BeckyT's WW Food Diary

I have been chatting a girl that used to be on a team that I looked after, Sammie's team!) and she has just lost 2 Stone on herbalife. She loves it that much that she has become and distributor for them. She looks amazing!

She is coming into one of the offices I work from on Wednesday and I am thinking about giving it a whirl to get me to target for my holiday x
BeckyT said:
I have been chatting a girl that used to be on a team that I looked after, Sammie's team!) and she has just lost 2 Stone on herbalife. She loves it that much that she has become and distributor for them. She looks amazing!

She is coming into one of the offices I work from on Wednesday and I am thinking about giving it a whirl to get me to target for my holiday x

Ooh sounds good, defilately worth a try. When's your holiday, you going anywhere nice? Xox
BeckyT said:
We are going to Lanzarote for two weeks on the 21st March... 15 weeks on Thursday eeeeek! x

Oooh lovely :) I'm so jel!! Yea maybe switching to the herbal diet for a while will boost your weight loss before holiday, not that you dont look great already, as u looked amazing in that dress. But 15 weeks will soon fly by :D. Xox
Oooh lovely :) I'm so jel!! Yea maybe switching to the herbal diet for a while will boost your weight loss before holiday, not that you dont look great already, as u looked amazing in that dress. But 15 weeks will soon fly by :D. Xox

Thanks honey! I saw a pic of me from the side at the crimbo doo and I didn't look fat in my dress :D so if I can just carry on from here I should feel good on holibobs!

There isn't a section for the diet I here... I wonder i could carry on with my diary on here as I would miss all you lovely ladies and of feel lovely x
whats that diet like? i had a thort of sw earlier bit got it out of mind i just need a kick and ill be ok x
HA I thought that earlier sarah!! But then jus gave my head a wobble!! I do love WW and I feel like when I'm on it 100percent and tracking I do so well but carl jus said to me ur obessed this week that u have put on and I am! Coz I am cross I even said to carl after lucas's school tomorrow I'm guna go for a couple of hour walk to maybe try and help!!!
I never wanted that so I need to chill OUT!! Lol
HA I thought that earlier sarah!! But then jus gave my head a wobble!! I do love WW and I feel like when I'm on it 100percent and tracking I do so well but carl jus said to me ur obessed this week that u have put on and I am! Coz I am cross I even said to carl after lucas's school tomorrow I'm guna go for a couple of hour walk to maybe try and help!!!
I never wanted that so I need to chill OUT!! Lol

me 2 the more i think of it the more i eat!! i really wanna get out walking but its icy and snowy here so dont wanna go out in it, my friend runs and i wish i could go but i can harly walk never mind run lol. i thought of classes but they dont fit in with my work stuck

i feel ill iv ate so much crap!! new day tomorrow i hope to claw back some of the gain xx
Oo who becky?
What's this herbal diet then? Xx

Nikki Kime... She's just lost 2 stone, she looks amazing. I had a good chat with her tonight and I'm gonna meet here on Wednesday

It swapping two meals for shakes or bars, healthy snacks and a low carb high protein evening meal. I was worried that I would get hungry as I've tried slimfast but only lasted a few days but she said its nothing like that.

One thing that bothers me is that there isn't a section on here for it so i wouldn't be able to keep a diary unless I carried on with this one?!? x
*sarah-lou* said:
well I just ate 3/4 of a tub of pringles and 6 frosty fancies while reading how well other are doing at losing weight.

I think this may be known as a rage munch!

Love it!!!!!!! X it's so so hard this time of the year!!! So many festive variations on stuff!!! I just want to try it all!!!
Nikki Kime... She's just lost 2 stone, she looks amazing. I had a good chat with her tonight and I'm gonna meet here on Wednesday

It swapping two meals for shakes or bars, healthy snacks and a low carb high protein evening meal. I was worried that I would get hungry as I've tried slimfast but only lasted a few days but she said its nothing like that.

One thing that bothers me is that there isn't a section on here for it so i wouldn't be able to keep a diary unless I carried on with this one?!? x

i tried celebrity slim and the shakes were vile!! i need to put food to my mouth to make my brain know im eating otherwise i go hungry. If you feel like you can do it give it a bash see how you feel. you could keep your diary i dont see why not x
i tried celebrity slim and the shakes were vile!! i need to put food to my mouth to make my brain know im eating otherwise i go hungry. If you feel like you can do it give it a bash see how you feel. you could keep your diary i dont see why not x

I'll have a good chat with her on Wednesday and see.. I will let you know x
Nikki Kime... She's just lost 2 stone, she looks amazing. I had a good chat with her tonight and I'm gonna meet here on Wednesday

It swapping two meals for shakes or bars, healthy snacks and a low carb high protein evening meal. I was worried that I would get hungry as I've tried slimfast but only lasted a few days but she said its nothing like that.

One thing that bothers me is that there isn't a section on here for it so i wouldn't be able to keep a diary unless I carried on with this one?!? x

you can get your diary moved to members/silver/gold section and do any diet on there :)

Glad I could make you smile!

I'v eaten soooo much ****! I'm sure my head will click soon!

Sounds like everyone is having a diet crisis this week. Must be the time of year!
Love it!!!!!!! X it's so so hard this time of the year!!! So many festive variations on stuff!!! I just want to try it all!!!

Ugh I know! started picking up a few £1 xmas bits and they are screaming my name already!
O yeh I have seen nikki put some things up on Facebook about it! I cnt really do owt like that I wouldn't be full and no I wouldn't stick to it I haven't the will power or the money really! U can jus keep updating on here cnt u




O yeh I have seen nikki put some things up on Facebook about it! I cnt really do owt like that I wouldn't be full and no I wouldn't stick to it I haven't the will power or the money really! U can jus keep updating on here cnt u

Yeah I'm going to do if it's ok with the ww ladies. I don't like the idea of going it alone as there isn't a section for it on here :-( x
Wow you look beautiful in the pics you look so slim :). And I love your hair gorgeous. And good luck with your new plan xox