ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

My thread is gone mad with cling film talk. Fraaaaances... LOL!!

Today did not go to plan as I stayed with OH until half 11 tonight and only got home and hadn't eaten. I had a rustlers burger and some hot choc. Didn't go much over weeklies... Pity bout the junky food but hopefully tomorrow will be better!

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Tuesday 10th January

Milk -1pp

Banana -0pp
Coffee -0pp

Ham sambo with low low cheese -6pp
Low fat chicken cup-a-soup -1pp

2 WW choc digestives -3pp
Ritz dunker -3pp

Rustlers burger -14pp (ooops)
Hot choc -5pp

That's 33/29 so 4 weeklies used today. That makes up for the 4 I missed yesterday I guess LOL!
13/49 weeklies used so far.

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Diary looking good as always... U lot crack me up... Cling film and Taties haha

Wish I liked em... Can eat them but only really like of skin is crispy x
Thanks Carly! Umm.. I dont eat the skin? Should I be eating the skin lol? I just eat the tasty innards! Maybe I'll make a bake-o potato tonight seeing as last night didnt exactly come to fruition!
Dubchick81 said:
LMAO Claire.. Ur nuts... x

OK.. So get a small size tubberwear dish or mixing bowl.. approx 2 inches deep, around the size in width.. Tear a sheet of clingfilm maybe 10 r 12 inches long n lay it over the bowl/dish with a little dip in the centre of the bowl.. Crack the egg in the dip.. Salt n pepper it.. Then bring up the top right corner to meet the bottom left corner. Then the bottom right corner to meet the top left corner.. Twist.. So its all gathered at the top and no water will get it..
Bring a pot of water to the boil and drop the clingfilm wrapped egg into it.. Leave it boiling for a couple of mins.. and voila.. perfect poached egg :D :D :D

Im sooo doing this .. And your promoting good ole clingfilm too haha xxxxx
Ha ha.. I'm on commision for Cling Film and Claire on it for Slow Cookers.. lol

I'm having a baked potato tonight with my slo cooker chilli con carne.. Am so excited for my dinner.. Can I skip brekkie n lunch n just have my dinner now??!! hee hee..

Sarah I eat the skin.. I SCRUB the potato before cooking it and it has to be a potato that has no 'dints' in it so dirt can't be hidden (OCD lol) And am gona bung it in the oven for a bit after I've clingfilm microwaved it ha ha ha ha
I just cant imagine the skin being very nice at all... ugh...
The skin is the tastiest bit:) Especially when it's been crisped in a red hot oven.


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The SKIN is the tastiest bit? Are ye codding me lol?
Yeah its full of fibre so I _should_ eat it. I'll try it tonight if I end up making one :)

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Aye I'm aul fashioned lol ;)

I just ate some burger bites, mm mm! X

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Tin foil is the way forward :) lol

If u don't eat skin its just boild tatie/mash! Lol u nutter... That's why I only like em crispy! Try the skin :D x
Nah its a different texture to a boiled potato! Yum. I never ever eat the skin lol... I feel like a weirdo now :p

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Dubchick81 said:
LMAO Claire.. Ur nuts... x

OK.. So get a small size tubberwear dish or mixing bowl.. approx 2 inches deep, around the size in width.. Tear a sheet of clingfilm maybe 10 r 12 inches long n lay it over the bowl/dish with a little dip in the centre of the bowl.. Crack the egg in the dip.. Salt n pepper it.. Then bring up the top right corner to meet the bottom left corner. Then the bottom right corner to meet the top left corner.. Twist.. So its all gathered at the top and no water will get it..
Bring a pot of water to the boil and drop the clingfilm wrapped egg into it.. Leave it boiling for a couple of mins.. and voila.. perfect poached egg :D :D :D

I must try this francis! Sounds ingenius!