Benefits of my contour wrap


Regular Member
I had a contour wrap this weekend and lost 9 1/2 inches. How fab is that!!!

Of course, I had to overcome embarressment of standing in just my pants whilst being measured then wrapped in clay bandages. It only cost £40 and lasts for 30 days. It detoxes but being on this diet and a non-smoker I only shed water not anything minging. For someone who doesn't go to the gym but wants the benefits this was a fab pampering session. I've booked 3 more through Oct/Nov and long to be a toned sized 12.

It was so great and losing 3/4" of hips alone was motivation enough. Bring it on!
Are you allowed caffine after ?
I'm at decaff person.
BUT, odd advice from the lady was to have 2 litres of water, a stiff drink and/or a fag (if required) as it would be like withdrawal symptoms from addiction of headaches/sickness from detox. Seemed like a waste to me but obviously water was natural due to CD.
She also said the bandages could smell of garlic, alcohol, nicotine if it was heavily in your system. Weird, eh?