Barb's going at it a little differently!

Hi Barb xx
Just saying hello x and totally understandable re: your dad sending a hug your way.:D
Hope you had a good evening out hope to catch up soon xx
We had a very good night out, just what I needed. The 1lb off stayed off but that was it. Which as previously said is just fine.

However, my DH decided that I need a holiday and yesterday we booked one! It is in 4 weeks time and is to a luxury 5* hotel in Madeira. It sounds amazing but has immediately filled me with 'must lose weight fast' thoughts. Really not sure how to play it.

We are flying with Thomson so the chances of the lap belt fitting are slim (no pun intended) to none anyway. I would love to lose say half a stone before we go though, if only to give me half a stone to put on whilst we are there!
Hi Barb x
A holiday! sounds great and just what you need :D :D. Hope you have a good week and will catch up soon:)
Holiday plans sound great! Glad you are doing so well, although I understand some days are better than others. It will get easier!
Thanks Katierose and Minusfour, I know there will be good days and bad, but I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and now there are definitely more good than bad.

So, with just 4 weeks till we go away I feel pretty focused. I wish this whole airplane seat belt wasn't such a big deal for me, but it is. I'm going to try to lose my 1 lb this month but if I am honest i am aiming for more. I am not making any promises or predictions, but I am going to work a little harder on it than usual.
And good luck Barb xx Am sure you will do it.. :D:D.
Hope you have a good week xx
Well haven't been on here for a week. Been in a really strange mood. Feeling anti about everything. Yesterday i had a delivery of some clothes ordered online. Nothing fitted or looked nice and i was in a really bad mood. Today I decided to try them on again and stop being so negative and they looked much better! Some were not what i wanted and will go back but some are lovely.

I keep thinking about the flight in 3 weeks time and worrying about the seat belt. So after much grumpiness have decided that I must make an effort and try and get half a stone off in that time. It could make all the difference, so here I go, trying harder!
Heya Barb!
Attitude is everything! Keep your chin up.
I'm sure you'll do well these 3 weeks, but don't push yourself too hard. Just be sensible, just gently up the exercise and make sure you're eating healthily for the mos part and you'll be fine.
The holiday sounds lovely though!!

How's everything? xx
Hi Emz

I know I could do well if i really put my mind to it but I am struggling tbh. I am very pre-occupied with eating as soon as I decide to limit myself, it's crazy.

I am really excited about the holiday though, it will do me and DH a lot of good to be just us two for a week. He has been so completely fantastic whilst Dad was so ill and then when he died, that i feel he deserves some spoiling too.

Do you ever think wouldn't it be great if weight was just irrelevant? If we could just be happy as we are. If we lived in a society that didn't judge us on how big or small we are? Sometimes I read through the pages on here, look at all the struggling that goes on, the beating up of ourselves that we all do and i find myself thinking what a bloomin' shame.

Hey ho, this is how it is though, so I must crack on with trying to do that damn belt up!
A good day yesterday, feel like I am back in the zone. Not sure why I had slid back attitude wise but I am now feeling much more like it.

Hoping to do as well today!
Heya lovely,
It is a shame that society puts us under so much pressure, but saying that, losing weight has made me feel so much better physically. I dont get the aches and pains I used to, I don't get so out of breath or asthma-y everyday. So yeh, it'd be great if we could just be happy with ourselves no matter what, but there's probably still a limit for that...if that makes sense...gah, too early.

Don't think about i as limiting yourself, it's all about what you're eating, you can eat as much as you want as long as you're making the right choices. You could eat vegtables until you're too full to move or 6 meals a day of healthy food.

Hope that your holiday is all that you hope for, I'm sure it will be lovely to have some relaxation and alone time :)

Anyway, hope that you ahve a good day!
All good points Emz and the thought that I will feel physically better is certainly a major motivator. I suppose I was just feeling sulky at feeling under pressure, but the truth is I would love to be lighter and i am going to be.

I had a good day again yesterday, the wine is always a prob for me as we are very much a couple who routinely enjoy a bottle with dinner. Having said that I don't believe that is the main problem. I think biscuits are. I had slid back onto 'nice' biscuits, and suddenly instead of sticking with my 2-3 tea fingers I was having 2-3 bourbons or custard creams! So no more, I must just stick with what I know works, a tweak here and a tweak there and I will a) get my 12lb's off this year and b) work on getting a bit extra off before the hol. No pressure though, I have proved in the last week that I can't cope with that.
Hi Barb x
Good to see you on here, I soo know what you mean about society and the pressure to be thin, My wake up call was my blood pressure being high and my doctor saying well there s lot s of other weight problem s that can start happening now ! so I am now taking it day by day xx
Thank you for your support as always and just know I'm right behind you too x:)
Thanks Katierose, it's so lovely to have your support. I think the health thing is the main thing now for me and it sounds like it is for you too. When I was younger it was all about how I looked, now I am 52 I feel differently. I just wish I had made a real start on this years ago. Still, I am here now and have found what I think works for me, that is my softly softly approach. I am quite shocked to realise that the minute i started thinking in terms of losing lots for the holiday my whole temperament changed and I was within minutes of just giving up completely. Crazy I know but that is how I felt.

You keep doing what you are doing it is working, just look at that ticker! You must be feeling so much better.
Hi again Barb xx
You have my total support on this weight loss journey and like you I wish Id done this years ago but i didn't so Im trying to just concentrate on the future, I can already see a big difference in that my blood pressure is now normal, my knees dont ache as much so these health things are spurring me on. And of course kind supportive people like yourself :D:D
We can do this xxx
Hey Barb,
Yeh take it slow and steady. The extra pressure is obviously not the way to go. Sure it'd be nice to lose some extra pounds before the holiday, but it's not the end of the world if you dont, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time either way.

Have you tried party rings? They're about 30 cals a biscuit and they're sweeter than plain rich teas. (the little bags are on sale in morrisons at the moment too, and you can usually get them for 60p a packet in home bargains if you have one).

Hope that you have a good week hun x
MMMmm, party rings = yum! Got some, great advice!

Ok, why is it that the minute I decide to seriously get back on track I get a flippin' cold! Grrrr....
Aww! Poor barb! Tea and honey, lots of liquids, maybe make a nice vegetable soup?
Yeh, party rings are genius, if you can stop after one or two...
Just keep yourself doesed up and warm :)

How's everything else going?
Hi Barb x
Hope your feeling a bit better with that cold xx Just to say keep warm and relax this weekend and speak soon xx:D
Hope that you're feeling better lovely. You dosing up and resting plenty?