Being rubbish at the SW 'rules'- e.g. My Mum

That was so funny! My mum does SW too, she kinda gets it right. She's ok on red and green days, but doesn't have a clue on EE (she did it years ago which doesn't help) and I'm 100% sure EE would be so much better for her too....
My mum does SW with me and we have both managed somehow to get to target but at the beginning when we were doing red/green days she would ask me repeatedly "what am I today?" It was just too tempting to come up with some sarcastic comment after the millionth time! I quickly recommended that she stick to EE!
haha! My mum is kind of like that but in a different way! My mums always been quite slim, she works out a lot and eats lot of good food!

She eats a lot of foods that will benefit her skin, hair, nails, joints etc. oposed to low fat food. So this means she cooks with a lot of olive and avacado oil, drinks protein shakes, eats a lot of nuts/avacado/coconut milk...

So heres me trying to lose weight and shes going "I cant beleive in a diet that bans oil" and theres me going " im trying to LOSE WEIGHT, not have shiney hair!!!!) and ive also tried to explain that nothing is banned, id just rather have 2 peices of toast than a tbsp of olive oil!!

She does try sometimes but other times she just disses it n she just doesnt have any idea!! x
That whole conversation really made me smile, thank you :)
LOL awww she sounds so cute hehe :)

Thanks for posting that. So funny!

There's a very nice lady at my meeting who keeps saying she doesn't get EE. The C and members have kindly explained it over and over.

She asked me about it and I said maybe she should re-read her book to remind herself. She looked at me in amazement! Turns out she hadn't read it in the first place, let alone re-reading it! She's been coming along for about a month.
Very funny and totally typical of some mums!! They expect you to know what they are talking about...ermmm yep i'm your daughter and i love you but i simply cannot see through the phoneline lol....
Mine told me she was following the plan and how she'd had a great first day because she didnt have breakfast...had jacket potato for lunch (with butter, cheese and beans.."It won't be bad 'cause it was only a small one!") she then wasn't hungry for tea so 'just' had 2 morrisons cornetos ("they're lower in calories than the real thing!") and 2 glasses of red wine (because "doctors say red wine is good for you!"). Hmmmm...yes Mum, you're doing great lol :eek:)
MancBird- I can't seem to private message you, but need to ask about the dress in your avatar- where is it from? I want it!

I just whacked polka dot prom dress into google images and it came up, might have a site link through there, give it a whirl!

If the dress does exist I will be having one WHEN I can fit into it! :p

I am loving the mum stories, my mum is supportive of me but says she doesn't believe in diets, because you put it all back on again. She says "all i need to do to lose weight is walk to work and back (about 1 mile each way) and i will lose all the weight i need to." but i need to keep reminding her that she doesn't ever walk to work, she drives or gets a lift! Thats like me saying " all i need to do to lose weight is stop eating altogether and run a marathon every day" its never going to happen, either of us!
What a lovely story, which actually brought a tear or two to my eye as it reminds me so much of my late mum. We did SW together years ago although we weren't living together by that time. She used to rail against how unfair it was that I would consistently lose weight and she didn't and she was bigger than me and so should lose it more easily etc... etc... She was always pleased for me though, she was lovely. However, all became clear when she started discussing recipes. My mum was a very good cook and incapable of following a recipe to the letter, she always had to jazz things up a bit. Turned out she had been making a lot of the SW dinners "extra tasty" by adding big dollops of cream and stuff, I'd try telling her off, but she used to just give me a little smile and wrinkle her nose in what she thought was a charming manner! She was a very intelligent woman but quite irrepressible and infuriatingly naughty when it came to being on a diet :rotflmao:
Quality post!!! That cheered me up this morning, poor you though having to try to look things up for your mum...she will get there in the end though I am sure
Oh, and last week she went to a buffet and was unsure if the barbeque coating on the chicken was syn she had a pork pie instead

that actually made me 'LOL'
What a lovely story, which actually brought a tear or two to my eye as it reminds me so much of my late mum. We did SW together years ago although we weren't living together by that time. She used to rail against how unfair it was that I would consistently lose weight and she didn't and she was bigger than me and so should lose it more easily etc... etc... She was always pleased for me though, she was lovely. However, all became clear when she started discussing recipes. My mum was a very good cook and incapable of following a recipe to the letter, she always had to jazz things up a bit. Turned out she had been making a lot of the SW dinners "extra tasty" by adding big dollops of cream and stuff, I'd try telling her off, but she used to just give me a little smile and wrinkle her nose in what she thought was a charming manner! She was a very intelligent woman but quite irrepressible and infuriatingly naughty when it came to being on a diet :rotflmao:

What a lovely way to be remembered (((hugs)))
I just whacked polka dot prom dress into google images and it came up, might have a site link through there, give it a whirl!

If the dress does exist I will be having one WHEN I can fit into it! :p

Found the site but it's no longer for sale- damn!

The website is and it has some LOVELY 50s style stuff- thanks, doll
i love the pork pie comment! that's priceless! brilliant!