Bah! A little moan...


Gold Member
I have a rare midweek night free tonight and got all excited, because I thought I could pop to my local pool and have a swim! I haven't been for months and I do love swimming.

But then I realised I've got this stupid cold sore and I can't go swimming. Booooo!

Rant over. Thank you!
Oh No....maybe have a nice long soak in the bath instead, not as energetic as swimming but you can have a nice relaxing and pampering evening, enjoy it. X
Boo hoo. Stupid question but one from a non coldsore sufferer, why can't you go swimming with it? (hangs head in shame at stupidity.....)
Have you tried those cold soar patches by blistex ( i think) i use those when i go swimming as i suffer too, to remove them you have to gently pull them so it wont come off in the pool all that easily :D xx
Boo hoo. Stupid question but one from a non coldsore sufferer, why can't you go swimming with it? (hangs head in shame at stupidity.....)

Joins in hanging head with jaylou....
Why can't you swim?
Cos...(this is grim)...they are highly contagious. Also it heals better if it stays dry, because after a couple of days it gets a kinda scab on it.

I wish I didn't get them. Damn Ashley whatsisname 17yr old tipsy snog telling me that it was a bust lip scab!!!!! Grrrr!

I am quite lucky I suppose that it only errupts once every couple of years. But when it does, I feel proper miserable :(
Haven't tried them Alyce! But I don't get them very often. I will probably just leave it. Might have a jog instead, if it stops flipping raining!
They are awfull, even if they are small - it feels massive!!
Have fun jogging - hope it does stop raining - typical British weather !!! :( xx
Thanks, I didn't realise they could be used in water. Might try to get some on the way home :)
I get coldsores - wait for this - on the bridge of my nose!! They're gross!!

Its only ever happened twice but usually I get 4 or 5 small blisters that then scab over ..... oh the attractiveness of it all!!

A friend of mine who also gets cold sores swears by those compede patch thingies!

J x