Big Boys Need Love Too!

LOL, I was thinking of the orange forehead abz. :)
well the orange forehead is a thing of the past, but i am about to go in the bath and wash my hair again to get rid of the orange scalp problem. of course being in the bath means that the water is going to go orange so i could end up with an orange body problem... i will do my best to prevent this however...

abz xx
Some of the girls here are funny colours with all that fake tan they use. Makes me laugh.
i was thinking i wouldn't look out of place in some white heels walking around some areas of liverpool :D however it was never that bad.

i don't wear makeup usually. and if i did it tends to be some eyeliner and that's it. my mum is always always trying to get me to wear lipstick and mascara, ha. and i am already having nightmares about wedding makeup!!

abz xx
You only have to wear the make-up you want to wear on your wedding day. If you do decide to have it done professionally make sure you have a couple of sessions beforehand and get it right so that you have no surprises on the day x
ha. no professional is going anywhere near me!! they like putting too much slap on!! ha. although we have realised that between me and my bridesmaids none of us really wear makeup which means my mum will be trying to get me to wear it, ha. i suppose i'll have to shut up and take it. either that or she will :D

abz xx
well i'm thinking my usual eye liner and lip gloss, ha. but am sure i'll be mobbed with at least a little mascara... it's the way the mum works... still. there could be worse things. like foundation!!

abz xx
Hey, the race is on! Taz is about and will probably get here before me ;)

Good morning everyone :):)

Another busy day ahead for Gem - lots of sorting and tidying today and probably for the rest of the week too.

Have a great day everyone :)
good morning all. i have a 3lb gain this morning :( so average of 1lb per week. it needs to be more than that!! aaargh.

so i need to be more strict this week. i've been using my points for too many treats rather than incorporating them into my meals, so that's the plan for this week. still. am gutted :( it is totm so hopefully at least one or two of those are water retention :(

abz xx
i hope so taz. i did have a mystery 7lb gain and then totm showed up, but not enough of it has gone again :( i hope i get a bit loss this next week or i'm going to end up rather disheartened...

abz xx
Morning all. Hope you all have a good day. xx
Morning all! very cold wind here in the Midlands.
Good morning everyone :)

Oooo... am I first on this morning? Well the putting back together of the Stone household is proving a long job as predicted. I hit a hiccup with some plastic boxes and a cheapie tape measure yesterday. I measured up the cupboard and then went to the shop where the assistant handec me a cheapie tape measure to measure the boxes. They were just right - that is until I got them home and they were 1.5" too big for the cupboard and I couldn't shut the door!!! :eek:

We have a new cupboard for shoes with doors that drop down. It came flat-pack from Argos and OH blasted it together with some colourful language as one of the uprights was bowed and made the job very difficult. OH is gonna put a plinth on the bottom and screw it to the wall. I then have the job of varnishing it before loading it up with shoes.

I'm not sure how much I can do today without having the stuff out of the conservatory so I may end up sorting the books after all.

I am so tired at the moment. I fell asleep straight after dinner last night - not good cos it's the wrong time and harder to get to sleep when you go to bed.

Have a good day everyone x :)