ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

I just wanted to echo what all the ladies have said - I too know exactly how you feel - I wouldn't classify myself as having depression per se, but I do suffer from severe anxiety and body dysmophia; I have for over a decade. Whilst I am not depressed, my other half is, and I understand it as well as I possibly can without really having it. I have problems in my past that I can't let go, and refuse to think about most of the time (I think if I reflected over them, I would be depressed, but somehow push them to the back of my mind) but when they come to the front of my mind, I am almost suicidal :(

I am very much a boom and bust person - I can operate on a normal scale of functionality (mentally at least, certainly not physically, I have M.E) for the majority of the time, and then that 10% rears its ugly head and I'm just a total mess, screaming, crying, self harming (I did this at the weekend for the first time in a long time) and generally being a total idiot.

I too have great anxiety that people are looking at me - asking myself why they stare - do I have something on my face? Am I so fat they feel repulsed? I've ended up dressing myself in dreary clothes, whereas I always used to be following the trends, and not taking care of myself like hair cuts or make up (I've not had a hair cut for nearly a year!).

Again, whilst I personally haven't experienced depression clinically, I do know how it works. It's hard when you feel like your OH doesn't fully understand your condition (I have that with R and my M.E) - maybe you could write down an open letter that explains a bit about depression, and how it makes you feel? It doesn't have to be a lecturing letter, merely one that just may explain how you feel better than trying to talk about it face to face (which in my experience, for me, never works!).

I hope that has helped a little xxx
Thank you for your post missybct, can't tell you how much it helps to know I'm not the only one who has these thoughts. When I'm thinking "logically" I often think I have quite bad body dysmorphia. But then I think that it can't be that because there really ARE things wrong with my body whereas people with that don't actually have anything wrong with them? Does that make sense?
I wish I could "snap out of it", I really do. I often feel I must come across as very selfish but I don't mean to be. I'm just way too preoccupied with what people think and being judged and feeling worthless in comparison to other women. I will admit it is a terrible affliction and wouldn't wish these types of illnesses on anyone!

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Good idea about the open letter too. Its very hard to me to voice out loud the things I'm thinking or feeling so that might really help :)

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Todays food diary

Milk -3pp
1 tsp sugar -1pp

Nesquik, 30g -3pp

2 WW pitta pizzas - 9pp

Spicy Chicken & noodles -8pp

Twirl, multipack -5pp

That's 29pp exactly. 3rd day in a row where I haven't gone over my dailies so I'm happy with that. Hoping to get my 2lb gain from last week off tomorrow morning at weigh in time... Fingers crossed. ;)

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Mrsm79 said:
Good luck for WI tomorrow babe:)


Thanks lovely, appreciate it x

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Sarah - u aren't alone... I put on 11 stone gradually over 7 years due to depression among other things.... everything that has been said about thoughts of what other people think of you and total lack of confidence... convinced no-one could possibly love you etc... I have and do feel it.... I have had a good few months (not that you would tell from half my posts on here lol) but I was on tablets for 4 years... I blow things out of proportion and this last week the slightest thing has brought on the tears...

But we are all here.... and u will learn to deal with this... and believe in yourself... u are absolutely gorgeous! xx
Good Luck for WI x
You see I will tell you that you're absolutely gorgeous but I bet you won't believe me lol? Because that's how I am too! I have an inability to accept compliments because I believe everyone is just being "polite". Wish I could switch off the negative parts of my brain lol!
I actually lost a lot of weight first time I was diagnosed as depressed. I think I was borderline having an eating disorder but luckily had a sister who spotted the signs (she had an eating disorder before herself) and helped me with that. Then I went the other way and put on weight after leaving college and becoming depressive again (no friends, no fun, just work lol).
I had a very bad week this week. Then again I could have 4 good weeks in a row next!

Thanks for all the comments on this girls, it really does help to know I'm not alone in this sort of thing!

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CarlyLanky140 said:
Good Luck for WI x

Thanks muchly honey :) x

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Hugs :) really hope to meet u one day darling so I can give u a proper hug :D one day we can by like sisterhood of travelling pants and swap our size 10 clothes xxx
Heehee!! That's an awesome thought :D I could really use a Carly stylee hug I'd say :) xx

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Would u be able to come here sometime? Hopefully I will visit Ireland again :) x
Imma steal all the hugs! Lol.

Ok, I weighed in. lost 3lb... So the 2lb gain from last week is gone plus 1 more pound :) 10st 12lb now... so back in the 10s. Of course I'll be back in the 11s again after holidays lol x

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Thank you, I'm chuffed with it even though I'll put it all back on next week heehee x

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Thanks Tracy, it'll be a short lived loss but sure at least I saw that 2lb gone before me hols :) x