ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

Pleased u talked to him poppet. I agree with all the girls said :) good luck with the boss - that's next. Perhaps do it in writing?

Good luck for WI xx
Mrsm79 said:
Aw your chinchilla sounds lovely bless.

Believe me I'd rather have your motivation to go running, and save money but I just wouldn't do it Ill always find an excuse not to go like unloading the dishwasher or watching corrie, yet knowing I've paid for the gym ensures I go. I love swimming to I normally do an hour in the gym then 30-40 minutes swimming. I get a corporate membership so I don't pay monthly that includes a car park pass which will save me about £80.00 a year coz my son has swimming lessons at the sports centre and his lessons cost a fortune and so does the parking.

I also found out my son doesn't have dyslexia today which is great news that's been looming over my head for the past 18 months. I feel awfully relieved about that I couldn't face the thought of him struggling later in life.

Pop a picture on of your dress if your sis will let you


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You know what... I've no idea where I got the motivation to go out and run when I'm normally so lazy and shy!? Must be something in the air... I'm just determined to run 5k now. Its like I've said it to a few people so they know I'm doing it so I can't just give in lol! I used to love the gym though. Cross trainer was my fav... Great workout! You have to pay for parking at your gym?? I don't know anywhere here where you pay for the parking? Maybe in Dublin or somewhere though. I can't even swim but its great exercise I hear :D

Great news about your son too. We thought my bro was dyslexic years ago but he's not, he just can't be bothered... Unreal!

I will if she doesn't mind yeah... Probs wont even find anything lol! ;)

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CarlyLanky140 said:
Pleased u talked to him poppet. I agree with all the girls said :) good luck with the boss - that's next. Perhaps do it in writing?

Good luck for WI xx

In writing? Yeah... I dunno how to do these things. Think I'll need to do a bit of googling!

Thanks, I'm dreading it though :p x

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Half off. Feckin hell like? My losses are absolute sh!te these days. I don't even feel bloated this morning, been to loo and everything - half a lb? Why am I bothering with all this exercise and trying not to eat the things I want if the result is so LAME? At this rate I'll never get to goal. Thinking of giving up WW altogether now honestly. It isn't doing anything for me anymore.

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Half is still a good loss darling. How many weeklies did u eat? How many AP did u earn? How much water did u drink? X
I used all my weeklies because when I didn't week before last I only lost quarter of a pound. I earned 12AP - its hard to earn much AP now. I was out running 4 times this week though. I drunk tea/coffee/squash, nothing was any worse than any other week. I lost a whole half this month cuz before that I lost a pound and then put it on. Getting really fed up now, the losses just aren't good enough anymore.
Could u try SF? Or maybe have a blow out today and then see if that kick starts... Or eat AP? Or cut bk by 10 pp? Or do something else different? X
And double check ur pointing? Especially of multiples and weights? X
I weigh everything and always careful of multiples so its not that. I honestly don't know what to do. Thinking I'm gonna have to drop to 26pp. But I'm also thinking that's just setting me up for failure cuz I find it hard on 29 even. SF is an ok idea but there's very limited food free on it. Lying in bed and can't will myself to get up to do my c25k now :(
Sarah don't be disheartened you are still loosing. I found there was loads of free foods on sf and it makes you eat less crap and use your weeklies more sparingly. You could always cut back on the running by half maybe see if that makes a difference?

Please don't give up, you and us would all be sad and miss you terribly:(


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Sarah don't give up because if you did and ate all the rubbishy food you want to you'd gain ever week and that 44lb you lost would be back on before you know it. You are getting so close to goal now its gonna get harder. I'm thinking maybe you should try a week of upping your pp's to 30, don't decrease, you are exercising and running in particular burns alot of cals, so I'm thinking you aren't eating enough.
I'm afraid to up it in case I gain!! But decreasing it... I dunno if I could stick to it if you know what I mean? I might pack it in and gain all the weight back. Maybe I should try SF this week, I don't know?
I'm going running to vent my anger and my own body lol, the proof I ain't giving up:

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    2012-01-28 09.38.32-1.jpg
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Ur figure is absolutely gorgeous! Wow!!!! Si slim! That's what I hope to look like! Amazingly flat tummy!! Wow!!

Maybe go down to 28 and then 27 next week and 26 the week after and still eat weeklies x
DO NOT PACK IT IN!! You are looking great and if your out jogging obviously you are feeling quite healthy. Why don't you try maintaining this week on the 33pp and weeklies for a wee break and then think about it again on Saturday xx
Right missy no more of you saying you don't like your figure! You have an awesome figure, I see no belly at all!! :)

Don't give up, you are so near goal, you will get there..slow and steady wins the race!

Sarah, seriously mate if I had your figure I'd be really happy!!!!:)

Give sf a go, look at Claire's diary, ask her for advice on it, I'll send you through a list of free foods too if you want and Francis and Laura too at least that way it may fill you up so you don't want to snack on rubbish and you can use your weeklies for treats.


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Ah now girls, I'm still overweight! I do have a tummy, I just try to disguise it ;) and ya can't see me arse in that pic HAHA!
I might try SF and then on days I'm not doing it try eating 32/33pp. But of everything.
Can't stop coughing after my run LOL but I did it. Week 6 complete x

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azwethinkweiz said:
Ah now girls, I'm still overweight! I do have a tummy, I just try to disguise it ;) and ya can't see me arse in that pic HAHA!
I might try SF and then on days I'm not doing it try eating 32/33pp. But of everything.
Can't stop coughing after my run LOL but I did it. Week 6 complete x

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Well done on the run :) I disguise my tummy too, my big Bridget jones pants are coming out tonight ha!! Your plan sounds good! Everyone seems to be getting fab losses on simply filling xx
Hahaha I have those tights that go up to your armpits and hold ya in LOL!
I have no idea what I'd eat for dinner on SF that's the only thing. I usually have noodles or rice but can't have those. Hmm... X

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