Big Boys Need Love Too!

:cry:Sadly, I think my little adventure has come to an end. I've had a lovely week having all kinds of adventures in my hairy disguise :D but now is the time to slope of home to Gemstone. She has promised me that the February squatters will be gone by today AND THEY HAD BETTER BE!!!

Thank you all for your friendship over the last week and I'll maybe see you again sometime if Gemstone doesn't behave :p
Good morning everyone :)

I am pleased to say that the errant scales have returned home and recorded sts!!!! :D With a bit of effort I can now start making those Christmas squatters feel unwelcome and put an end to their non-stop party with some evictions :)

I'm feeling quite pleased with myself this morning cos I wasn't sure I could pull it off (4lb in 4 days). It does prove that you need to tackle squatters sooner rather than later before they start claiming rights!

I have 2 men with tape measures coming today, 1 in the morning and the other in the afternoon to quote for the flooring. I hope we can come to some sort of decision today and perhaps get a date next week or the week after for fitting :)

Have a fabulous Friday everyone :)
good morning. good news on the sts gem. bet GS is happy :)

howdy howdy everyone. anyone got any exciting plans for the weekend?

abz xx
Morning all, busy day for you then Gem! I am off to the gym later today, apart from that I am just chilling out here (nothing new there!)

GS, it was nice to meet you but I'm sure you will be happier at home
Yes - at least GS has stopped moaning. He (and I) will be MUCH happier when the Christmas squatters are gone too x
good luck with all the measuring gem :D my mum has had people in measuring for carpets and is going to ring to confirm the one she wants today. she hasn't had comfy carpets for years and years. always got that coya coconut matting stuff which looks lovely but is uncomfortable as hell. i hated it. ha. so will be nice to visit her with a comfy floor instead of a scratchy one :D

abz xx
alas i still have christmas squatters too but i'm working on the eviction pattern. still over half a stone to go though :( mind you, mine are christmas and birthday squatters really. shame on me...

abz xx
My problem is that I combine Christmas and New Year with a 2 week holiday, then I had TWO birthdays, a birth to celebrate AND the February holiday. OH has a birthday on Monday so I suppose we'll have to celebrate that too!!!! It's his bus pass birthday and he's looking forward to applying for that one x
Oh yes, I love my bus pass, Most weekends I'm all over the place with it. A few weeks back Henry (my mate) and I caught the Tram to Wolverhampton just to try it out. It was great, we had a couple of pints of Guiness there by the Tram terminal and then came back. LOL
I wanna bus pass too but I gotta wait another 3 years x
Yes, Colleen is dead jealous, she has to wait 7 years. LOL :D
I will be too Jim - you can go a long way on a bus pass x
I do :D

It's great for going into town, saves all that hassle with parking. I like that it's good for Bus, Train or tram as well.
Ours don't work on the train - just the bus but for £16 he can get a OAP Railcard that gives him a third off. I've just printed him off a bus pass application form
Ah.... that's different to what it says on t'internet. It says £16 - your info is probably more up to date x
Good morning everyone :)

It looks like I'm without a car today so it's a good job I did some shopping yesterday. OH dropped the bombshell last night that he would like to use the car to go up to Brum today for a meeting. He's a member of a motor club and has 4 classic cars, one of which he uses on a daily basis but that one is a little sick (and very uncomfortable).

The main vehicle is a Peugeot 406 and I use it most of the time so I kinda rely on it being there and don't plan usage. I will have to make sure that everything I need to do is in walking distance - that shouldn't be a problem.

Have a good day everyone :)
Oh no! It's a pain being without a car isn't it! We are off to Wales today to see my big sis and gorgeous nephews. It's a 3 hour trip each way so we have a long day ahead. The 3 year old told me on the phone that he wants me to play football with him but I don't do football so I think Mr Taz will do nicely for that.