Big Boys Need Love Too!

Martyn has gone awol at the mo Linsy. We're like a bunch of groupies keeping his diary warm for him while he's away :D x
hey hey all...sorry sorry sorry...I still can't figure out why this thing doesn't tell me anymore when people post. Well it does for about 3 posts and then nothing....which is annoying.

Anyway gang I hope you are all ok. And doing well.

It's freezing here at the moment, but I am sure you are all getting it. I got my crutches today, which is interesting. The spd is kicking in quite a bit...but good news is I have still only gained about 2 st 5 lbs...and this time last PG i was nearly 5 stone I have only gained half so i am super chuffed.

And luckily the doctors have been nice and all things seem good and healthy, so I couldn't ask for more than that. I am going to be getting another scan in 5 weeks and than 2 more every 4 weeks after than...and when I am 36 ( 23 now) they/we will decide if I am going to have a section. personally i would rather have one...but I am not overly certain I am going to get much choice in the matter.
( see baby pics on my profile) flexible little thing he is. He kicks me more than my LU does and more so in the evenings, but love the feel...unless he is giving me a bit of rib action. *LOL*

well I will write more soon. And hope this thing lets me know when you all post.
jenn!! the pics are amazing :D

my best mate just found out she's having a boy too :D we're being taken over!!

abz xx
Jenn - Good to see you are doing well x

Elle - Sorry you're still not feeling too good. Asbestosis is an awful thing and many people in those days had no idea what problems it would cause. Has he got a claim in cos if not he should x
Morning all, it's dark and dank here in Brum.

Ellie, sorry to hear your not well darling. Ho Hum, it's Friday again, how did that happen.
Good point there Gem, there are places specialising in claims relating to asbestos.

Well I didn't sleep too well last night so I have woke up a little tired! I have my new TV arriving some time this morning along with the new furniture for the hallway. We found out yesterday that there is little point in selling at the moment so we might as well make the most of what we got!

I have got quite a busy day so I probably won't be here much today so have a good day everyone!
Good morning everyone :)

I have a busy day too so I will probably be AWOL too.

At the moment I am waiting for my daughter to ring to say when she wants me to go over and what she needs me to do - I think she has plans for my day - or part of it :)

Have a good day everyone x
Mine have their moments Taz but they're lovely x
good morning guys. another couple of squatters gone for me. making me 5.5 down from tuesday morning :D however my scales showed a stone gain and my cdc's showed 8.5 gain even though they are the same scales. she moves hers around though. so i'm hoping hers will show the same loss :)

how is everyone doing this morning. i'm feeling much better so far today :D

abz xx
Morning abz, good new there then, great stuff no wonder your feeling good love.

Taz, kids are fine, especially once they've moved out ;)
woo, abz, nice work!

i'm feeling slightly worse today, which is incredibly annoying. but hey, at least i'm not at work. :p

well, i found an MA that i'm desperate to do. it's down at Bournemouth University which specialises in media degrees. It's a 2 year part time course in Screenwriting, where only 3 weeks out of the 2 years will be based on campus and the fees are affordable, which is rare for MA's! The part time element also means that I can work while doing it. I wont apply this year as i need to build up experience but im going to start trawling the inet looking at things i can do (aside from write), volunteering at a theatre, whatever, I don't mind. I realised when I saw my friends from high school that a lot of them are doing exactly what they wanted to do. One's a teacher, one's an engineer, one works for the BBC in radio, one works as an architect trainee at a big firm in London and one is doing a PhD in tropical diseases, and is posted out to 3rd world countries to help cure people. she herself has had 3 such diseases to date! You may say, blimey, she wanted this? lol. But since high school all she's ever wanted to do is go to 3rd world countries and help people. I figure if they can all do it they why on earth can't i? So, there we have it lol.

That's good news elle, I'm nearly finished for the day here, and I have a date with the Horse and Jockey and a donner a bit later. :)

Have a good weekend everyone.
Hi there

Abz - Good news about squatter eviction and that you're feeling better x :)

Elle - Sorry you're still feeling grotty but the course sounds like fun - and Bournemouth is seaside so that will be nice too. You'll be able to show off your new bikini figure. I hope it works out x :)

Jim - Enjoy your date with the pint pot x :)
elle. the course sounds fab. i was responding to you both seperately and got sidetracked what with being at work and all!! :S i think you'll love it. and we should all follow our dreams. i just have to work out what mine are!!

abz xx
Abz - you mean you're letting work get in the way of minimins!!!