BeckyT's WW Food Diary

SHUT THE FRONT DOOR that's bloody amazing well done I bet your absolutely buzzing and full of motivation now :) keep it up xoxox

I don't feel so bad about my huge gain last week now.

Yeah I'm full of motivation for sure, I'm just gutted that I'm gonna have a 5 day week this week and then have two nights out the following week x
BeckyT said:
I don't feel so bad about my huge gain last week now.

Yeah I'm full of motivation for sure, I'm just gutted that I'm gonna have a 5 day week this week and then have two nights out the following week x

Don't feel gutted, it's life, we need to make this work around our lifestyle. I'm the worst one for getting hung up on targets and goal dates, but I'm starting now to think sod it, we diet for the enjoyment of letting go on the odd occasion as well as looking great at these events, you're doing great, slow and steady wins the race xxx
Don't feel gutted, it's life, we need to make this work around our lifestyle. I'm the worst one for getting hung up on targets and goal dates, but I'm starting now to think sod it, we diet for the enjoyment of letting go on the odd occasion as well as looking great at these events, you're doing great, slow and steady wins the race xxx

Do you think I should WI on Tuesday night? I can't get to a group on Wednesday or Thursday and I'm worried it might throw me of track if I don't go. I also don't want to wi on Friday as it will probably show a gain after 2 drink fuelled nights!

I'd go on Tuesday Hun and if it's a StS or small loss at least you know it's not a full week x
Well here we go with week 11... where have all the weeks gone?! :crazy:

Still not decided if I am going to get weighed on Tuesday next week or whether I am going to do the long haul and wait until the week after.

My plan is to have as many SF days as possible however next Wednesday and Thursday will defo be pro point days as I will need all the pp's I can get :eek:

SF Food for today...

B: porridge and skimmed milk- FREE, with scan bran (1pp)... doesn't seem right having to use weeklies for something which is full of fibre?!?. Banana

L: Home made soup - FREE, no idea what it is as I just pulled it out of the freezer last night so it will be a surprise :) 2 satsumas, apple

D: Smoked haddock, green beans, carrot and swede mash, cabbage and broccoli - FREE

1/49 weeklies used

4 miles will be walked later with my stinks :chores016:
Don't feel gutted, it's life, we need to make this work around our lifestyle. I'm the worst one for getting hung up on targets and goal dates, but I'm starting now to think sod it, we diet for the enjoyment of letting go on the odd occasion as well as looking great at these events, you're doing great, slow and steady wins the race xxx

I completely agree. I'm just coming round to this way of thinking. I'm not going to spend the rest of my life not eating for things like birthdays, holidays and Christmas so there's no point in worrying that much about them now. I can minimise the damage but ultimately I probably will gain a pound or two over Christmas or around my birthday.

Do you think I should WI on Tuesday night? I can't get to a group on Wednesday or Thursday and I'm worried it might throw me of track if I don't go. I also don't want to wi on Friday as it will probably show a gain after 2 drink fuelled nights!


I'd go Tuesday. I was going to suggest just popping into Boots and using their scales but you'd probably be better using the official WW ones.
Thanks for the advice, I think I will keep thinking about it for the next few days. Even though it will only be 5 days I'd be gutted if I STS, we all know how much our weight can fluctuate during the week and I'm forever telling people not to jump on the scales mid-week as its not a true reflection x
Dont you remember it from Slimming World? It looks a bit like ryvita but tastes like corrugated cardboard! I can't eat if on its own or with cheese on etc however I do like it crushed up in porridge plus it has tones of fibre in it so it helps to keep things moving ;) x
Scan bran is rank. That is all ;)
The scan bran rears its ugly head again!! I am a scan bran virgin!! So tempted to see if a friend on sw has so I can try!!!
The scan bran rears its ugly head again!! I am a scan bran virgin!! So tempted to see if a friend on sw has so I can try!!!

It is an acquired taste but really like it in porridge, gives it more of a bran taste. I must really like the stuff to use my weeklies on it! x
Don't do it shar! I have some chipboard you can sprinkle in porridge that tastes better than scanbran. I don't think I'd like it even with salad cream on!
true! thats it only redeeming feature!