ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

Hi darlin
I wanted to post u last night but battery died!
Hope u feelin ok today hun, so sorry u been upset n alone n ur oh been unsupportive wen u needed him at the scan x
Well done on ur loss honey x congratz x
Sending u big hugs n hope the pills kick in soon xxxxx
Thanks hon. Bit cheesed off with my OH at the moment to be honest! Spent my morning cleaning out my chinchillas cage, what a fun weekend eh lol?!

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Ur OH makes me cross! He can't just be really nice one day then be useless again... Grrrr! Hugs! 18 weeklies isn't bad hun! When I'm bingeing it would be family sized bars lol! Xx
CarlyLanky140 said:
Ur OH makes me cross! He can't just be really nice one day then be useless again... Grrrr! Hugs! 18 weeklies isn't bad hun! When I'm bingeing it would be family sized bars lol! Xx

Haven't heard a thing from him today yet either. Really annoyed with him, he only seems to care when he had nothing better to do if you know what I mean. Kinda ruined my weekend.
I know hon, I had to try really hard not to binge even more. Struggling today too :( xx

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U can do it... My number is on fb if u want to text :) he sucks!!! Grrr... May need to get my spork out again lol x
azwethinkweiz said:
Thanks hon. Bit cheesed off with my OH at the moment to be honest! Spent my morning cleaning out my chinchillas cage, what a fun weekend eh lol?!

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Aw bless u x aw chinchillas wot an ace pet! Love them x :)
Ur OH ears must be burning x he v norty indeed!!! X
Hiya Sarah,

Just back now from my weekend away and was reading here to catch up.

Well done on the loss, that is brilliant, you must feel really proud!!

I'm really sorry that you have been feeling terrible otherwise. I hope that everything works out better for you. You are too nice for all this. Also that boyfriend of yours is not helping. Sometimes boys can be very selfish, don't really think and are generally as daft as a brush! xxxx(((((hugs))))), chat tomorrow xx
Wishbird007 said:
Aw bless u x aw chinchillas wot an ace pet! Love them x :)
Ur OH ears must be burning x he v norty indeed!!! X

Chinchillas are ace but mine's become slightly withdrawn after I ran out of apple snacks for him. He looks in his bowl for them every day lol! His ears might be burning yes but he deserves it right now lol. X

MrsLmc said:
Hiya Sarah,

Just back now from my weekend away and was reading here to catch up.

Well done on the loss, that is brilliant, you must feel really proud!!

I'm really sorry that you have been feeling terrible otherwise. I hope that everything works out better for you. You are too nice for all this. Also that boyfriend of yours is not helping. Sometimes boys can be very selfish, don't really think and are generally as daft as a brush! xxxx(((((hugs))))), chat tomorrow xx

I wish I did feel brilliant but been comfort eating all weekend because of pain and because of being grumpy about OH. Hope I can pull it back by next saturday :(

He is being selfish yes... I dunno why he bothers to promise these things (I'm not forcing him to do them, he says he "wants to") but then never follows through. Irritating as hell.
Thanks for posting, we missed you around here... hope you had a lovely weekend :D xx

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Dubchick81 said:
Just checkin' in to say Hi! n send hugs.. Hope ur feeling a little more cheery today xxxx

:D love love <3 x

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Howz pain today babes?
I got pain today x
Not great today hon, luckily have the day off work. Totm came this morning too so seems to double the pain. Been snacky all weekend. :( x

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Not great today hon, luckily have the day off work. Totm came this morning too so seems to double the pain. Been snacky all weekend. :( x

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Ahh.. TOTM explains the snacking.. (on top of the stress of the tests) So its all good.. Best time for yer snacking is first couple of days after WI.. Ya'll be sorted by Saturday :)
Doing anything nice with ur day off? x
azwethinkweiz said:
Not great today hon, luckily have the day off work. Totm came this morning too so seems to double the pain. Been snacky all weekend. :( x

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Dreaded totm it's a bind Hun for u n Frances at mo! Grr x
Glad u get day off have a well earned rest!
When dya get ur scan results babs?
Yeah I hope I can pull it back by saturday. I seem to go out of control around totm... What is wrong with me lol!? Is anyone else like this??
Ah I left my dad out to navan hospital this morning and left my brother to school and waiting to see when my dad needs me to collect him again. Not really doing anything today. I feel as big as a house, bloat-city!! What rotten day, is it raining in dublin aswell hon? Xx

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Wishbird007 said:
Dreaded totm it's a bind Hun for u n Frances at mo! Grr x
Glad u get day off have a well earned rest!
When dya get ur scan results babs?

Yeah. We talk so much that our totm is in sync now :p x
Yeah day off to bring my pops to the hospital but relaxing on the sofa watching monk at the moment lol.
I think sometime this week the doc is gonna give me a call? I'm not sure how long it takes, do you know? X

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Yeah I hope I can pull it back by saturday. I seem to go out of control around totm... What is wrong with me lol!? Is anyone else like this??
Ah I left my dad out to navan hospital this morning and left my brother to school and waiting to see when my dad needs me to collect him again. Not really doing anything today. I feel as big as a house, bloat-city!! What rotten day, is it raining in dublin aswell hon? Xx

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Aw hope yer Dad is ok n its nothing serious.. Aww.. Yer such a lovely sister droppin yer bro to school.. :)
Its not really raining here (yet) But its bloody windy!! And dark.. Looks like 7 r 8pm out there!! And the sky just looks like 1 big angry cloud..

I think most girls get a bit out of control snacking at TOTM.. Fortunately coz i'm dont have too much of a sweet tooth I don't be too bad.. Sometimes its a diff story tho.. Yesterday munch was due to too much drink (again :D )
azwethinkweiz said:
Yeah. We talk so much that our totm is in sync now :p x
Yeah day off to bring my pops to the hospital but relaxing on the sofa watching monk at the moment lol.
I think sometime this week the doc is gonna give me a call? I'm not sure how long it takes, do you know? X

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Lol bless u x enjoy ur relaxing Hun x

It usually takes 7-10 working days to get back to doc Hun xx

Here's a link for some pain management -
Am thinking of investing x heat pads r ace but work out expensive x
Dubchick81 said:
Aw hope yer Dad is ok n its nothing serious.. Aww.. Yer such a lovely sister droppin yer bro to school.. :)
Its not really raining here (yet) But its bloody windy!! And dark.. Looks like 7 r 8pm out there!! And the sky just looks like 1 big angry cloud..

I think most girls get a bit out of control snacking at TOTM.. Fortunately coz i'm dont have too much of a sweet tooth I don't be too bad.. Sometimes its a diff story tho.. Yesterday munch was due to too much drink (again :D )

Oh he has back problems, he's getting something done that should help with the pain.
It was pitch black dark at half 6-7 this morning... Felt like it was the middle of the night!!

I have SUCH a sweet tooth its unreal... Wish I was like you lol. Need to force myself to stop eating here hahaha! X

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