BeckyT's WW Food Diary

Food looks fab glad you had a lovely time! <3
food looks good luv! I'm glad u have had a nice christmas do and a good weekend I to have been terrible :( it seems a few of us have I am dreadin thursday :( I did something silly n got on my crappy scales 9lb on its saying :( so miserble now!!!!!
I think I'll pass on the mince pie cupcakes I love mincepies buts if they dnt taste of them dnt think I will bother!
It might look good but you can add an extra petit pain, packet of squares, twirl, 6 biscuits and 3 roses chocs!

I wish somebody would just give me a mahooosive slap!!! x
slap haha I think once the festive periods is overt we will all be back on track. main thing is you enjoyed it x
Sounds like me too. Just cant seem to get back on plan.
I think we all need a group hug and bang our heads together at the same time! x

sounds like a plan, just wait for me to finish my SIXTH frosty fancy of the day and I'll be right there :eek:
what are we like. I've just wanted food and choc so bad but that could be hormonal x
Even if I start over tomorrow thursday a write off! If u find that person to give u a slap please send them over my way :) I do think its something about this time of year! Every break of tele is showing gawjus festive food and so on dame christmas lol x
well I just ate 3/4 of a tub of pringles and 6 frosty fancies while reading how well other are doing at losing weight.

I think this may be known as a rage munch!
Rage munch haha! Mines jus greedy munch!! Thankfully when all this is gone were pretty skint n won't b doin xmas shoppin until 21st so hopefully they're won't b MUCH temptation...
What's a frosty fancy?xx
Rage munch haha! Mines jus greedy munch!! Thankfully when all this is gone were pretty skint n won't b doin xmas shoppin until 21st so hopefully they're won't b MUCH temptation...
What's a frosty fancy?xx

Like a french fancy but with white icing, I had a tantrum so tim bought me them, then i ate them.
Hmmmm cake is definitely one of my downfalls. Those iced fancies are actually amazing I think they are only 3pp each too mmm you've helped Mr Kipling sales this week now ha ha!! Xox