Big Boys Need Love Too!

i want to go home and to bed. i'm so so so tired. and i'm off caffeine from today. and i only got a couple of hours sleep... aaargh. i'm going to somehow have to stay awake until bed time. no idea how i'm going to do that!!

only an hour to go now i suppose...
What time do you finish today abz?
........"my husband and I" - How very regal!!! x
36 years and I've still not got used to it x
:character00238: Good morning everyone!! x :character00238:
:character00238: Good morning from me too :character00238:
and from me :D

yes, i keep calling him husband. oy, husband. that kind of thing :D just to get used to it you know :p

abz xx
Love it Abz! :D

Bet he doesn't though!! x
When my friends got married 4 years ago we were at a party 2 weeks later and her husband asked someone for a refill for his wife. When she heard him say that a huge smile spread across her face!
I remember the first time I was referred to by Mrs - I looked around to see if my mother-in-law had arrived x