Poo.
I missed the full stop after chicken when I read that the first time! I thought I know this diet makes you crave wierd stuff, but chicken poo surely not! :sign0137: :giggle:

Hope you sleep well xxx :zz:
Lol i might be mad hun but chicken poopie has never been on my yum list! Hehe. Sleep well u hun, fingers crossed for Another lb off in the morning ;)
hah, chicken poo. :D I was starving a couple days ago, and yet my ketostix said i was in ketosis. So I don't know. I had a small meal last night and I had a small meal tonight (in place of my last pack). I am feeling much better and ready to try TS again. But if I get ill again I may need to just have 2 packs and then a 200 calorie low carb meal in the evening or something. Still experimenting with finding what works! Even though I have had food, I have lost a couple pounds.
LOL that is almost enough to make me forget hunger - chicken poo is deffo not on the menu ever! I'm sorry Tink, I thought you had super strong willpower to have eaten everything before the night set in and was thinking I wish I could do that! - it is hard keeping track of the packs if you split them though :( Hope the hunger is not too bad for you.
I am hungry too so guess I am still waiting to go into ketosis :( I find all the soups okay except the Thai chicken - tastes...well not sure what it tastes of lol but then I am not keen on Thai food - I am going to try curry powder I am sure I saw someone suggest it on here. The mushroom soup was actually not bad and much better than I expected! You are all doing great can't wait to see you WWI results :)
Glad you are feeling better TX. I think you need to do what is right for you. Maybe WS would suit you better than TS?

At the end of the day the calorie intake you are currently having, although some of it is food, is the same as having three exante meals. So shouldn't the weight loss be roughly the same? I think the only issue is if you get all the nutrients from your meal that you would have got in the shake/bar/soup. Not sure how this ketosis business works yet, does eating food take you out of it then?

Most important thing is to keep healthy and happy xxx
Well, no not super human. A bit mental maybe? Hehe it's not been too bad, still want to eat hard boiled eggs but didn't. I know it will be worth it in the morning. Consoled meself with a mug of bullion, and a dr pepper zero, got some squash made up by my bed and a 10 and 11 year old on either side refusing to go sleep! :( tomorrow will be easier, tomorrow WILL be easier;)
LOL that is almost enough to make me forget hunger - chicken poo is deffo not on the menu ever

Lol, me too!
Hi everyone, I am in Ketosis, so the pink sticks and the bad breath tell me. I have felt hungry today and have had really terrible cravings (no chicken poo though..although I do have plenty of it in my back garden!!). I did have 2 bars though. I was out at a coffee shop this morning with my family and it was either a tiffin slice or a squashed exante bar from my handbag. I went with the squashed bar..! I had another at tea time as I needed to chew on something!! Oh 4 completed!
But i though hunger pretty much goes in ketosis? Don't get me wrong i was right on a mish earlier, did 5 baskets of ironing, cleaned the upstairs ad really got alot done. But i slumped at 6pm when the laxative decided to cook for the kids and the smell was too much. Been upstairs in my room most of the night so far.
I agree with a thinner me, TX you need to do what works for you and allows you to keep on the journey - good luck hun :)

LOL Tink you make me smile and hey we are all super human for doing so well! :D Good luck for a great day tomorrow!

Motherof2 you did well to avoid all the stuff at the coffee shop! I don't think I am in ketosis but I did want to eat today - not out of hunger but a loss of tate and sensation - it was odd kind of the feeling I get when I am bored and graze randomly! But I managed to watch a film and get over the feelings luckily!
But i though hunger pretty much goes in ketosis?

I was in ketosis at the end of day 2. I have felt hungry a couple of times, but I have cravings almost all the time when I am around food. I suppose before I started this diet I would eat when I wasn't hungry, I would graze throughout the day.
still want to eat hard boiled eggs but didn't. I know it will be worth it in the morning.

i had major cravings for eggs when i was on lipotrim.. maybe it's the protein or something?

and i bit the bullet and tried the mushroom soup for lunch today - i am NOT a mushroom fan (which sucks because veggie things are always full of them) but it was surprisingly ok.

so i'm going to try different soups and shakes every day and then any that i don't like i'll try use them up as soon as possible. i ended up just having the chocolate shakes for 10 weeks on lipotrim so at least there's plenty of variety with exante and it's not all sweet stuff.
Are you Veggie, perfectxmess? I liked the Mushroom soup and thought the Vegetable one was even better. Haven't tried the other two yet.