Big Boys Need Love Too!

Hello Gemstone's scales! So where have you been while you've been away? have you been on holiday anywhere nice? anywhere warm and sunny? had any adventures? made any new friends? :)

Gemstone is doing very well, and she misses you and is sorry, so I think you should come back tomorrow... kiss and make up :)
Morning everyone :) Ohhh i just realised that it is nearly afternoon, the day is flying by! brilliant, it'll soon be the weekend :D

We are going to a fancy dress birthday do at the weekend and we have to dress as something beginning with 'T' ! it's taken a lot of thinking about! but I'm going to go as Toilet Duck (my surname is Duck) I'll wear yellow and get some rubber gloves and a bill and wrap toilet paper around me, hehe. And my boyf is going as Time... a bit more abstract! think we're just gonna cut lots of clock shapes out and sow them on an old tshirt... Should be lots of fun anyway, we're going shopping after work tonight to get things for it :D

Sounds like the balls rolling regarding your new floor Gemstone :D I bet it'll look lovely when it's done.
good morning chaps :)

nice to see you all here before me this morning :)

am off to ikea around one. i have managed to successfully point a piece of ikea apple cake, and it just so happens to be the same as the amount of points o have left over from yesterday. woo. ha.

am still going strong on ww and actually find it amazing that i'm on day 4 already... not that i haven't been craving ridiculous amounts of things but i've just gotten on with it. i suppose after going on and off cambridge a few times beginning any diet seems easy. i mean, at least i can eat!! saying that, i kind of miss the certainty of cambridge. there's so many ways to mess up on ww. i have yet to successfully buy a good low fat yoghurt. am just going to have to go with muller lights methinks. i was looking for a cheaper option...

abz xx
Hello Gemstone's scales! So where have you been while you've been away? have you been on holiday anywhere nice? anywhere warm and sunny? had any adventures? made any new friends? :)

Gemstone is doing very well, and she misses you and is sorry, so I think you should come back tomorrow... kiss and make up :)

It's like this Smiley Bon. I have had fun (although I'm not telling what I've been up to) but I'm thinking enough is enough. It was a bit of an adventure but if Gemstone has lost those extra squatters I'll go back to the bathroom and make up with her ;)

I'm glad I've found some new friends on here cos I'm much nicer than Gemstone :p
Oh dear GS - what a digital creep you are - just get your digits back home ready for tomorrows weigh in x

your nuts the load of you, and especially you Mr Scale.
Have you heard the news? Wendy Richards has died.
Yeah I just heard it on the radio. I remember her having breast cancer, but I thought she had the all clear, it's scary that these things can come back...

Aw good bye Pauline with your cardys :(
Yes I got that on my ticker from the BBC, shame she always seemed a nice sort, I liked her in "Are you being served, Sir"
I don't think she was ever given the "all clear". I think she knew it was a matter of time - the question was how long? She had a good career and I think she retired from Enders to spend some time with family - I hope she went peacefully x

your nuts the load of you, and especially you Mr Scale.

Yes Jim, wouldn't you just guess that naughty scale was male..............
Of course, has to be 'cos it always tells the truth. ;)
Hiya Jim, how you doing?
Of course, has to be 'cos it always tells the truth. ;)

Methinks maybe we look at statistics relating to that one to confirm or deny that statement :confused:

Interesting article on guinness - so I can count in 198 calories per pint - OMG I'll need to starve the day after!!!! :eek:
Right, here's the thing - I'm hoping that by tomorrow I'll have no more squatters than it says in my signature. That means sts but still retaining 5 of the Christmas squatters still partying and not evicted. Next week some of those will indeed be evicted - never to return.

Right then Mr Scales, get your digital arse back here in time for the weigh in x