ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

Need to find these films then lol x
I'm surprised I didn't eat myself to death last night out of boredom, Mr M made me a COD widow last night, from 7.30 till god knows what time this morning he sat playing that. It's my stupid fault for being a nice, loving caring wife and buying it for him:)

Oh, Sarah I think our boys are cheating on us.. with each other!!!!
Jono came down last night with a coldsore!!!! :eek: :eek: He has NEVER EVER had a coldsore in his life!!!
When he was going home I airkissed him ha ha.. I'm not catching his herpes lmao
Xbox schmex box people. PS3, come ooooon! Call of Duty... I'm surprised i havent lost my OH to that one yet either. I'm a gamer myself but i'm pretty useless at FPS. So it can go both ways to be honest. He can lose me to certain games too sometimes. I spent months last year replaying Final Fantasy 7 (best game evaaaa).

LOL Carly... love that you were thinking fish! A snapper here is a child. Its slang.
Colm Meaney is the guy with the curly hair yes, he used to be in Star Trek if anyone remembers that (am I showing my nerdiness here?).
I love those Irish movies. The Snapper, The Commitments and The Van! Go watch peoples.

WW wise... I'm trying to be somewhat good today. Sneaky WI showed a lb loss and hoping it sticks till saturday to leave me at 11st before I go on hols!
Fecking cold sores Frances!!! ARGH! Hope you dont catch off him now. Annoying bloody things. Mine are almost gone now thank feck :p
Oh I defo won't be going near him til its gone.. Ya can't even see his as its in the corner of his mouth.. If I catch it it'll take over my face!!!!! And I have an important date coming up.. can't be having coldsores :D

Ew ew ew ew ew... One of the girls in the office was in making her porridge when she found a SLUG in our FRIDGE!!!! GROSSSSSS!!!
I've thrown out anything I had in there which means now I have no lunch!! Talk about throwing me into the wild.. Tryna be good and that happens!!! Am thinking I can go home but doesn't give me much time to eat so its grab n run.. Which means something bold!! Or I can go to Liffey Valley.. Which also means bold.. coz its all Fast Food.. Grrr... Wish i had beans or spaghetti or something in the press inside.. I have brown bread so I can have toast with........ Mayb i'll just go to the shop and get something..
Hmm any microwave at work hon? Gran a tin from shoo for beans on toast perhaps? Or a healthy sandwich from the deli - salad, chicken, no mayo or butter etc. Or if its fast food go for chicken like nuggets or something? They arent too bad. I hate being left in the lurch for lunch too! I have my pittas here ready to slap on some puree and low low cheese - bang in microwave for a minute and I've got meself a "pizza" lol ;) xx
P.S GROOOOOSSSSS!!! A fecking SLUG!! Ewwwww...
Hmm any microwave at work hon? Gran a tin from shoo for beans on toast perhaps? Or a healthy sandwich from the deli - salad, chicken, no mayo or butter etc. Or if its fast food go for chicken like nuggets or something? They arent too bad. I hate being left in the lurch for lunch too! I have my pittas here ready to slap on some puree and low low cheese - bang in microwave for a minute and I've got meself a "pizza" lol ;) xx
Yea we have a microwave..
Was having a whopper sandwich for lunch seen as i'm going to my cousins from work so wont be eating til late too.. So that's gone right out the window!!
Do you know.. In all my years of doing WW I have never thought of having a pitta pizza for lunch.. That would be feckin awesome!! SO stealing that idea!!!
P.S GROOOOOSSSSS!!! A fecking SLUG!! Ewwwww...
What's even more gross is that me and ONE other person are the only ones that have thrown out our food from in there!!!
I have a packet of ham which I opened yesterday so that's clearly gone in the bin. A packet on easi-singles cheese unopened, a box of laughing cow cheese n another laughing cow type cheese.. ALL gone in the bin! And then a lunch box of salad stuff, onion, lettuce, tomato, coleslow etc.. All gone in the bin and the box is steeping in boiling water til I get home when I'll dettol it and wash it..
The others have apples, opened packets of cheese n lunch meats n then unwrapped veg like peppers, onions, lettuce etc.. And they'v not thrown them out.. :eek::eek::eek:
Francis now calm yourself, were do you think lettuce comes from...and then were do slugs like to play, wash it and move on..hehe..but seriously I'd have thrown out anything loose, but probably kept what ever was in closed box or wrapping :)

Must go now tidy house from top to bottom before weekend away, also I've lost the run of myself and had a taco chip for lunch, gross it was, very greasy, but I still ate it hehe...

Have a nice day all xxxx
Francis now calm yourself, were do you think lettuce comes from...and then were do slugs like to play, wash it and move on..hehe..but seriously I'd have thrown out anything loose, but probably kept what ever was in closed box or wrapping :)

Must go now tidy house from top to bottom before weekend away, also I've lost the run of myself and had a taco chip for lunch, gross it was, very greasy, but I still ate it hehe...

Have a nice day all xxxx
I know but I dont see them there so I live in my bubble with nice happy CLEAN slug free lettuce..
LOVE taco chips.. Yum yum.. :eek:) I want that for lunch