Back on UK soil

Glad to hear that you're back safe and sound. Hope you had a great time and we're looking forward to hearing how the trip went.
Hi everyone!

THanks so much for the warm welcome back!! I feel all lurved up! :)

But I am not doing very well at getting anything done! Feeling well into two time zones. Went for a walk this evening and said good morning to man that passed! lol oops.

I will do a proper update in the morning (hopefully) when my head is more clear....but it was a very good trip - on many many levels.

Some highlights though, in no particular husband learned a lot about me that he did not know, or understand...there was some really great communication. I can control my eating in stressful family situations at a level of about 99% of the time...<big thumbs up!> opposed to about 0% in previous years. I learned I can say no to my favourite foods, easily, because I know they are always there for some other time. If I can apply that now in RTM, I can apply that in life.

A really fantastic thing, and I am sorry if this is too much info - but I am beginning to enjoy sex again. :eek::D I will save this topic mostly for my SOC thread, but those that have followed, know that for years, YEARS, I have had no desire for intamcy of any sort - so, yeah, it's pretty nice. And I'll leave it at that. ;)

My mother is immensly proud of me, as is my eldest brother, though that was relayed to me by his girlfriend, not him. lol But mom couldn't stop looking and commenting....she was astounded. No one, including me ever knew I could be this size....we all assumed I had a "big boned" structure (classic excuse), but as it goes I have a small frame - so she was truly amazed. My birth mother, who came for Thanksgiving cried a lot she was so happy. And she kept coming up to me and giving me a cuddle and saying "you're so cuuuuute" heheheh. And my best friend, Jeannie, pictured in my Avatar with me - we had many tearful hugs as she knows all I have been through.....she the ying to my yang, so it was a great emotional thing we shared as well.

I won't know until next Monday how my weight fluctuated. Before I left I consciously allowed myself one or two things on the trip - I won't go into detail as this is not the RTM thread, but I stuck to my plan, and allowed myself a couple of things for the occassion of a holiday, and I had a few nibbles due to impulse....but I did not have my favourite thing, which was available in every petrol station, grocery store, home and something my husband had often. I resisted and didn;t have any - so that was good for me. Overall, I feel I had really good control, and am expecting maybe a 3-5 pound gain, mainly do the eetreme amount of coffees we drank. We were road-tripping caffeine hounds!!

If I come off that well I will be delighted. Two weeks in America, eating in restaurants on the road 9 of the 14 days, A family Thanksgiving Meal which I could only have a few selections of beacuse of RTM allowances, etc.....that would feel a great aceivement to me! Abstaining for a month there last May was much much easier!

ANyway - there is me , erm, brief <cough cough> update. :D

Will try and organise some pics you might like to see....took loads. They just show what a great trip it was.

And travelling with my in-laws, side by side for 14 days was a delight. I recognise my blessings when I see them! :)
hey hunni :)
welcome home.
ur trip sounds fab and glad u had a wonderful time. oh and glad ur getting ur libido back....enjoy it hunni xxx