Big Boys Need Love Too!

Morning abz, you had a good weekend then love.
i did jim thanks :)

it's always great to see bon. usually it's a couple of times a year but neither of us has been able to get to see the other for around 9 months this time around so it's been great to catch up in person :D
That's good abz, it's nice to meet friends isn't it love.
Seems like good weekend all round then - the nice weather does help though doesn't it?
It did Gem it did indeed. Not nice now though!
Good morning everyone :)

Hey, it looks like I might've beat Taz to it today - that's a first for a while :)

Don't think I'll be on here much today as I've got a really busy day ahead.

Have a great day everyone :)
good morning guys. it's my day off today. i weighed in yesterday and had a .75lbs gain :( but it's gone and taken another .75 with it so i think it's water retention. am still working on that. i'm not losing weight quickly enough!!

spent 40 minutes doing aerobic exercises on the wii fit last night though. my muscles hurt this morning :(

abz xx
Morning all, have a great day. x x
Morning everyone, well done abz, that's a good start.

Yes Gem it's bitterly cold here this morning now, very bright, but with a biting wind.
The wind seems to have dropped around here - no guinness last night!
LOL LOL, well you've sent it here Gem
LOL No Gem, I only have a pint on a Saturday or Sunday Gem, and I limit it to 1 pint these days. 'Twould be way too easy to go back to my old ways.
Good morning everyone :)

Am I the first here again? OH is getting up earlier and earlier and disturbing me at the same time :eek: full rant on Gem's thread so I won't bore you with it here :D

It's supposed to be a sunny morning today and dry for most of the day so I'll look forward to some feel good sun - I think the wind will cool it down though. The forecast for tomorrow isn't so good so I'm gonna try to get out and about a bit today.

Have a lovely day everyone :)
Morning all, yes you are the first again Gem! I have been up for an hour but doing other things

Wet, dull and windy here this morning, not nice at all, especially after last weeks false dawn of hope.
Last week was lovely so we'll treat it as a bonus
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