Big Boys Need Love Too!

morning all. just about as im writing at 11:58 am. im having such a manic morning arrrrgh. im having to keep stopping this and starting lol.

really pleased for you Gem - it does feel good :D however i often feel quite private about it, like i dont want to admit it.

strangely enough i seem to have shrunk quite rapidly. my mum was going crazy with adoration last night saying that apparently she'd dreamed of the day i would be slim so i could enjoy my clothes and not cry about not looking good in them. and i tried on some of my clothes - like the red dress i bought for cyprus. it was tight, now it's loose! actually loose. i can stick half my arm down the side. interesting... anyway im not complaining, im just a bit shocked lol. it must be weight coming off my back.

scales said 13st 3 this morning yay.

wish i could have a bloomin weekend abz, im working again this one. if anyone's going to be at the national wedding show NEC brum let me know lol. x
how are you doing at the mo taz?

abz xx
Not too great, I have got my voice back but the bug seems to be lingering and I feel zapped of all energy. I am going back to the doctors tomorrow and I might have another week off work to get myself back to normal
arrrr i hate bugs that linger. they make you feel poo for ages. (as you are probably aware lol) you poor thing. i prescribe chocolate. :) You're allowed as you're unwell.

i bought some jewellery from oasis today in my lunch break. BAD ELLE for walking into the shops! x
guys ive added to photos to my 'journey' album that i took last night :)
one of my mates is going to the NEC to a wedding fair this weekend. and she's getting married on the same day as me :D

abz xx
Hi there - only me folks. Well, the plot thickens - my boss came up to me today and said "Well Gem, what's the secret then - all that weightloss. Have you been on a diet" :) So I told her I don't do diets, just careful healthy eating and added for good measure "Easy peasy really" :D What a ***** I was :p Now I daren't put it all back on again!!! :eek:

Abz - You work long hours. I hope you enjoy your job x

Elle - You don't look anywhere near 13 stone in your photos. You look VERY trim. x

Taz - You have to look after yourself. Make sure the Doc knows just how you feel and you will get the recovery time - you need it x

Have a nice evening everyone :)
:character00238: Good morning everyone :character00238:

The dawn chorus is getting much later, well that's the way of things isn't it? I heard the first bird at around 6.10 this morning and it must have been 6.30 before any significant sound was happening :whistle: The birds may be heralding the dawn but Mr Sun is very lasy and the light is only just beginning to show.

As I lay in my bed, listening to OH moving around downstairs and not having to get out of bed until I want to, I got to thinking about what a wonder each new day is and here is a whole day stretching in front of me - a blank page to write upon.

I have a whole day ahead of me with no work. I can catch up with a few things I didn't do cos I was away at the weekend so I'll be quite busy today. I'll try to pop in from time to time and see how you are all getting on :)

Are you up and running already Abz :confused: I think I might have beat you to it again but I'm sure you won't be far behind though :p

Well, I think I have made it up fully with the scales. One pesky squatter to evict today and I will be able to record sts tomorrow. After the weekend I had that's nothing short of a miracle! :)

Have a good day everyone :character00238:
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good morning good morning. of course i'm here. three days off in a row after today. woohoo!! i have wedding lists to make and a bathroom to panel. hopefully i can get to b and q tonight. i have all the panelling, just want a bit of beading to go around the top...

well i peed on my little ketostick this morning and it was pink. so yay. saw my cdc last night and had a good chat :) i don't believe in things like ketostix but it's nice to use them for a boost every now and again :)

i have nearly evicted all my squatters. so hopefully in another week they will all be gone. GONE. and i can move my ticker down again, ha.

i have lots of lovely cd things, starting with porridge for brekkie this morning. but it's a little early for me yet so i think i'll start with a coffee. i got a good night's sleep but i'm still shattered. i have some catching up to do i think :)

abz xx
Morning Abz - Glad you're feeling good and all your squatters are being evicted. x

Have I ever told you all about blueberry porridge. The idea is that I stir in a handful of blueberries just at the end of the cooking time to allow the flavour to burst (cooked blueberries have a very different taste to raw). I then put the usual honey and cinnamon on the top and it's YUMMY!!! Just thought I'd share that with you all as I've just had my breckie. x
Morning all, I am off to the docs soon then popping in to work to see my manager. We have got a new manager who I get on well with so hopefully he will be nice to me!
Morning alllll. I've done that with my porridge too Gem, stirred blueberries into it. Yum, lovely jubbly.

I slept quite badly last night, have a very painful neck boohoohooooo. So tonight im going to try and get in bed quite early, as I'll need the sleep for the wedding show. they always tire me out.

Abz you should've come with your mate! What a shame :( x
I shoulda come too Elle cos I'm good with necks - I do massage x

Good luck with the docs Taz x
Now there's an idea! You can all come haha...give Abz some ideas for her wedding and come and see me on the stand :D lol. x
That'd be fun but would you really want the mad cyber crown floating in over the airwaves when you're trying to work? What a culture shock that would be for everyone else!!!
Hahaha, i think t'would be quite amusing.

I may fall asleep at work today, my eyes are heavy. Oops...

well i forgot to have brekkie this morning until just now. am tucking into cd porridge that has been exploded all over the microwave :D oops. ha.

i think she's staying with her parents elle. i don't think she's driving over and back or i'd be there with bells on :)

now if you end up in the one in the merchant adventurer's hall in york i'm going to that one :D

abz xx
unfortunately we only really do the bigger shows. Apart from the asian wedding shows the ones after this one this weekend are National Wedding Show at the Olympia in London from Feb 20th - 22nd 09 and the National Wedding Show NEC Birmingham from March 14th-16th. You should try and come to one of those! There is SO much to see and SO many ideas. At the last one there were these girls who had a company called ice girls or ice maidens or something, and what they do is they sell you little mini icecream cones with a little dollop of icecream on top, the colour of which can match your colour scheme, and you can either have it on the table or they come in their pretty dresses and serve them to people during the drinks reception. Our stand was almost nextdoor so people were coming to talk to us with a mouthful of sample icecream cones! haha. So me and one of the other girls on the stand, Carmel, we went and got some for ourselves haha. ofcourse. x
p.s. LOADS of wedding dresses to try on too, and since you'll definitely have reached target by march that will be fun also ;) But dont bother going to london unless you know it by heart and/or have someone to go and stay with. It's ridiculous the money you have to spend and it's not as good as the NEC either...

...not that I'm trying to push you into coming or anything hahaha.